San Diego

How much is enough....?
foreveryaction 1 Reviews 12507 reads

Entering the hobby again, (absent for 15 years,) and wanting to get my, uh, feet wet again, I e-mailed a stunning young woman here in North County twice, but so far to no avail. Is a 2-3 day wait, (or more,) commonplace, nowadays? Can a person give TOO much information? I sent a somewhat lengthy communication telling her about myself as well as another with a photogragh... So far no response. I am also beginning to feel like a heel. After posting a message here a couple weeks ago regarding concerns I have for entering the hobby after such a long absence, Suzanne was most gracious, and actually the only lady to respond. I responded, in kind, stating that when I finally did decide to make the plunge, again, I would love to call upon her. But, alas, I have been seduced by a breathtaking siren almost in my back yard...After being gone so long, the idea of seeing someone in familiar settings is very appealing. But again, no response so far.
Time was that a single call to a number found in SWING netted an immediate response from a lady of your choice...My how times have changed...! Anyway, I digress. Any suggestions or insights in this matter would be most appreciated. thank you all in advance.

You are making a big deal out of a little thing. Call the hottie you like, make an appointment, and go for it. No Provider wants your life history they want your money. The more info you give the more you sound like LE!! Relax and have fun.

Won Hung Lo12018 reads

Damn, FEA (there is a consequence). You've been carrying on about this same thing since early last month looking to get info on people and places. Am I missing something here? I just don't understand all this. If I am reading your post correctly, you are not getting return calls or setting up appointments, due to something, and you feel that you are also being delayed (two/three days), is that normal? You also elude to providing TMI about yourself? As I continued to read, you made contact with one of the ladies (as it is understood you were strongly compelled to do), and she responded you, and you decided not to follow-up because of a breath taking siren almost in your back yard (huh? So what's your problem?). Old proverb that many still believe in, which may help you to understand the reactions of others: If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's gotta be Daffy!

Physics Professor,
Here's my advice. Ease back into the hobby and take control of the situation(you're the customer) so no long messages.
See others but most importantly, post sincere reviews of them. Converse with them on these discussion boards.
Then use them as a reference the next time you leave the local goddess a short message.
Economics Professor

MistressM11078 reads

First, try e-mail AND phone. I don't have a business phone, only a pager so it is a lucky guy indeed who gets a callback without calling several times as I just don't have the time to return calls. But I answer my e-mail within hours. Yet other women, even though they have an e-mail posted seem to never answer it. So they prefer phone. So try both.

Secondly, don't send a photo unless she specifically asks for it. The reason being many women will automatically delete e-mails with attachments for fear they are a virus. Also accounts like Yahoo and Hotmail have size limits and most pictures are about the size of 10-15 text e-mails.

Thirdly, and this is only my own personal opinion: be forthcoming with your info but skip the life story as you might lose them halfway through. Some ladies get a tremendous amount of correspondence. Try to strike a happy medium by giving a few sentences of introduction with your name, e-mail and phone, time you would like to be contacted and times you are available.

Good luck!


I sympathize. I used to hurt my own feelings by taking too personally the non-responses of providers.  Another hobbyist advised me to JUST MOVE ON to the next provider and not take anything personally.  He gave me great advice, for now I'm completely free of hurt feelings, and the hobby is liberating and fun, which is what it's supposed to be.  It's common to phone 2 dozen "she picks up" numbers, and only 2 of them actually pick up.  It's common to leave 2 dozen voice mail messages and not receive any return calls.  It's common to set and confirm appointments, and the provider will flake out and never show up, or bait-and-switch the provider, or falsely claim to have cancelled on the Discussion Board. It's common to apply for an appointment by e-mail and never receive a response. No matter how polite you are, these things will happen often--it's a straight fact.  As the helpful hobbyist said, "Just move on."

I want to thank all that reponded to my query. Both the kind and helpful pats on the back as well as the cold slap in the face wake up responses were all well received and greatly appreciated They were two different approaches to the same end...I NEED TO LIGHTEN UP!!! Thank you all.....

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