San Diego

Re: There is one way to know when you have truly "seduced" a provider
tankbinding 16 Reviews 4704 reads
1 / 54

Can you seduce a provider?

I would say that 90-99.9% of the encounters here are "transactional sex" satisfying a physical need that the hobbiest  has and a financial need that the provider has...

Sometimes the above has several pretend elements that can fluff a hobbiest's ego (I love reviews describing how the provider had 6 orgasms and told the hobbiest that he was lucky she bought xxxl condoms - you guys really believe that shit?!?)  

Boys you can seduce that beautiful creature that has agreed to see you - but most don't even try (that is why it's pretty basic to put it all together - if you want to)  

Beginning - Start with scheduling more time, so you can take your time...  

Take care of all the transactional details right away and if she looks like you thought she would and she's not distracted be generous (so she knows right away that you're not a douche)  

Show her the extra rad gifts you got her right away and be generous... Even if she's a bitch you can get this seduction done (It's actually much easier and less predictable if she is).

Now she's starting to trust you - slow shit down!! Don't worry you get to fuck her - relax schoolboy!! If you play the next 30 minutes right you might have a pretty fucking epic next 90 minutes...

That next 30 minutes is the mental foreplay (with a complicated but utterly amazing & beautiful woman - that has been completely objectified by your douchy brethren on TER). This is where all my heavy lifting is done.  

If your nice to me I'll explain what to do later or maybe you already know - but rest assured it can and is done. This is much more complicated than a transactional exchange - but it's an exchange that celebrates the nuance of the man / woman relationship (if only for a couple of hours).  

It's like a sexual version of the French Revolution (once you get it going, you can no longer control it)... Holy shit, this might get messy.

Cheers - TB

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 143 reads
2 / 54

Oh wise man of 12 reviews. So your advice is spend more. Tip more. Bring gifts. And fuck less?  You sre a deal maker on par with Trump!

tankbinding 16 Reviews 138 reads
3 / 54

Try it without your filter Hillary...

1256849 23 Reviews 152 reads
4 / 54

Listen, she will happily accept your money on a longer visit any day. In the end, it's about you.

If your goal is to seduce them as you put it, return to civilian dating.

That being said, I enjoy my time with my dates and respect them and am a "gentleman",  it at the end of the day they are there for you. If they make you feel or believe you have seduced them then they did a great job on their part.

Don't lose your head or bankroll thinking you are something special. You are paying for it for a reason.

Just enjoy your time respect them and the rules and do it again. Its your fantasy. They probably make other guys feel just as special too.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 133 reads
5 / 54

I always thought it was our goal to seduce you, but I guess you have a plan of your own.  Fun!  Let the games begin...

I wonder if any of the providers you attempted to seduce feel some type of way about you that is different from all the other guys they have entertained it would be really cool if 1 of the gals responded to his post.

phi68psi 21 Reviews 216 reads
6 / 54

But I am in this case.  

At least for starters:

Who you calling a douche bag?

You must be awfully rich judging by the deep end of the LA pool you have been playing in.

What does the French Revolution got to do with this?  

Well, maybe this will break us out of our dormancy.  

bofia 23 Reviews 140 reads
7 / 54

Ok, I'll say something nice: congratulations on finding a system that works for you.  Based on the profiles of the ladies that you have reviewed, it seems like 1200+generous tip+gift+seduction is rendering the results you desire.

Now most ladies specifically ask that the transaction portion of an encounter are done discreetly (envelope left in bathroom; no discussion thereof; etc...) Just how does one express his generosity up-front? Drop a picture of Ben Franklin on the pillow, or exclusively date those classy women who insist on counting the cash immediately?

Why do I want to seduce a bitch, and how is this actually easier AND less predictable?  

What I'm really curious about is if this technique has resulted in you finding an ATF that you repeat with on a weekly basis. How do you adjust your seductive up-front tipping and generous gift-giving as a relationship develops?

Looking forward to Chapter 2.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 133 reads
8 / 54

I posted here because the misguided proctors at TER thought this was a "same thread" as some a "looking for Mia" thread on the LA board - Lol.

First of all, I love a challenge and I want the very best of what my life situations offer. I am hunting for extraordinary moments in this life and I would recommend the same to any and all... I spend a lot of both my time and my money in this pursuit - It's why I travel so much...

