San Diego

Re:OK - I'll listen....
ONEYUMMYBLONDE See my TER Reviews 11490 reads

ok, i'll contact him, thanx!
i'm willing to do whatever i have to in order to clear thi mess up!

a mutual friend of ours referred me to you & said that you might be able to help me out of this H-O-L-E that i inadvertenly dug for myself.
i was referred to this site by him, but i apparently went about my original msg. the wrong way!!
i guess it would've paid to read a few of the others 1st, huh?!?
well, I am certainly paying for it now...
not that i haven't had a slew of responses, but i just HATE being accused of being a cop, ya know???
i am all for a woman being free to explore this avenue of work..i couldn't be further from a cop!!
if you would feel better about it all by seeing a photo of me, or thru- talking w/me then e-mail me directly & we'll set up a time to get together & chat, alright??


-- Modified on 6/28/2002 2:49:15 PM

GirlPointOfView13409 reads

This will be all the advice I give -

Contact the Webmaster at ([email protected])  -  He will most definitely be able to verify any story you may have and if your legit - will help you get started in the biz the right way.

I promise you - if you are not legit, don't bother, because he will find out and this alias of yours will be toast for good -

ok, i'll contact him, thanx!
i'm willing to do whatever i have to in order to clear thi mess up!

DDHunter(o)(o)9666 reads

Just got back from a lousy work trip in the LA area. Just checking in can I help you Yummy ?

DD The Great White Hooter Hunter  (o)(o)

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