San Diego

Re: What’s Wrong With Weekends?
Cyclona 2670 reads
1 / 18

I still fail to completely understand why the vast majority of gentlemen seem to prefer (by a huge margin) to visit Monday through Friday. I understand that, for some, weekends are pre-allotted for familial obligations and other activities. But, this shouldn’t be the situation for all, right?

Scottinsandiego 2107 reads
2 / 18

I think weekends are a great time.  But unfortunatly, that is also a day to play catch up and do all the things that get put off during a standard work week. Weekends also tend to be free flowing for guys and to take the time and effort to schedule an appointment when you don't know what you'll be doing the next hour is tough.If you want some more suggestions zap me a note

chrissiedahl 1739 reads
3 / 18

I think weekends are a time for "family" type obligations, married or not. That may be the only time some Dads get their kids. Marketing, banking, picking up the laundry that could take up the rest of the weekend,LOL                  Chrissie

Cyclona 2006 reads
4 / 18

I guess even the guys have some errands to run:)

Netso 1851 reads
5 / 18

It has been my experience that many of the better providers are not available at week-ends, so I quit looking.  Maybe a big mistake!

MartinLuther 1734 reads
6 / 18

I would think from the anecdotal evidence I have received second hand from a good many of the ladies I have seen that the majority of gentlemen in this hobby are married or in some form of committed relationship.  That being the case I think those in the married column are taking care of family obligations and that famous "honey-do list"  spending time with the kids and just flopping in front of the tube.Those not married or in some other domestic relationship are probably hanging out with their sweethearts.  While those who are unattached and without children visiting are probably bonding with other males.Since I *NEVER* participated in this hobby while in a relationship I can only guess that it would be easier to "lose" a couple hours of time during the workweek without undue suspicion.Now.... about that dinner/coffee meeting.... just whereaboutsdo you like to meet, generally speaking???(Lustman eyes his calendar)LM

Cyclona 1569 reads
7 / 18

If you'd like, we could talk about this in private:)

mrtrent 5 Reviews 1613 reads
8 / 18

In my line of work, if we want business on a certain day or time, we run specials.  You might be able to get those hobbiest who can vist on weekdays or weekends to schedule weekends if you ran a special.  The type of special would be up to you....could be rate, could be time could be anything you dream up.

tequila 5 Reviews 1863 reads
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Well, like others have said, family.  And house and cars and all.If I could spend as much time, and money for that matter, with a provider as I do at Home Depot, I would always be smiling.Oh, the joys of being married with children and a home owner.  LOL

chrissiedahl 1900 reads
10 / 18

Maybe one of those temp places has a handywoman category???          CD

chrissiedahl 1620 reads
11 / 18

Since your work is conflicting with your school activities(from what I read) maybe you could tailor your ad to emphasize your availabilty?   Exclusive escorting evenings and weekends? I have seen ads like that, they state you are only available for certain period of time.         Chrissie

budman 1270 reads
12 / 18

Chrissie.. if you read her webpage she states that she perfers daytime and weekends...

chrissiedahl 1624 reads
13 / 18

Budman,   I did, but it said evenings also.                CD          --modified by Chrissie Dahl at Tue, May 29, 2001, 17:49:30

gourmet38 1731 reads
14 / 18

Really depends on the weekend. If i get a chanceto enjoy someones company i definately do.

Netso 1924 reads
15 / 18

Well, here's one guy who's going to give week-ends another try. Finding good providers in San Diego requires a lot of persistence at any time of the week. Maybe the author would like to explore possibilities.

ZedEx 1426 reads
16 / 18

just speaking for myself, and since I am not married, I tend to save the weekends for regular old fashioned dates.  And I persue my other hobbies on my days off.

Cyclona 1764 reads
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Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like to discuss possibilities!

gourmet38 1759 reads
18 / 18

If its the right provider i would definately plan for weekend get togethers. What better time to really relax.

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