San Diego

relax everyone....
hendu 10 Reviews 2299 reads
1 / 27

Whatever happened to Carly Dahl, probably my alltime favorite?

samsd 57 Reviews 797 reads
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Mine too. Haven't heard from her in over a year.  Her website was still active until recently, but no more. Same with TER and P411. I believe she was pursuing other opportunities.  Hope she returns.

zgjsmhdgk 53 Reviews 678 reads
3 / 27

I believe posts looking for providers who have dropped off TER is prohibited, as they may have left or changed names for personal security or privacy reasons. My apologies if I'm incorrect re this policy.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 558 reads
5 / 27

Except that she had an active profile as if this morning.  

Posted By: cobraa1
I believe posts looking for providers who have dropped off TER is prohibited, as they may have left or changed names for personal security or privacy reasons. My apologies if I'm incorrect re this policy.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 602 reads
6 / 27

and reinvent themselves in another city, usually to escape a problem customer.  A working girl can't just go into court and get a retraining order.  I'm not making any accusations toward the OP, but by way of example, there have been such cases where a stalker would post an ISO on a local board looking for the girl he was stalking, and some unsuspecting member would give her up.  

If she's still providing and you're a customer whose business she still wants, you will hear from her.  I've had this happen a couple of times with girls that went UTR to escape a problem customer.  They contact me out of the blue, explain what's going on, and invite me to continue seeing them.  Otherwise, you should just forget about her.

zgjsmhdgk 53 Reviews 526 reads
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Thanks. Only read OP's post and figured she was gone. My bad.

Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 586 reads
8 / 27

I called the police one time about a client who was threatening me when I first started and I didn't know how to do screening. They were very helpful and they did not judge me or create any problems for me because of the Craigslist ad that I had. They wanted to help me.

With the craigslist killer case, if the ladies would've reported what he was doing they could've possibly stopped him before he killed somebody. He probably stole from and terrorized more than 10 people and I think only two of them called the police and in one of those cases there was a homicide.
People think we are easy targets because we won't call the police? I'm not gonna let anybody think that about me. I will call the police.  I want to encourage any lady who is having problems with the client to call the police and not be afraid to ask for help because of the profession they are in.

-- Modified on 11/17/2016 7:48:24 AM

phi68psi 21 Reviews 498 reads
10 / 27

I'm with Freya on this.  I know one girl who got a civil restraining order against a guy who was threatening to out her to her civilian employer.  Blackmail attempt to get free services.  There are many assholes in this micro world.  She engaged an LV lawyer who was quite helpful.  I gave her lots of props for standing up for herself.  She wasn't about to be pushed around and manipulated by the creep.  He was a well recognized hobbyist from another board.  You just never know.  Girl power.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 502 reads
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powerless to do anything until a guy has already acted out in a criminal manner.  Speculation that he's planning criminal activity is not sufficient without other corroboration.  Sounds like in your case, the police did a little hand-holding to make you feel better.  Hand-holding doesn't really protect you from a rabid customer that is out to do you harm.  

The proper remedy is a court-issued restraining order, but I think most judges are not sympathetic to the plight of working girls that may have a stalker due to their profession.  Once you are breaking the law, you are coming before the court with "unclean hands' and the law will not provide you a remedy in most cases.  

Consequently, since your real remedy is going to the police only AFTER you have been harmed, many girls will choose to just set up shop in another city BEFORE things get to that point, and leave the problems behind.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 464 reads
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where the guy has ALREADY engaged in criminal behavior, which occurred when he gave the blackmail demand.  At that point, police are willing to be involved because a crime has ALREADY occurred.  Its apples and oranges.

GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 435 reads
13 / 27

Posted By: phi68psi
I'm with Freya on this.  I know one girl who got a civil restraining order against a guy who was threatening to out her to her civilian employer.  Blackmail attempt to get free services.  There are many assholes in this micro world.  She engaged an LV lawyer who was quite helpful.  I gave her lots of props for standing up for herself.  She wasn't about to be pushed around and manipulated by the creep.  He was a well recognized hobbyist from another board.  You just never know.  Girl power.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 460 reads
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this is first-year law student stuff.  Pretty basic, but not everyone understands it.  If I can clarify, I will.  No need to get your lace panties in a bunch.  Despite your princess complex, I'm not posting here just to annoy you.   Well, okay, maybe sometimes, but not this time.  

-- Modified on 11/17/2016 3:55:22 PM

mrroberts69 56 Reviews 585 reads
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She joined a convent, took on a vow of chastity, all good...;)

justsauce16 4 Reviews 486 reads
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Posted By: coeur-de-lion
this is first-year law student stuff.  Pretty basic, but not everyone understands it.  If I can clarify, I will.  No need to get your lace panties in a bunch.  Despite your princess complex, I'm not posting here just to annoy you.   Well, okay, maybe sometimes, but not this time.  

