San Diego

Re: Sex Artist!
Vivianna Love See my TER Reviews 238 reads

I can’t believe she mentioned Eva Bliss. That was interesting.. i didn’t know she had a Pimp.

Seems she as a 1.5 hour interview on YouTube.  Softwhiteunderbelly

I love it when people provide the links to what they are posting.  
Your welcome! lol Smile 4 me!

Here for those who want to watch without working for it:

Posted By: QueenBia
Re: Sex Artist!
I love it when people provide the links to what they are posting.  
 Your welcome! lol Smile 4 me!  
 Here for those who want to watch without working for it:
Thank you!

A gangster nerd! Haha Miss Frenchie is one of a kind. Amazing!  
Thank you for sharing this.

I can’t believe she mentioned Eva Bliss. That was interesting.. i didn’t know she had a Pimp.

John_Laroche223 reads

Another is tacky. She wants to tell her own story,  that's fine, but tearing at her former competition is not.

I Loved her interview! Amazing life story!

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