San Diego

Re: This is an easy one . . .
tankbinding 16 Reviews 266 reads

In my opinion, It varies greatly depending on which demographic of providers you are talking about and then again the individual within that demographic...

If you are seeking out non-English speakers, Then any hope of a connection is lost. With K-Girls - CDL - the size of the envelope (I assume you mean the envelope full of money and not those Korean Labia's) is probably the most important.

However those special girls want the connection! They are for the most part: Very Sweet, very Hurting from their life events and Completely Beaten Down by being Absolutely Objectified in every aspect of their lives. Picture some actress that is a stunner but is constantly getting blown out of auditions because she looks a little heavy or too skinny or tits are not big enough etc. Then she comes home and reads a negative review written by some pin-head here. Remember, those girls clear around 400k a year doing this!

Size of the envelope? or   Respect, Connection and maybe even ask them to answer the door in their regular clothes and sit and Listen to them a little bit. Compassion, Respect & Empathy maybe?

Once you do that and make a real connection - you will have sex that literally brings the house down - and guess what? It will be a real Orgasm (as opposed to 5 fake ones)...  

Some of the most interesting and complex humans I have met in this life have been providers and  
[Get ready for TER blasphemy]  
Some of the very best sessions I have had didn't involve sex. I had one just the other day with an incredible provider in San Diego - Ha!

Having a fat envelope does not make you a good person and a good person is what many girls here are looking for!  

What the men are looking for is also just as complex and the "providers" that figure that out can take their careers deep into their 40s no problem.

An Unloved Little Boy

..... other than the envelope! LOL. Eyes, size, connection, chemistry, technique, his oral skills vs. his swordsman skills? What is your favorite?

In my opinion, It varies greatly depending on which demographic of providers you are talking about and then again the individual within that demographic...

If you are seeking out non-English speakers, Then any hope of a connection is lost. With K-Girls - CDL - the size of the envelope (I assume you mean the envelope full of money and not those Korean Labia's) is probably the most important.

However those special girls want the connection! They are for the most part: Very Sweet, very Hurting from their life events and Completely Beaten Down by being Absolutely Objectified in every aspect of their lives. Picture some actress that is a stunner but is constantly getting blown out of auditions because she looks a little heavy or too skinny or tits are not big enough etc. Then she comes home and reads a negative review written by some pin-head here. Remember, those girls clear around 400k a year doing this!

Size of the envelope? or   Respect, Connection and maybe even ask them to answer the door in their regular clothes and sit and Listen to them a little bit. Compassion, Respect & Empathy maybe?

Once you do that and make a real connection - you will have sex that literally brings the house down - and guess what? It will be a real Orgasm (as opposed to 5 fake ones)...  

Some of the most interesting and complex humans I have met in this life have been providers and  
[Get ready for TER blasphemy]  
Some of the very best sessions I have had didn't involve sex. I had one just the other day with an incredible provider in San Diego - Ha!

Having a fat envelope does not make you a good person and a good person is what many girls here are looking for!  

What the men are looking for is also just as complex and the "providers" that figure that out can take their careers deep into their 40s no problem.

An Unloved Little Boy

this is a good example of why you should not read my posts when you've been drinking.  You will miss the sarcasm and humor and will mistakenly think I am serious all the time.  

My serious side does not disagree with anything you said, except your assertion that I cannot have a good connection with a Kgirl.  I've been invited to Korea a few times OTC to visit Kgirls I met here and had no problem connecting or communicating at all, and I don't speak Korean.  The sex didn't just bring the house down, it brought the whole neighborhood down.  The last one was this past December.  Ten days of total bliss, expenses only for both of us, no donation.  I was her guest. Once you understand how they think and a few cultural basics, it can be as good a connection as with any American girl.  Since your one review was not a Kgirl, I would encourage you to give it a try.  It might be an eye-opener.

Ha - Got you...  

I was gutted when you didn't respond but I thought for sure you would arc on the envelope / Korean Labia Metaphor first...

I have never been with a K Girl but I have been to Korea a few times. You know Korean fashion is starting to set the trend for the Chinese consumer market and the South Korean snowboard market is huge!!

I am pretty much always drunk or on Toad-Stools or similar as it gives me greater insight into everything - LOL

By the way there are girls here putting out real emotion and real friendship plus / plus... I just don't want to go into one of my humble-brags because I know how upset everyone gets...

Why yes it is - It's been called out on my "stories" several times on the LA board by the guy that used to be darthvarder or darklord or something - I think he changed his name...

Now back to those Korean "envelopes" what are those like and I don't mean the ones they hand you when you rob a Korean liquor store..

Like any other envelope, less likely to seal up the longer its been around.  However, many, but not all, of the Kgirl pro's actually "train" muscles they will need for sex, and I have experienced some with kegel strength that I never knew existed.

i just got back from buying a red rose for my date with a new lady tomorrow!

i love to look at a lady's "favorite things" section on p411, and if it's not too out of pocket, go and buy something for her to break the ice when we meet.

would that i were dating you, frederica, i would buy you all the flowers and chocolates you wanted!

Ooo anything from you.....would get me so excited....

It's sometimes difficult to keep in touch but it's helpful even if it's just a hello text/email, a random little gift card in my inbox, a gift from my wish list, a post on my ad complimenting my new photos or encouraging other guys to meet me and many other things. A booking is always great but even just a little attention between dates or after an excellent one makes a difference. I also find twitter the best and quickest way to keep in touch and share the goings-ons of mine and their day-to-day. Twitter has even helped me with meeting other ladies too! So being in contact helps - especially if you plan to book again in future since I don't store texts or emails after a certain period of time.  

