San Diego

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JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 12706 reads

STAFF will review the post and determine the appropriate course of action.

Per Bartles & Jaymes......"Thank you for your support"

MistressM13290 reads

If someone is in touch with Meagan, perhaps they could let her know so she can determine if this is a valid review. He made several unpleasant allegations.


Actually I sort of agree with the review, was pretty much my opinion. He is a little harsh with his verbage of her hair style and looks. She is definately not a 9 in the looks catagory. I can not say about the performance, because maybe somebody had a extraordinary time with her. Mine was just a little above average, but why split hairs. Don't get me wrong either, she was fun to talk to and I had a nice time. Just my opinion and opinions are like as@#oles, every one has one.

Opps, saw the drug use and beer belly comment that is out of line! Would never say that about a provider, and was not what I saw when I met her.

-- Modified on 8/8/2002 4:12:52 PM

MistressM11749 reads

I read such a rude, hateful and slanderous review and it seemed out of sync with her other reviews so I thought it was a false review.

And I think there are better ways for reviewers to express their displeasure with someone's looks and performance. If that review is the sort of thing I should learn to expect in this line of work, then I am definitely in the wrong business because that review would have crushed me had it been mine.


-- Modified on 8/8/2002 4:18:49 PM

I kind of agree with Tommy just because I've recently had a very different experience with a local lady that has received better reviews than the time I had with her.  I rarely write reviews and would never write on just to be vindictive.  I think the YMMV is the biggest factor.

If I look at reviews, I look at the total body of them all.  If I see a lady who gets a one mildly bad review and uses her influence to have it removed, I will take that in to consideration too.  

The bottom line is that everbody does not have the same experience.  I would rather see all the reviews to see where I may fit with a lady then to see staff remove a mildly bad review.

I will admit that my point of view of mild is totally different than a provider's.

GirlPointOfView11560 reads

Absolutely right - I just don't think that review was mildly bad.  Austin's worst review was better than this one.

I totally understand that some guys are not going to find me attractive and some guys think I'm really hot.  

I really wish I knew what was going through this guy's mind when he wrote that review.  If his review was legit, he'll probably write another review with the language a bit cleaned up.  The accusations are probably unfair too.  To speculate that she drinks a lot of beer and does drugs without actually having proof can be left out of the review as well.  

This is a tough one - If he really feels that way about her looks, he has a right to say so (hopefully with some tact) but on the other hand, the coming off like you have a vendetta against her isn't right.

I present this for all of you to think about - most of her reviewers have several reviews to their name.  And all the girls they reviewed are not getting the best marks either.  Yet, Meagan got really good reviews from these same reviewers.  I'd have to take the word of the guys with several reviews over the guy who has never written a review before this one.  Her reviewers seem to be very subjective and don't give every girl they see 8's and 9's.

Several of your reviews have said that your photos are a bit dated on your web site or commented suggesting you're a few pounds more than those photos suggest. How did that make you feel?

I believe those help set the level of expectations for future customers and are actually valuable because no one is in for a huge disappointment. When there's a huge disappointment is when clients get pissed and potentially write mean reviews.

You're a 9 on my scale but I knew that before I saw you because of interpreting the reviews. I'd like to know in advance if a provider has a huge discrepancy between her photos and reality and so many times the reviews don't give out that information.

MistressM8574 reads

No I didn't mind any of the comments in my reviews. If someone wants to say I didn't give a good massage, that I'm a bit chunky, or that I look better/worse/older than my photos, all those things are fine because those things are all opinions and subjective.

But if someone said what they said to Meagan I would have been crushed. The review is gone now, but I assume you read it. It was very rude indeed.


dman12719 reads

I personally think that she is a well above average provider. While SOME of the reviewer's opinions could have a basis in reality, (such as the quality of her breast enhancements) others could not.  She is an attractive, intelligent, physically fit, honest, and in MY EXPERIENCE, an enthusiastic provider.  I beleive that the reviewer didn't hit it off with her, and was trying to counter-balance the 9s that Megan had gotten previously.  The drug & beer belly comments are frankly just not fair to her, nor warranted in any way.  She is slim.  

It is possible to say that a lady was not your cup of tea, nor particularly attractive to your personal sensibilities, without throwing unfair and unsubstantiated personal attacks her way.

