San Diego

Re:FYI & for what it's worth....
chrissiedahl 12167 reads

Nice slam Gumby! I am not crazier or off the wall than anyone else here.

gumby00712543 reads

.........I chatted with chrissiedahl the other night on Yahoo. I personally am convinced that she is not LE. However, she is ...............different. I know why she came to this site. I have no idea why she hung around. While I won't harp on her, I will just prefer to ignore her. Make your assessment of her behavior. Just remember that we are all grown ups here. Have a nice day.:)

chrissiedahl12168 reads

Nice slam Gumby! I am not crazier or off the wall than anyone else here.

I too have spoken to her via e-mail. Several months ago she told me to take a hike. I did. Then a few days ago she sends me an e-mail telling me to eat her.  I was suprised since I had not heard from her in over 6 weeks. She may not be LE, but she is trouble with a capital T.

TrueGFE10809 reads

Because I just can't see why she could be trouble, regardless of her psychological status, if she has no intentions of meeting with anyone on this board. She has said that she's neither hobbyist or provider--and that she has no interest in making a date with anyone...her interests lie only in conversing on this board, right?

True, it's a bit strange that someone who is neither provider nor hobbyist would want to be here (who knows though--she could be a psychologist studying our behavior; or maybe she is a provider who is denying it due to the fact that she wants to remain very low profile and with a select group of clients...after all, we all must admit that being out in the "open" right now may not be the wisest course of action for those who have a lot to lose.) But regardless of her reasons (which she certainly doesn't have to disclose either in public or private--as it really is none of our business, as curious as we all may be! LOL :) I can't see how her postings could be of any harm to any of us. In fact, I've found some of her past postings rather interesting...

Worst case scenario: let's say she is a once-in-a-lifetime top-of-the-line-looney-toonie Jacqueline-the-ripper-type. If all she wants to do is post, and she's not trying to lure anyone into any perilous circumstances in "real" life away from the board...why does it matter?

Am I completely in the dark? Is she trying to meet people from this board? Is there something I'm missing that should strike fear into my heart? If so, please tell me...because I can understand curiosity about her...but not the warnings about her...

[email protected]

-- Modified on 7/1/2002 4:43:26 PM

GirlPointOfView11339 reads

I sense that people are getting really annoyed about an "outsider" speaking their mind here.  

I guess she's really not hurting anyone, but I thought about it this way;  When I used to browse the Yahoo chat rooms and went  in to a lesbian/bi-girl room, everything was great until a guy showed up and started expressing his opinion.  He just didn't belong, and even though sometimes, they were nice and said nothing to hurt anyone, he was an "outsider" - that is, he didn't belong to the group.

Also, another thing that might get under peoples' skin is the fact that she never just says "Hey, what's up" - it's almost always something against what someone else has said.

People are wondering what she brings to the room thats worth anything.

I really don't have TOO much of a problem with her hanging around.  I just could see where some really do have a problem with it and I understand their hostile feelings about it.

gumby00710116 reads

I'm with you 2 girls. I don't have anything against her. I just don't understand why she is here. I'm not knocking anyone here, just posting an opinion as we are allowed to do on this board. Oh well. I'm done kicking a dead horse. I certainly hope this is not interpeted as flame. ( I probably spelled that wrong).

-- Modified on 7/2/2002 12:39:05 PM

Look folks, let's just let the whole issue go, ok?

She's not LE. Any other opinions that are expressed are just opinions, and you know the saying about opinions!

As long as people continue to post, it just fans the flames and draws resources away from the reason for this board.

I (as well as the other mods) want to have spirited discussions, but this is just staring to consume too much.

I *ask* you all, PLEASE just let it go. If anyone violates the standards on the board (as expressed at the top of the page--i.e. flames, attacks, etc.) SOMEONE (not necessarily myself either) will step in and take action.

"Why can't we all just get along?" LOL (Sorry, I've been wanting to use that quote for some time).

Ok, I'll step off my soapbox now.


IMHO, nobody has any obligation to reveal any of their motivations for being on this board.  As long as they do not violate the board's rules, they should be allowed to participate.

If you don't you know in advance you don't like a person's point of view, then don't read the message and refrain from other contact.  That way you don't have to become offended/anxious/whatever over its content.

As far as saying that anyone is different - that is a tautology.  Everyone is different and unless I was a qualified psychoanalyst, and had interviewed this person perosnally,  I would not make any statements that could be inferred as classifying anyone as being dysfunctional. Exception: any person stating that they plan on causing physical harm to themselves or another person should be brought to the attention of LE (the do have a useful purpose; it is a pity the waste so much time on victemless crimes)

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