-- Modified on 11/17/2016 3:55:22 PM
I, for one, and rather entertained by the CDL/Goldie dichotomy. Mostly because you usually have a point and goldie is out of my pricerange.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 495 reads
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Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 412 reads
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My dad was an FBI agent, my uncle was the chief of police of a major city and I have another uncle who is a parole officer.  I have faith in the police and I have utilized them in my times of need over the years.  Most police officers have gone into the field because they want to protect victims and stop criminals.  I believe that.  Many people seem to have an unrealistic fear of police.

This way of thinking encourages women to be victims.  

These guys who bully providers are cowards who think an escort is easy prey for the reasons you mentioned, CDL.  By involving the police and showing the guys they are not afraid to ask for help, the guys will often easily disappear!  If they don't, then it's time to take the next step.

I have worked hard to build my business.  Would you encourage me to just leave because of a coward's bullying?  That would be bad advice.  the way to stop a bully is to stand up to him.

I'm my case the police simply called the guy and told him to knock it off and he did.  If he hadn't, I would have gotten a restraining order.  The regular police aren't vice, after all.

I believe an escort asking for a restraining order will absolutely receive one if it's appropriate.  Even if they don't do it because they care about doing the right thing, and I think most do, there are protocols in place and they are liable if someone is not protected when they ask for protection.  Escorting is NOT illegal, prostitution is.  Ladies Might be encouraged to go get a license if they are escorting without a license to make it legal, but I doubt they'd even care that much unless it was a custody dispute or something.  I would not hesitate to get a restraining order.

And by the way, p411 feels the same way about this.



-- Modified on 11/18/2016 8:41:56 AM

-- Modified on 11/18/2016 8:49:03 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 462 reads
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That are NOT engaged in illegal activities.  Your suggestion is fine in getting a restraining order if you don't mind having your real name in court records that are completely open to public view, and available to your family members, neighbors and friends merely by them asking. Anyone can also get copies for 50 cents a page in most courts. You may be completely open with everyone you know about how you make your living, but in my experience, the majority of providers would prefer to keep it quiet.  Having LE in your family probably affords you an advantage that is not common to most girls. The proof is in the pudding. MANY more girls merely leave the situation and go UTR than get LE involved in their business, even if they CLAIM, like you, that they are not breaking any laws in their business.

lickthestick 367 reads
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Lesibian...order of the perpetual O......oopO

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 338 reads
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The ones that AREN'T lesbian belong to Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 414 reads
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...The doctrine of "unclean hands" is not applicable to the described situation at all.  Being an escort is not the type of "unclean hands" that would prevent her from obtaining a TRO and subsequent injunction, unless you're claiming that being an escort inherently gives men license to be violent against escorts.  If she had previously threatened the man with violence, THEN she would have "unclean hands."

CDL - your advice is once again colored by your involvement with K-girls.  You say: "...many girls will choose to just set up shop in another city..."  That's easy for K-girls to do when they don't live in a city.  They're staying in an apartment rented by an agency.  American providers can't just pick up and move at the drop of a hat.  They may have homes (or a lease on an apartment), ties to the community such as friends, family, children, a civvie job, etc, etc, etc.

BTW, the "T" in TRO stands for "Temporary."  A  temporary restraining order is good for only 14 days.  It is issued under exigent circumstances where there is an immediate threat.  It is often issued "ex parte," meaning only the party seeking the TRO is present in court.  There has to be a court hearing where both parties have an opportunity to be heard so the court can determine whether a permanent injunction should be issued.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 366 reads
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...restraining order, obtained by a Las Vegas lawyer.  The police were not involved at all.

"You can ask for a civil harassment restraining order if:

1.  A person has abused (or threatened to abuse), sexually assaulted, stalked, or seriously harassed you, AND
2.  You are scared or seriously annoyed or harassed."

Please stop commenting on legal matters and stick to the jokes.  Seriously, dude.

-- Modified on 11/21/2016 12:39:21 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 308 reads
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unclean hands does not have to be from the same incident, or same circumstances, or same parties.  

I know about TRO's.  I use them in my business, but others will benefit from your explanation, which is accurate.  Good researching.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 295 reads
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in the thread.  Its in the wrong place.  My bad.  

Your research is once again correct, but it doesn't address my point that most providers want to stay under the radar.  As soon as you invoke legal proceedings, there will be a public record accessible to anyone.  In the affidavit accompanying the application for the TRO, details must be given that warrant the issuance of any order.  Those details and declaration from the applicant become a permanent part of the court record.  No way to stay under the radar after that.

There is the statutory information, which you have located and posted, but that doesn't explain the practical application and consequences of applying for a restraining order, especially for a working girl who doesn't want anyone to know.  You sometimes forget this is illegal because we are all having such a good time doing it.

GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 243 reads
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ShorelineAmpVIP 261 reads
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Posted By: coeur-de-lion
and reinvent themselves in another city, usually to escape a problem customer.  
At times, yes, but it's just as often to escape a bad rep, either as a ROB or plain crappy service. One notorious SF Bay Area provider had a habit of concocting various and sundry sob stories in order to "borrow" money from unsuspecting sympathetic johns. That's why I would never "loan" a provider money - either it's a gift or a fee for services.

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