French Revolution:
There were many people that thought they were in "control" of The French Revolution. At the beginning they were.
When it reached critical mass in it's own right, almost everyone who thought they were controlling it was overcome and swept away by it (almost exclusively ending up with their head in a basket).

Personally, I think it was a noble event in Europe (that changed everything really) and I like to think that if I was there I would have participated in it's kickoff, then sat back and admired it's beauty... More than any event in history, It reminds me of a woman's orgasm (the real kind)...

IMHO - The sex is much better if the woman is into it and not just doing her job but yes this approach will either cost you more or cut into your "fucking time" but you should try it (pretend it's a new position with a crazy acronym)...

Some of you guys surf right? This is like the difference between catching a million small waves at Scripps pier and spending the money and time to go to Cloudbreak and getting spit out of a monster at shish-kabobs. The second one will change your world view - The first one not so much :))

tankbinding 16 Reviews 138 reads
9 / 54

No offence meant on the douche bag friend. I suppose I was referring to the attitudes represented below:

sympathyforthedevilyesterday13 reads3 likes
Thanks for the advice!
Oh wise man of 12 reviews. So your advice is spend more. Tip more. Bring gifts. And fuck less?  You sre a deal maker on par with Trump!

tankbinding 16 Reviews 149 reads
10 / 54

If your view is you are fucking a bitch, then this particular topic has no pertinence to you at all...

Have you ever seduced a woman IRL or did you just pick up the odd bitch at a bar and shag her rotten?  Maybe I'm out of bounds with this thread (on this board anyway)...

Be clear, I am not attacking anyone for their lack of gift-giving, lack of tipping or whatever price-point they live in.

I am just trying to open for discussion something that has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of this hobby.

I think you're going to fucking hate chapter 2 but rest assured it is coming :))

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 125 reads
11 / 54

And yet you are bragging about your prowess in "seducing" a pro?  Lol

tankbinding 16 Reviews 104 reads
12 / 54

Nope... I don't know you - but your posts are super douchy...

Even with that, I believe that you are just sharing the pain in your life with the San Diego board and I feel for you. I get that when I post here, no matter what my post is, some folks will react defensively - It's all good.

Not bragging at all, just opening up a topic for discussion. I don't mind mixing it up with the trolls, so keep bringing it - it's kinda fun :))  I actually fail in my seduction attempts all the time (some of those stories and absolute comedy).

Also I clicked on your profile and I have seen more that a few of the girls you have reviewed and based on your posts I don't think you are getting the best of what the have to offer Amigo...

It may cut into your "fucking time" but your "quality fucking time" may increase significantly...

bofia 23 Reviews 122 reads
13 / 54

"Even if she's a bitch you can get this seduction done (It's actually much easier and less predictable if she is)." Seriously, WTF are you talking about?

You got me on the IRL comment though. No game at all, so that's why I P4P. OTOH, I'm pretty sure that the providers that I have seen wouldn't put me in the douchebag category.  

You may want to change venues for Chapter 2. As you noted, this board is nearly dead. The GD board is much more active if you can tolerate the adolescent comments.

bofia 23 Reviews 140 reads
14 / 54

I think the boys on the EH board would really appreciate your take on maximizing the P4P experience.

ja_ja28 117 reads
15 / 54

That's funny.  I've read a lot of reviews where guys say how many times they made her cum and I laugh. Nice to see someone else finds that incredulous.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 117 reads
16 / 54

My bad on the bitch comment as I thought you were talking generally and not addressing that sentence in my post... It would take too long to explain why you might enjoy seducing a bitchy woman - try google (maybe start with "make up sex" and work your way onward from there...

Have you ever seduced a woman? I mean ever -  I wasn't speaking of present day "game" - but do you remember what it was like? High School Prom? College? Anything?  

Kind of a standard that you judge all girlfriend experiences by...  In any case you don't seem like the kind of person that will ever see the advantages of an Enhanced Girlfriend Experience through an extra investment of time, effort and money.

That's OK - I could care less...

PS - The caustic nature of some of the consistent posters here killed this board and I'll post chapter 2 wherever I see fit. Just put me on ignore and you won't have to worry about seeing my posts :))

tankbinding 16 Reviews 120 reads
17 / 54

Will do and thanks for the advice. I read your reviews brother and some of that shit is just plain frightening...

What's it like being trapped in a room in Cleveland with a solid 5/5?

