San Diego

Re: Wrong Idea - never!
nolie 10687 reads

The form on your website is far too intrusive - first name, last name, employer, references...don't you think that's kind of excessive. I mean you don't disclose that sort of information about yourself, right? So why do expect your partner in crime to do so. It seems selfish to me that one would request of others what they are unwilling to provide of themselves. Besides, you cannot possibly believe that law enforcement is that stupid - to think that they would be unable to infiltrate this sort of screening process, is just silly!

gumby00714265 reads

Due to recent events, I was just wondering if anyone was having financial problems? The newbie without a VIP membership may be very skepticle as to whom he sees. Also, providers may be more stringent on screening(as they should be).
  With the DOW down again, it would be great to see some specials like kim has advertised a few posts down from this one. Just a thought. Have a nice day.

TrueGFE12091 reads

Is that a larger number of gentlemen seem to be expressing concern that the personal information they submit as part of a screening process is going to end up in a database of some type. Although this is certainly a valid concern (as I wouldn't want my information in anyone's database either) those of us who don't keep databases certainly aren't about to begin implementing such a system now! As, in my opinion--having any type of database or record system could potentially be just as perilous (if not more so) for the ladies as for the gentlemen. Believe me, just in case someone were to get the wrong idea about me and my personal activities—I wouldn’t want to add any fuel to the proverbial fire by having anyone’s information around.

However, it does seem that the so called "crime" that a man whose name was found in an "Escort's" database, if one was even kept, would be hard to prove based soley on the fact that his name was found on her computer.  

We clients should not have any problems as long as we think with the correct head.  It does seem that new ladies will have a little more difficulty getting established with all of that's going on.  I would think that established ladies could even benefit from current circumstances because many guys would be hesitant to try somebody new in town.

nolie10688 reads

The form on your website is far too intrusive - first name, last name, employer, references...don't you think that's kind of excessive. I mean you don't disclose that sort of information about yourself, right? So why do expect your partner in crime to do so. It seems selfish to me that one would request of others what they are unwilling to provide of themselves. Besides, you cannot possibly believe that law enforcement is that stupid - to think that they would be unable to infiltrate this sort of screening process, is just silly!

TrueGFE10333 reads

1) I have no "parter in crime"--as I am involved in no crime or illicit activities!
2) The majority of the gentlemen whom I see are well aware of my employment, have obtained references for me prior to seeing me in one way or another, and many do know my name. (Please don't call me selfish before you know for a fact that I do not provide the same information that I ask for.)
3)Who said the primary purpose of screening was to avoid law enforcement? ((And by the way, though it may be unintentional on your part--your apparent preoccupation with insisting that all of us are involved in crime (even though I, for one, know I am involved in nothing of the sort) and repeatedly feeling the need to  state such in a forum that is monitored by many eyes, is rather odd.)) I screen primarily to avoid weirdos and those that intend to do me harm. Sure, nothing is foolproof--but I figure that, generally speaking, those who want to do bad things to others prefer to go more of an anonymous route...and it would be unlikely for them to have references of those whom they have seen sans incident.

I understand completely that there are those gentlemen who prefer ladies who don't screen...and I respect their decision to see only those ladies. However, I can only do what makes me comfortable--and what I feel helps to keep me safe (yes, I know nothing is foolproof...but I feel that it helps.) But to me, your, idea that `screening is silly--anyone who wants you could get you anyway' could be equated to, "Why bother locking your front door at night--if someone really wants to get in, they will!"

-- Modified on 6/29/2002 9:24:38 AM

Ginger girl11432 reads

yes business is slow.... summer is always slow but even in the cities where summer is the high season for this biz the escorts are repoting a slow down. I do think it may be time to run a least for you regular TER guys with a couple of reviews and those I already know. The stress of meeting new clients that aren't well know from here or the other place is making me blow off alot of appointments I really wish I could take. I will post more on monday about discount to members.

gumby00712228 reads

Good point. I know that I have even started to see providers more than once now. I like variety, so I usually don't repeat. But with LE presence, I'm sticking to the well reviewed. It would be nice if the trusted TER providers would run specials for trusted members. I must admit though, I have never given my screen name to a provider. Oh well. There's always a first time for everything.:)

humbleman14525 reads

One of the providers in the Los Angeles area offered a special to TER members.  You called her using your TER name and then she sent a confirmation to you using the TER personal mail.  At the meeting you gave her the TER mail.  By having your TER handle she could check out your reviews and posts to get comfortable with you.  Using her system she would only have your TER name and not your real name. I am assuming your issue is a provider having both names and the accompanying information.

GirlPointOfView10955 reads

The emails and hits to the website have dropped dramatically -

Back in Feb. it was about 1000 hits a day - now it averages about 100.

Very few emails from anyone new, but one thing Ihave noticed is an extreme increase repeat guys.  Seems like they are going with who they know.

I think if a girl has a good review record, her business will stay the same.....

lauren38dd10250 reads

Business has been just fine for me!!! I would like to thank everyone for another great week. I will be taking next week off for the holiday.  I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July.


I cannot seem to find your ad on any of the sites,reviews or links to your web page.  My email address is [email protected]  Would you please send me the link.  I am interested in adding to your business.

Thank You


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