I may have been one of the first to review her on TER, but I have to say that the comments in the review were not in line with what I saw when I saw her.

It's been over six months ago, but I definitely don't believe that the drug and beer belly comments were applicable then.  She was, as I stated in my review, attractive, very enthusiastic, and a pleasure to be with.

If a person didn't hit it off well with her, then it would be appropriate to say so.  But the tone of the review sounded more vindictive than anything else, taking away any sense of credibility that it might possibly have.

bigniplover10868 reads

Leave it alone.  Worry about your own reviews, not others.  The review should stand.  We need this info, that is what a review is for. **********************[Edited by Moderator]**************************

-- Modified on 8/8/2002 6:01:49 PM

STAFF will review the post and determine the appropriate course of action.

Per Bartles & Jaymes......"Thank you for your support"

Staff11496 reads

I pulled the review.  It may or may not be acurate (I just don't know) but it was mean.  The user can resubmit without all the nasty comments.

-- Staff

bigniplover10891 reads

Another negative review pulled.  I am now sure that TER is run by the providers, not the members.

Staff9773 reads

It had nothing to do with that Bigniplover.  If you took a chance to read the review before it was removed, you should understand.  The review was simply mean.  

The purpose of the reviews is not to see how hard you can bash someone.  They are an impartial review of services rendered, good or bad.  When they get into petty personal attacks, it not only reflects badly on the provider but all of TER and its membership.  

We are all adult here; don't you think we should all act like adults?

-- Staff

GirlPointOfView13503 reads

I find it hard to believe the review because of a few things:

1.  It the "guy's" first review

2.  No slang is used (I.E. writes out "blowjob with condom" vice CBJ

3.  It doesn't jive with other reviewers.

4.  It clearly is vindictive in nature.  The tone is too rough even for a review of the worst girls out there.

Now, I know this isn't hard evidence, but it sounds false to me.  I personally haven't slept with her so I don't know for sure - just doesn't sound right, though. And as for the comment about "worry about your own reviews" that's out of line too!  You don't have the right to stifle someone's opinions. No rules were broken!  Mistress was clearly not trying to piss anyone off.  She made a speculation.  There's only one reason to get heated about it; you are the vindictive person.

I know that Staff will investigate it and make a good decision.

And if the guy was being honest (in his opinion) then that's his right to say so.  I just know that those comments are very strong words and should be used cautiously.

-- Modified on 8/8/2002 6:44:19 PM

I just don't get you guys? I saw her earlier this year and though she was polite and a reliable provider, I certainly did not think she was nearly as attractive as the reviews would suggest... let alone those great pics.

I admit to thinking her pics were awsome, but I was extremely disappointed when I saw her. Not only that, she talked an awful lot of incoherences, and was all over the place (she was a bit odd to say the least).

Despite all this, I got along with her just fine, and hence would give her a 7 in the performance dept., but certainly anything above a 4-6 in the looks dept. would be generous.

Lastly, how do we know that the review was not written by another woman or someone p-off that she was well below expectations?

I recently had the good fortune of spending some time with Meagan Lee and posted a review. I was unable to read the negetive review because it had been pulled, but it would be difficult for me to believe that it was true. Once again, beauty and performance varies alot between us hobbiest, but I believe that her current reviews, all solid, speak for themselves. She is remains at the top of my list.

I just wanted to clear up my opinion and then I will let it rest.

The way I rate on looks is by what I have seen in the past. I have seen ladies that came off the covers of Playboy and Penthouse and models off the runway, not 10 years ago but are still actively in their business. I find it hard, IN MY OPINION, to give Megan a 9 or 8 for that matter, compared to say ginaofhouston, where clients do not always give her 10's in the looks catagory.

That being said, I would think that a girl that I rate as a 5 or 6 would still not give me the time of day. Although I wish they would. I would also rather a client visit a girl I reviewed with a lower number say "that as@#ole, you are beautiful" than to say  if I gave her a high number "THAT AS@#OLE, friggin' guy led me astray".

In the performance arena. According to the rules of TER, even if the provider curled my toes. I could not give them more than a 7 without extras, which I did not receive from her. Art Jr. said he would have given her a 10 if she did BBBJ? No offense to Art; because it was, in part, his review that I went to see her.

I just think the SD reviewers are getting a little out of hand and on top of that, coming under pressure from providers to give them 9 and 10's. I understand that reviews, when a provider first starts out, can make or break her. But give us a break.

