San Diego

Re:come on down!
Petite_Beth 11582 reads


You're a gentle wind among the hard rocks of reality.  THANK YOU for your encouragement and love.  

I can arrange to have your pix added to the website HOPEFULLY (fingers crossed) for free.  

Would you like to be listed with a link if I can work it out with the owner?

I love that you love yourself and others too!


[email protected]

Petite_Beth10623 reads

I know the web guys haven't published my new pix yet, so here's a teaser for you.  

Here you go (have to join & log in though)



Teaser 2003


-- Modified on 2/20/2003 5:29:42 PM

Beth, I tried, this is what I got
This group contains adult content.
We're sorry, you have reached an age-restricted area of Yahoo! Groups.
Return to the home page
hone page wasn't yours it was a Yahoo page

You can access and join her page free if you set up a Yahoo account and click on join group after you sign on.

Petite_Beth10609 reads

Hi Flyer,

That's correct.. the address above is my Yahoo Groups Mailing List.

My Personal Page is:


Just click on "Accept" (the other button) and you're in.  Unless of course you have a Yahoo profile that says you're under 18 or 21 or whatever the limit is.

Beth--Do you plan to visit San Diego?

I got thorough to this Yahoo link, but it is a pain.

I heard you were sick, how are you doing?


Petite_Beth10291 reads

Hi Rick,

YES!  I plan on visiting SD soon.  It's best to join my mailing list to stay posted on my travel dates.

You can sign up through my website:

I'm doing well right now - thanks for asking!


You appear to have raised your rates significantly.... and your reviews, though positive, state that you do NOT provide any extras....

Why do you guys put up with these grossly infalted rates? It *AINT* the "market" fellows!

Petite_Beth10210 reads

Hi Ness,

My rate has been $400 for almost 2 years, I haven't raised them in quite some time.  

I am offering monthly promotions (sometimes twice a month) that are 1/2 the cost of my regular rate.  I understand we're all having hard times right now.

If by "extras" you mean anything that is "un-safe" - You are ABSOLUTELY correct.  I won't jeopardize my or your health for any reason what-so-ever.  I care too much!  

I understand your concern and appreciate you want to make others aware of possible "injustices".  It's not like that with me, I'm doing my best to help you as well as me.  If you were on my mailing list you would see my promos for example - right now I'm running a special for mailing list members $200 / hour.  Is that outrageous?  No, in fact it's called "understanding".  

Ness, how about a lil kindness?

Petite_Beth10562 reads


I'm feeling much better today and I wanna let you know.  I get what you're saying, I wish you only the best and hope you are always greeted by warm, caring providers.

Take Care,

FredNietzsche10150 reads

Hey Beth,

The new pix are great!  Glad to hear you feeling better.  Hope you make it down to Diego soon!

Petite_Beth9883 reads

Hey Fred,

I Will.. San Diego is an easy one for me, just a few hours from home.

I'll let my mailing list know soon and thank you for caring about my health - I'm doing just fine.  

There are more pix on their way... just waiting for the web people to get over thier 911 server issues.


SD Droptop driver9881 reads

These are stock photos.  When I lived in vegas they were very popular on one of the agency sites there and even some of the print ads. Be very carefull

The lady has 6 pages of rave reviews.  You'ld know that if you'd done a search.  The pictures are definitely her, as you could have found out by going to her website.  Whatever else she is or isn't, she's no scam artist.  Check things out before you "warn" us about someone.

Agencies are notorious for ripping off attractive photos from wherever they can find them.  All it takes is
1)right click
2)select "Save Image As"

Ness questions whether it's worth $4 for the service she provides.  A valid question which I can't answer from experiecnce, although she's be on my radar for a while now.  I'd suggest reading some of her reviews and deciding for yourself.

Petite_Beth7760 reads

Oh Dionisios,

THANK YOU.  I am very lucky to have people like you sticking up for me.  I just said the same thing in a previous post to  him.

I don't understand why people are so quick to judge??? Oh well.

I have a special running right now that I'd love to offer you - it's a can't miss special - join my mailing list for more info...


She's definitely legit, but the pics may or may not be her... but they are close enough.

I do not question her supposedly nice attitude, but her service is *VERY* generic... *NO* extras....... NONE!!!!

She is attractive, but given her performance limitations, not worth more than $$. If she performed some of the languages without a translator, and with more passion, then maybe $$$. I cannot go over $$$ because she is simply "attractive" but nothing great.... she would *NEVER* be able to work for an agency like Platinum Connections or some of those out of NYC, whose rates are at her level.

You guys should read some of her earlier reviews, they are more realistic. Her later reviews are more positive, and I think it is because she has narrowed down her "type" of customer, who obviously is not very picky.

Petite_Beth8428 reads

Oh Ness,

I'm sorry (if we met) you didn't enjoy yourself.  It's true, not everyone has the same likes / dislikes.  It's clearly obvious you and I (if we met) didn't click.  That's okay ya know.  

My early reviews were because I was NEW and that's normal, nothing to be ashamed of...

Reviews since July 2002 may be not as great and that's do to the fact that I was on chemotherapy.  Try being energetic when you don't feel very well.  It's tough sometimes for all of us.

