San Diego

Re:Method of communication?regular_smile
Candy Kemp 11000 reads

I perfer e-mail.  It's easier and more efficient.  You don't have to wait by the phone or count on someone else being on the other end.  Of course, you are missing certain encounters, but you have to decide what you are missing and if it's worth it or not.

I was just wondering about what other hobbyists prefer to use to contact and set up appointments with providers.

For me, I prefer using email for most of the up front communications, followed up by short phone calls the day of the appointment.  I don't mind calling the provider on the phone instead of email, but I prefer to go through email for the initial introductions, references, etc.  Maybe I'm just too shy to get on the phone to call, I don't know for sure.

I guess I may be missing out on providers that don't do email by sticking mainly to providers who I can communicate with via email.  I also understand if a provider needs to talk to a real voice from an unblocked phone, so that's cool too.  I've got no problems with that.

Just wondered how other hobbyists primarily communicate with providers.


Candy Kemp11001 reads

I perfer e-mail.  It's easier and more efficient.  You don't have to wait by the phone or count on someone else being on the other end.  Of course, you are missing certain encounters, but you have to decide what you are missing and if it's worth it or not.

I prefer emails because then I am virtual.  Otherwise I have to pass out one of 3 cellulars (depending which car I am in), and/or 2-6 different land line numbers depending where I will be in the next few hours.  I am not sure I met a provider that appreciates all that!

I'm with you BK! I have a serious aversion to the phone. Shy? Phobic? Who knows, but it is severe! In addition I travel a lot and never know when the cell will be operative. I may have never started this hobby but found I could arrange a meet with Angel in LV by email. Had to call to give room number, but all else was email.

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