I am glad that Staff and JBird killed the review because of the content and not the ratings.

I have no anomousity against Meagan, to tell the truth we just did not hit it off in the romantic sector. However, I enjoyed here immensly with conversation. We actually hit it off in that area. I will get off the soap box now, before I fall off. lol.
Hope this clears up a little of the bad trend we are heading too, in the San Diego TER.

-- Modified on 8/9/2002 10:39:09 AM

-- Modified on 8/9/2002 2:11:08 PM

-- Modified on 8/9/2002 5:15:10 PM

wonderwoman10829 reads

think about it.... we do not see people the same way and a women with your cock in her mouth loooks a whole lot better than without..hell if she has a smile on her face then bonus, condom (for those who throw caution to the wind or could care less about a providers health then bonus.)....none of you guys are model scouts and if you have know anything about how the male human brain works then you would know that attractiveness to a man IS swayed by the amount of mutual sexual attraction encountered...also the first impression is primally interpreted by actual mathematical numbers that are based on there are the more developed men who are capable of thinking with there frontal lobes and there are those that can only think with there primitive brain...the same brain that all teenage boys think with despite their iq level...this has been proven and I am NOT talking out of my ass here....some men are more emotionally mature then that and some aren't...some are never going to be because they have very high levels of testosterone that has never beeen balanced by higher learning....I.E. the necessary synapses between frontal lobe and primitive brain have never been established...The Point you Ask? it is as simple as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the average man has an I.Q, of 100 points+/- 5 points....alot of hobbyist have iq's higher than that because this is an expensive hobby and in the world it takes brains to make it.there are the many who can't afford it yet pursue it any way...desite the fact that their wife and children could really use the money they waste on this hobby..then there are of course the idiots who get lucky or inherit....we providers know the difference. Get off your high horse some of you and get over it. if you are taking the reviews here so seriously that you think TER is out of line pulling that obnoxious and just plain mysoginistic and unfounded review then you need to get a fucking life.
Meagan you are an awesome women and lets face it if the reviewer  weren't such a jerk you probably would have had a better is what you make it and perception is everything...some have a better ability to perceive than others because they have more brains working for them. if you get off on writing nasty reviews about someone because your expectations were not reached with your encounter then maybe you have a need that is not met by seeing providers....this is not the real world pal it is just a fantasy. find another way to get your needs met and stop looking to providers to do it for you.

-- Modified on 8/13/2002 2:02:11 AM

-- Modified on 8/13/2002 2:06:03 AM

gumby00711657 reads

Well, I have never seen Meagan, and I don't know who that post was directed at, but it sure made me feel like crap. Apparently I need to get a life. That's according to the post. It's really sad to see someone speak their mind like that, yet hide behind an alias. Personally, I think that post borders on flame, even with it's lack of profanity. Just my opinion.

brittledick12134 reads

Wonderwoman has written the most cogent and thoughtful piece I've seen on this board - if you haven't read and digested it thoroughly, it would be well worth your time. Much of what lurks just beneath the surface in this hobby (hint: wacking illusion) is rarely touched upon despite all the frantic rubbing.          An aspect of our joint illusion is that we are more 'honest' or upfront about human nature, wonderwoman's piece is a good mirror if you want to do a bit of LOOking.

wonderwoman12782 reads

It takes away your power to try to ruin me for having something to say. If you took what I said offensively then maybe you are taking this "hobby" and the power that TER gives you to say what ever you want about a provider too seriously. You have the opportunity to say what you will about us in graphic detail yet a generalized statement by me is regarded as Flames (perhaps I should have left out the f-word and I do apologize for that)...if you are feeling hot and bothered over what I said then perhaps you should look in the mirror. It isn't a personal attack on anyone persay just some people are higher on the darwin scale and have made a point to develop themselves emotionally so that the idea of taking the time to write a review like the one posted about Megan would seem a ludicrous waste of time....lets face it some people need to criticize others to make themselves feel better because that is all that they have. What if us providers had a public website where we could talk about you gents the way you speak about us...I was going to include some of the most common things we might say but I won't because it would be pointless...and I can determine what is meaningful and what is not....

gumby00711315 reads

If it's not a personal attack, then I guess it's just a general one against all hobbyists. "..Some people need to criticize others to make themselves feel better..."? And you think I need to look in a mirror.  
   Either way, an alias is nothing more than a mask for a weak minded person to hide behind. Or, a person with low self esteem. I don't know. You knew that your prior statements would hurt people, and that's why you used an alias. A good provider would not need to fear reprisals. I for one think that a review area for hobbyists would be great. Good providers deserve to know about the sandiego2's of the world. But, then again, a guy could always use an alias. LOL. As far as the darwin scale goes, I will do my best not to step on you.