You may do all the criticizing you'd like, but the truth be told, I have in my career made $1500 an hour with my celebrity clients.  This is the first time I've ever even mentioned it because I am a discrete person.  I say it only to prove myself AGAIN, after years and years of posting here.  

There are so many cynics, understandably, really there's no need.  I don't rip people off or hurt them in anyway.  Aren't those the people you should be posting negative things about?

I am now feeling a little bit defensive and feel as if I'm being treated unfairly by you.  If you don't like me - okay - I ask you please would you mind just being nice?  Life is hard enough as it is...

If you don't want to pay my rates - you don't have to, but those of you who do want to see me - pls join my mailing list for special promos.

Sometimes things people say, when you're already down, just make you feel like crying.  Well Ness - I feel like crying and I hope, if that's what you wanted, you feel good that you got it.

Petite_Beth9319 reads

Sorry, I made a mistake, I thought I was posting on the LA board.  If you search for 360 days - you'll get 3 years of posting from me and others about me.  I have been through hell and back, just like many ladies I know. It's hard to deal with this stuff ya know? - Beth

there is no one worth $4.  you can have candra for 1/2 that or anna for $3

Petite_Beth10528 reads

Hi SD Droptop Driver,

Are you new to the board?  I've been around for years and have been fortunate enough to have nice reviews.  

I can assure you, these are NOT stock photos, they are old - no doubt, but not stock.  Popular - YES - they're great pix and have become my "logo".  YES again - I have been paid to advertise them - what's wrong with that?  Nothing.  

You might find them on Petite Sweets, an agency I used to work for...

As far as Vegas goes - I don't have a clue what you're talking about, if you would be so kind as to refer me to those places you've seen them before, I'd appreciate it.

I used to fight others about using my photos, then I realized, who cares - it's more advertising for me!  Marketing :)

Take Care,

tomsawyer1011305 reads


You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can please me anytime!
I've just put my email on your list - let me know when you're in SD - would love to see for myself, especially since you're willing to provide a special!

Can't wait,


Petite_Beth9328 reads


Thank you so much.  I needed a bit of love right about now.


IamSilky10582 reads

Listen sweetie, don't let this get you down. There's always going to be Jack-asses, that will never offer an apology, no matter how stupid they have made themselves look....Everyone likes something different, that's why they make over 31 flavors of icecream...That's why Providers who pass out during sessions, or continually are no-shows, can still be in demand...Just know that the caliber of client you attract, is the highest. You have a good solid review base and now, the special Hobbyists in San Diego will be aware of you as well...There are no coincidences and this was no mistake, Be well, HUGS, Robyn

Petite_Beth11583 reads


You're a gentle wind among the hard rocks of reality.  THANK YOU for your encouragement and love.  

I can arrange to have your pix added to the website HOPEFULLY (fingers crossed) for free.  

Would you like to be listed with a link if I can work it out with the owner?

I love that you love yourself and others too!


[email protected]

IamSilky10169 reads

I would love it Sweetie and thanks for the offer, but I've have been threatened about my site so much, I'm going to wait until I can get my more explicate pictures off my free site....I've got a new web designer working on it as we speak...I just got another threat today from a provider, to stop posting so much on the boards..ha, so I guess I'm being retired before I'm ready....LOL It's tough enough, when these Guys attack you, but twice as bad when it's another Provider.  I'd love to chat with you some time about your illness, if you wouldn't mind talking about it. My Mom lost her battle with cancer and I believe she was in such denial, she closed herself off from what was available to her...I'm always curious as to what is new and I'd like to hear about what you've learned...Oh, I was going to Personal Message to you but your "Little Yellow envelope" wasn't on your screen name before...Now it is...So You can PM me also...Big Hugs to you, Luv, Robyn

dman11674 reads

FYI, I've admired your photos for a couple of years now, and have always thought you were incredibly hot.  It might just be a good thing if you price yourself out of Ness's budget.  Some guys think that an escort experience is a checklist of specific activities, each having a set market price next to it.

OTOH, I tend to look for a holistic experience, where the lady's enthusiasm and personality and attitude, and especially her ability to interact and work with the client (as opposed to a canned experience that follows a rigid script) have MUCH more to do with whether an experience is poor, adequate, good, or great, then do any specific activities.  Just because a particular poster, (who undoubtedly hasn't seen you if it would have cost him $400) is upset that he's being priced out of the market, it's my understanding that you are quite highly regarded by a cadre of regular customers.  And if you were to make your way to San Diego, I would certainly be one who lined up to make your acquaintance.

I have no problem with rates, and there certainly was NO intentional attack on this provider.... I do not know how it got out of hand like this.

But you guys should require the service at least match the rate charged. If a lady offers a sweet massage, great. If she offers a sweet, but BASIC service... great. A lady's sweet demeanor is definitely nice, and adds to the experience, but should NOT be the only criteria.

Everything counts: 1) the sweetness factor or GFE, 2) the level of service or PSE, 3) and most definitely the looks (let's not get into the stupid argument that everyone's criteria for looks is different, otherwise so many ads would not resemble models from magazine covers.)... and to some extent, 4) the time factor, I hate paying for an hour and ending up with 30-30 minutes or having the girl waste time on periphery items.

But if some of these are not complete, I see no reason why the price should be maxed out.

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