My advice to you is to PAY MORE - You'd be surprised at what amazing women are out there :))

tankbinding 16 Reviews 101 reads
18 / 54

That's part of the game and I am sure in most cases the provider led them to believe she did have 6 orgasms and they left feeling like complete Sex Gods...

I could care less about that but when I am with a provider that starts moaning like she is having an orgasm 2 kisses in or going nuts with the Slurpty, Slurp, Slurp noises on the BJ - I stop them right then and there and ask them to chill and just wait and see what happens - or not...

That's why I kinda like 20 y/o Russian chicks - they are honest to the point of being fucking brutal but if you get them going the pictures are coming off the walls!!

jsymthe 23 Reviews 122 reads
19 / 54

Very unlikely. Most providers see several people per week minimum. This is a business for them. Most realize the negative potential of 'falling for' a client. Its about more than any one client spends overall. It's about losing future potential to continue doing business. Most are quite cautious and jaded when it comes to personal relationships.  They have no problem cultivating continuing client business and that can feel, to the uninitiated client, as if they were serious..but you can be assured they are not in 99 or more percent of cases.

GaGambler 127 reads
20 / 54

Trump only won the Presidency and spent well over a year doing so.

This idiot has won both the SPOTY AND the BSU awards in a single post, now THAT is an accomplishment. lol

justsauce16 4 Reviews 127 reads
21 / 54

It sounds like you've got more money than sense.  

That's ok for you, but great for the girls you see, because they're seeing right through your neck-bearded charade, which is to say they're seeing you for what you really are, a sucker.

So yeah, she's going to nurse the golden goose as long as he's still laying golden eggs, but don't let that fool you into thinking you're somehow special, or as you say, "a master of seduction".

tankbinding 16 Reviews 136 reads
22 / 54

WTF are you talking about?!?

A provider letting herself be seduced for a couple of hours in your mind is 'falling for' a client?  

Personal relationship LOL...   It's passion, It's seduction... nothing more / nothing less!

You get out of the cube much brother?!?

Seduction is not falling in love you blithering idiot... I almost never go back to the well a second time...

tankbinding 16 Reviews 138 reads
23 / 54

OK Brother...

I am sure you perform perfectly fine with the providers you see my frugal friend. They are under no illusions that you understand any of the nuance or subtlety of a man/woman encounter and neither are you...

Be strong brother - you are doing great!!

Sick neck-beard comment by the way :))

tankbinding 16 Reviews 108 reads
24 / 54

Being far superior to Trump is a pretty low bar!!

Can you please tell us the story of how you seduced a provider and caused her to fall in love with you IRL again Mr GG?

You have always been my favourite for those awards - Just Sayin...  LOL

PS - You're superior to Trump too

GaGambler 203 reads
25 / 54

It's at the end when she says "Money, what money?  I don't need your money, why don't you stay the weekend? I'll cancel all my appointments" lol

What this fool is doing is the exact opposite of seduction and you wouldn't believe just how many hookers laugh their asses off at guys like him. You'd be even more surprised at how many hookers will give him even worse service knowing that he will try even harder and shower them with even more money and gifts in a futile effort to get them to "like him" lmao

justsauce16 4 Reviews 136 reads
26 / 54

To me, it's just like hooking up with a civvie, except I don't have to james bond my way past her roomates at 4am while looking for my shoes. That said, no, I haven't had any issues with the provider's I've seen, and really, the issues I've had have been pretty squarely on their end. Otherwise, I've had a wonderful time.  

I've found that if you genuinely enjoy someone's company, they usually enjoy yours in return.  


Also, just remember, it's not the neckbeard on the outside that counts, it's the neckbeard on the inside ;)

GaGambler 197 reads
27 / 54

and while I won't bore the audience with all the details, it wasn't by throwing money at any of them.

Why does any woman fall in love with any man? There are as many answers as there are people and hookers are not some different species of woman, they are just women who sell sex for a living, virtually every one of them is, or has been fucking someone that's not paying them. Sometimes that someone has been me, which is something I am sure has never happened to you, nor is it likely to ever happen.

But congratulations on winning two coveted TER awards in a single post. That's tough to do.

PussyPump 152 reads
29 / 54

The OP's view of the world leaves me speechless, so I won't comment directly.