Example of why this is helpful and liked:
Just had an email from someone who says they saw me before and their email seemed familiar to me but that person had not been in contact with me for well over a year and I just can't be sure we met (unless he replies with details to remind me or doesn't mind being screened again). Had he kept in touch we could have reminisced in our messages of our fun from the past and it would have made re-booking quicker.

I'm a little surprised by what I see here. In the past, I've read mostly that providers don't like getting texts and emails from us guys except for scheduling and verifying appointments. Is this based more on the provider or the individual client? A combination of both?

The chemistry can happen on many levels, sometimes physical, but most often for me, it's the mental connection that drives the physical.

It's the only asset I care about!  CASH

Onlyalurker364 reads

Finally an honest one! Everything else is such BS. Thanks

Very blunt yes but not sure the other responses are BS. It appears on average the replies that were "BS" have higher review average so the reviewers must either be noticing the "cash cash cash" attitude or are missing out on the "connection"... Just my .02

Onlyalurker305 reads

I think the "connection" and "friends" things are nothing more than marketing tools the providers use only to  keep clients coming back, sort of like loyalty programs used by other businesses. Not that there is anything wrong with that. The bottom line: It's not very likely that providers will spend much time connecting or being friendlly with clients unless they are paying the hourly rate for that time. That's just what this business is all about. And frankly, I prefer it that way. :)

at first i thought i'd just reply "you're an jerk off dude" but i think your comment needs a more adult response than that.

many folks here know i recently had major major surgery.  aside from the wonderful texts and pms and emails i got from my provider lady friends during y recover, i had not one but two different providers stop by my house with groceries because i couldn't get out and about myself.

and one of those ladies i hadn't seen on a professional level in over 3 years.

providers are women.  women are human beings.  women have friends and buddies and good acquaintances.  sometimes they don't even want to charge their friends for being friends.  

so, no dude.  

just no.

Onlyalurker271 reads

Listen, I am not saying that for the most part providers are not wonderful and loving people. Of course they are! There were a couple that did some very nice things for me in addition to the service. Having said that, I also know that most of them will not be hanging out with their clients free of charge. And some new hobbyists waste alot of time and effort to try to do just that. That's all.

Well stated. So very well stated. I hope I never have the situation you did. Having said that, the connections you have made are priceless. All of us here can only hope to be as fortunate.

Very well put.  I, too, have been lucky enough to experience the generosity of them giving their time from some providers that I had been customers with.  Those kinds of friendships are far above what money can buy.

In CC's defense (although appears she coud care less) her post came within 2 minutes of her post on blacklisting hobbiest that cancel (since deleted).  She was evidently pissed, so I give her a pass, this time.  I've been canceled on and jumped on this board to rant. it feels good...for the moment.

you are a better man than i am mr. roberts.

kudos on the old school screen name, btw.

Money Honey -  

I think that's a defence mechanism! That's why it makes sense in the context of her just getting her grass cut by a no show.

Everyone started out as "someone else" and that person is still deep down in all of us.  

The best providers show their vulnerability as women and as a result resonate deeply with a lot of men and charge huge honorariums for their company.

There are a certain percentage of Hobbiests though, that will try and take that vulnerability and take advantage of it and make the provider's life a living hell in the process.

Vulnerability makes sense at the higher price-point with lower volume and stringent screening but at a lower p/p and higher volume I don't think it's a very good idea...

BPJ - I KNOW you know the ones I'm talking about :))


-- Modified on 3/7/2016 5:01:49 PM

You would think her reply would be more along the lines of enjoying clients who follow through on a booking then, no?  
Just saying...

Posted By: mrroberts69
In CC's defense (although appears she coud care less) her post came within 2 minutes of her post on blacklisting hobbiest that cancel (since deleted).  She was evidently pissed, so I give her a pass, this time.  I've been canceled on and jumped on this board to rant. it feels good...for the moment.

up in the first place may be more important in the big picture than the money.  Good point!

thoughtfulness and kindness is always appreciated regardless how thick the envelope..
PS. To those who can't read.  The OP stated....other than the envelope.

I really love someone who loves to Dine ;)
I'm a foodie and a hedonist~

Intelligence and connectivity is really key too! Mostly I love a hobbyist who is vocal about how he feels and expresses his adoration and pleasures :) I love hearing you as much as you love hearing me, you know?~

I didn't bring any of this "new me" when I revived my career here.

It was all inspired by a series of exceptional events with a couple of the most unordinary women I have ever come across, they are providers and it all caught me completely off guard.

I am still in a processes of discovery here and it seems like every time I start making my way back to a pragmatic sane life, I meet someone else with that light in her eyes and it's back down the rabbit hole.

My justification for this:  
My life is made of moments and I have committed to always press into a moment that has the potential to be remarkable or at the very least unordinary. This new mission statement was carved into my soul by one particular woman - and consequently - sex became secondary on my dates here.

One time a very beautiful provider and myself were moving into the bedroom for some private time and she started sharing about her upbringing and her dad - I knew if I started pressing in private time was out the window but.... how could I not? That conversation and the tears that followed is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me on one of these dates.

This all happened as a result of watching a provider when she thought no one was watching and what I saw was so pure and profound it inspired me to press in everyday since I saw it - which has me hopelessly lost down the rabbit hole in the best possible way.

All this to say providers are a wonderfully complex group of even more complex individual women - many of whom are searching for something that you just can't put in an envelope - And There You Have It - The short version of how I lost my mind - LOL

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