-- Modified on 8/16/2002 11:48:36 AM

Additonal facts make the review valuable that's what.

There's definitely a problem with a lot of reviews that are just done for ego. They don't tell the reader anything that isn't a rehash of the provider's own web site and self promotion.

This is what i meant when I wrote about review inflation. Some guys just don't want to say anything bad about a lady - possibly for fear she won't see him again or perhaps they just don't wish to admit they got physical with someone who is average looking (that's OK - really it is!)

It's one thing to be more factual and another to be mean. When a review goes beyond facts into speculation and wild accusations then it's no longer valid either (and in this case deleted.)

There's a huge spectrum of women and if Janet Reno is "nice" then there's no meaning to the rest of the scale. 9's and 10's should be reserved for true classic beauty contest winner types. It's a given that "she was a '10' in my eyes" but that's usless information in a review.

MeaganLee10981 reads

Ofcourse I did not read the review, I was too busy drinking beer and doing drugs...:)

Thanks a bunch to those of you who defended me after hearing such nasty remarks. Thank you staff for taking down a review I think was written by someone who may have gotten the wrong idea.

Though it sounds like the review was written to be vindictive,  I will give the facts and anyone can come up with their own conclusions.

Yes, I did gain a few pounds after I quit smoking and am now a HUGE 8 pounds more than I was in my pictures. Remember, I am  5'11" and not 5'2". Friends outside this business and clients have both complained my pictures are not half as good as they would be if I didn't disguise myself. These exact  comments were made by several in the last week who don't write reviews and were very happy with our date AND me.  

I don't do drugs and I hate beer.

These are just the facts and I am confidant any intelligent person I am interested in seeing will look  past those of you who need to  "GROW UP!"

Meagan Lee

jim5811575 reads

The action of censoring certain reviews dilutes the overall integrity of any review board.

The fact is - this is a board where opinions are written and shared. It is common knowledge that in the process of collecting reviews, the board certainly and UNKNOWINGLY can be placed in a postion where it posts "fake" and "personally" motivated reviews/comments.

The act of being able to get a review censored/removed should only occur if it facilitates LE activities or if that review promotes physical harm or compromises one's privacy.

All other censorship makes the casual user wonder how much of this is information is actually promotional, fake or false.

MeaganLee11130 reads

I agree with you 100%. I'm sure some of the gentlemen that I've seen are happier with me than others. Everyone has a different experience and I don't deny that some may not find me attractive or their "cup of tea". I never claimed to be perfect and my reviews don't say that either. TER asks you to only give 9's and 10's for appearance if the girl is "your dream come true". Is  it possible the gentleman who gave me a 9 might have felt that very way? Everyone has a different "10". I'm sure I wouldn't come close if the "eye of the beholder" was someone whose most important features were a perfect "cut"  stomach and perky  butt.

I  was under the impression that this board was  here so gentlemen could research the ladies and ultimately have a great time without getting ripped off. San Diego does not have enough girls who take care of their clients as some of us do. I could be wrong, though it seems some of you are pissed off because you feel I am "cheating" because  my bad review was taken off the board. I feel that posting this  review "cheats"  the   gentlemen who decide not to see me because of a  bogus review and would have otherwise had a great time.  

Thanks for listening. I have been wanting to get that off my chest.

Meagan Lee

BTW - I will be out of town through Thursday early evening and will return phone calls and e-mails on Friday.

GirlPointOfView12238 reads

If you read the guidelines for posting reviews, you will find the following.......

"My Review was turned down for not being objective. What does that mean?

If you speculate on something about the provider that we cannot verify, such as she seemed to be high on drugs, was drunk, diseased, or some other supposition, your review will be rejected on that basis. Your review will also be turned down for using foul language. Even if you have been ripped off, please try to keep the tone of your review at a mature, fair level."

The review in question for Meagan Lee was pulled for all of the above....

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