I will say that my view on how to maximize the experience is to totally forget about the pros. SBs are the real deal. Amazing times to be had, for fractions of the cost of a pro, for longer and better, with fresh, enthusiastic students or recent graduates from great colleges. With a SB, "seduction" potentially has some meaning.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 242 reads
30 / 54

Haha - Ok Grandpa Gambler - I have been bored with your fantasy of dating "hookers" off the clock and the complex relationships that you have developed with them too many times already... I bet only super awesome seniors can pull something like that off...

The ONE thing you're right about is I have never fucked a provider without paying her - I have never been looking for that as there are way too many advantages to P4P for me - and my ego is just not that fragile...

tankbinding 16 Reviews 149 reads
31 / 54

As usual you have no idea what you are talking about. Some stupid super broad generalisations and assumptions based on - well - (your intimate knowledge of "hookers" and how they think) - they all think the same right?

I see you blow into thread after thread as some self-righteous know it all - just telling everyone how the world works according to you. I honestly feel bad for you reading these sometimes - it's just embarrassing...

Let's see - providers won't let you pay them as they are hoping to develop a relationship with you, you own your own Gracie Academy and you don't "waste" money on providers (also somehow by referring to them with the derogatory name of hooker - you lift yourself up).

Pretty good blend of narcissism & insecurity you got going there grandad-brother. What do you think?

tankbinding 16 Reviews 137 reads
32 / 54

SB = Singapore Boy???

-- Modified on 6/6/2017 10:38:49 PM

GaGambler 182 reads
33 / 54

and apparently your ego is VERY fragile if you can't just enjoy a nice session with a hooker without trying to make more out of it. You are the one who started a thread about "seducing" paid professionals, not me. I am just one of the many people who think you are a moron after reading your idiotic drivel.

Adcsd25 20 Reviews 110 reads
34 / 54

But why would you wanna do that? Just communicate what you want from the girl. If you wanna see her based on chemistry because it makes the sex and visit better, then do that. But leave it for what it is: youre fucking a woman who makes a career out of giving every man she meets a fantasy that HE "CAN" seduce her. Thats the transaction. I have heard stories about providers and clients dating, her ending her provider career, moving on and living a regular civilian life with the guy.. But thats organic and hardly a regular thing and i imagine those dicks must be made of a rolled platinum bar and shoved in their boxer briefs. Im all for treating these women like gold and hoping they enjoy the show as much as any of us schmucks but thats just unrealistic lol. I get that id never get half the women i see, but i just like to pretend for a while.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 103 reads
35 / 54
tankbinding 16 Reviews 166 reads
36 / 54

and if I thought she wouldn't end up on my doorstep (waitresses are particularly hard to shake after a night of passion).

In any case I would tip her, which according to your logic would buy me worse service than you (my senior friend) who isn't foolish enough to waste his money tipping...

The moron feeling is mutual particularly after reading your posts on EVERY thread of EVERY board here - How are you such an expert on - EVERYTHING?  

I do agree with you on one thing: When faced with the choice, I always choose the girl I haven't fucked yet...

Only difference is I don't have VR googles on and my dick in my hand - LMFAO...

tankbinding 16 Reviews 140 reads
37 / 54

I was really surprised by the responses here TBH.

It seems most are pretty challenged by me throwing some extra money and clothing to the provider to try and achieve my desired result. I know the San Diego market is cheaper than LA but I didn't figure on the challenge coming there. After all, some would say that paying any more than $100 to a provider would demonstrate that the hobbiest has "more money than brains" some would set that bar at $250, some $500 and some just don't have those type of restraints. Your sweet spot depends on your resources. I try not to be economically ethnocentric...

I am not saying I have mad unlimited resources but I'm not taking out a loan to do this shit either - I am completely comfortable with the money I'm spending here. Maybe an analogy: At this point in my life, I'd rather go heli-boarding than stand in a lift line at Big Bear - if you think that's a waste of money then good on ya - but rest assured - I've done both and there's a big difference. When I'm fired up I may just want to take the time to describe what heli-boarding is like - to share my world with you so to speak.

I understand the core issues that we all have as humans (our inner "neck beards" - if you will) and sometimes when I try to share these things, others read "I support Trump", "You don't have enough money", "You are not successful enough", et al... That is not my intention or what I was saying at all. I also understand that at this point in time our society is the most polarised it has been since the civil war, people are hurting, they feel inferior and they are extra sensitive and there is almost no better way to express this frustration (consequence free) than on an internet board - I get it :))

I was simply trying to explain how to seduce a provider and the experiences I have had doing it. I absolutely do not want a relationship with one of these amazing women and I absolutely do not want to seduce a civilian gal - I also get why you guys go there (kinda like getting out the ruler and all measuring our dicks).

 I love the compact simplicity of a P4P interaction and I simply can't have a woman show up on my doorstep, despite how flattering that would be... I'll post chapter 2 on the LA board when the mods let me.

Until then "Get Off Of My Cloud"   Ha!

jsymthe 23 Reviews 108 reads
38 / 54

If you had read carefully, you would know that I said NOT falling for a client.  I am quite aware of the provider mindset and have been hobbying for 30 years.  Clearly you are prone to jumping to conclusions.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 159 reads
39 / 54

"How to seduce a provider"  is what most have an issue with.  

PussyPump 104 reads
40 / 54

Posted By: tankbinding
Re: Speechless !
SB = Singapore Boy???

-- Modified on 6/6/2017 10:38:49 PM
Wow, you really think SB means Singapore Boy? That says a lot. It says you are not the player you think you are.

PussyPump 149 reads
41 / 54

Posted By: tankbinding
Re: Lively Convo
I was really surprised by the responses here TBH......
No need to start introducing all sorts of unnecessary tangents (civil war!!!).  
The fundamental point is that seemingly many others and I are of the opinion that "seducing" providers is both meaningless and pointless. The providers must indeed "love" you, but for all the wrong reasons.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 146 reads
42 / 54

Hi Pussy,

I hope you are having a great day!

I just found out today that MILF doesn't stand for "Man I Like Fishing" !!??!!

Grow a sense of humour you curmudgeon... LOL

Player?!? LMFAO

GaGambler 199 reads
43 / 54

The whole concept of his OP was beyond stupid.

I don't really mind it if he wants to lie to himself, but when he starts lying to the rest of us it's hard not to call BULLSHIT.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 106 reads
44 / 54


Come on now! Why are you so closed off to something you have not tried?

tankbinding 16 Reviews 136 reads
45 / 54

Oh really - you give me permission to lie to myself - Thank You for that!!

You are such a delusional knob it's hilarious...  I've resisted calling BULLSHIT on so many of your posts it's insane - honestly because I felt sorry for you.

Grandpa Gambler don't you have some some young boys to chase around your neighbourhood??

Now run along Herbert (thinking that character in Family Guy)

PussyPump 117 reads
46 / 54

Posted By: tankbinding
Re: Lively Convo
 Come on now! Why are you so closed off to something you have not tried?
Because I am putting my time and energy into seducing young, non-professional college cutie "Singapore Boys", who provide  a much better (for me), and much longer, experiences than I ever had expensive pros, at less than 20% of the cost per hour. Last week I spent 5.5 hours, 4 of which were BCD, with a cutie-pie grad student, who was very happy with 300, plus nice dinner. We both really enjoyed ourselves, and she is not fake or worn out. SBs want stability and repeats, and for many/most of them a "connection" really matters,  so the seduction is important (both ways).

tankbinding 16 Reviews 120 reads
47 / 54

Jesus - I can't believe this got by me...

The tangent was our polarised society - not the Civil War you numb nut...

This isn't even fun anymore...

Eye4nik8 12 Reviews 124 reads
48 / 54

I'll probably get roasted for even tossing my hat into the ring, because I haven't been doing this very long. But this whole chat has been total entertainment I find myself coming back everyday during work just for a good laugh. I don't necessarily agree with tb but that being said I'm not gonna hate on him either. To each their own. There's something here for everyone but I definitely agree about the quality of the time being spent though.  Everyone has their own things and their own way of getting them. That's why we're all here and there's plenty for everyone. I'm not gonna go over my strat because that's my scam but I'm enjoying myself no doubt about it and learn more and more with each go round. I just wanted to say thanks for the laughs and the Singapore boy comment was absolute gold. Pretty sure he wasn't being serious about that, I could be wrong though...

tankbinding 16 Reviews 127 reads
49 / 54

I remember this "date" at the end of 2015 ahhh...  Kinda a humblebrag but it really happened (I swear)!!

live in Orange County, Hobby in LA and Travel extensively for both work and pleasure. From time to time (particularly during the slow season) I have had providers reach out to me to entice me into a date. I was snowboarding up in Mammoth over the holidays when I received an invitation from someone I had only heard whispers of previously and knew very little about. I had tried to reach out to her a few times in the past through a 3rd party but with no response – Then, out of the blue, I get an email inviting me for a date. I was driving home the next day and could easily divert through LA so I figured ‘why not’.  
   I explained to her the condition I would probably be in after riding in the morning and then powering 5 hours in the car – she just laughed and said she was up for it. I woke up early, found my powder stashes and bolted out of there. My friends were tripping but I told them the forecast looked bleak and I was out. I made it to LA in 4 ½ hours and rolled to her in-call looking and smelling like a dead Opossum with my outerwear still on. I grabbed my backpack and headed in (thinking there was a 50% chance she would turn me around when she saw me).  
   She opened the door all smiles, gave me a big hug and sent me to the showers. She was so hot, I should have felt a little intimidated but there was something more there that I could feel and it made me really chill and relaxed… So, I dropped my Orange envelope on the table and proceeded to shower. When I got out of the shower, she had food prepared and was like “you must be hungry after the day you’ve had”. The food was amazing and the Corona’s tasted insane (did I mention the big bucket of Coronas? After we ate I brushed my teeth and while I was coming out she asked what I wanted to do. She seemed chill so I thought I would suggest something INSANE! Me - Hey, I just recently got hooked on Homeland, Do you have Showtime. Her answer – Yes let’s jump in bed and watch it, what’s it about?  
   Through our pervious communication I learned she was a very intelligent girl - VERY intelligent. As we were headed to the bedroom I saw she was reading King Leopold's Ghost - which I had recently finished and I had only told a few people I had read and loved. I asked her about it and other books that she had read and she was so spot on – it was scary…  
   Most providers who don’t know me would be twitching at this point thinking “don’t you like me?” ‘Why aren’t we fucking yet?” but she was 100% into Homeland and just the perfect companion. Halfway through the 2nd episode I reached over and we started kissing. The only way I can describe what happened next is that we made passionate love for the next 50 minutes. When we were finished – we carried on watching Homeland, talking about life and sapping Coronas…  
   Next thing I know, I am waking up at 1145pm with her laying next to me engrossed in Homeland and still sipping on a Corona. She doesn’t say a word but reaches over and puts her hand on my chest, kisses me, then we are at it again. I crawled out of her place at close to 2am – kissing her goodbye like we were college lovers and trying to convey to her how impressive I thought she was. I drove home and was in bed by 3am. The next morning I wake up to an email from her saying what a great time she had and how she wanted to have another date as soon as possible and that she had feelings for me…  
   I hit her back with – “What would it cost to take you SUPing or surfing for the whole day?” She replied – “Have you looked through your backpack yet?” I thought – Oh shit my whole life is in there, I’m probably fucked! I went out to my car and grabbed my backpack and when I went through it – the only unordinary thing was my orange envelope that I had left on her table at the start of the date was in my backpack’s front pocket along with the $2500 that was in it with a sticky note saying she had such a good time she could not accept and would not accept in the future. I emailed her – “Hey that was yours!” “WTF”. She just hit me back with – “So when are we going surfing?”  
   I set the date for later this week but am tripping a bit – could there be such perfection out there for me or is this something else?  
She canceled the date two days later - Ha, Go Figure...

GaGambler 121 reads
50 / 54

because virtually everyone here is laughing at you. lmao

1256849 23 Reviews 102 reads
51 / 54

Okay Romeo. At least I have the balls to rank a stank ass,at a 5 or lower. You are a lost pussy whipped puppy who thinks he is Casanova even though he pays for sex. Don't romanticize your emcounters for real love.  Your Benamins are no different from another. You impress nobody but yourself.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 128 reads
52 / 54

I won't be seeing any stank ass 5's that's for damn sure - and if I did have one open the door when I showed up I would turn and walk away but I would pay her first - since I would have been stupid enough to book her in the first place...
"Don't romanticize your emcounters for real love" - Easy Tiger...
First I didn't say anything about love (real or otherwise) and second WTF, really - do you read what you write?!?
I'll have to give you a 3 out of 10 for reading comprehension and a 1 out of 10 for composition...  
Seriously what was that 5/5 encounter in Shaker Heights like - now there is a good story :)))
We're all friends here...

tankbinding 16 Reviews 118 reads
53 / 54

Let's do this again sometime real soon!!

PM me if you want to fight some more and we can do it in private - cool??

Shot - TB

1256849 23 Reviews 122 reads
54 / 54

Any lady you pay can be seduced.

Register Now!