San Diego

Re: Provider texts at last minute and cancels - should I write a review?confused_smile
keith5234 413 reads

Again, you are right.  I reread what I wrote again.  I made too big a deal out of it.  OK, I am over it and have forgotten about it.  I really did sound like a jerk.  OK - onward and get laid - that is my new motto!

keith5234793 reads

In keeping with all I have learned, I treat and respect providers beyond [better] than I treat my friends.  I recently had an appointment with a highly reviewed provider in Mission Valley [Y].  I spent at least an hour getting surgically clean and smelling/tasting good, took off work, called her beforehand to check we were OK, drove to her condo, get out and check my phone and she had texted me [no phone call] saying her "sister had just come over so we would have to reschedule".  I had been the perfect gentleman and could pass any screening she could do - I really don't think it was anything I did.  She was going to be my first experience so I haven't upset any other providers.   I know her message is baloney.  I really thought this provider was cute and was looking forward to seeing her.  Due to the illness of a spouse, I have been abstinent for over 5 years.  I just want to hold a woman in my arms.   I just want some tenderness and passion even if it is an act.  I am hurt in that what she did is a form of rejection, but also that she would be so inconsiderate - should I do a review on her on this experience.  I just think this is so rude and hurtful.
PS - If I give her a bad review, it hurts her business.  If I don't do anything, it encourages her behavior without consequence and she wastes more guys time.  Her whole website and TER are all about "her being classy" and about her "make your day wonderful" by being with her.  I wish all of that was true.  TER has influenced me to be my best and look my best for Escorts - why, so they can treat us like we don't matter.  So they advertise all these fantasies, but in their hearts they despise us?
Don L
PS - I can provide website and name of provider, but despite what she did, I did not want to hurt her.  Probably more than she deserves.

Why would she cancel last minute via text?  Her sister came over without warning, so if you were already there what would of happened?  Sounds, like a poor planning provider.  Sorry you had your time wasted that is the worst when your totally prepared & their is not professional courtesy.  You can only review a provider who you have met.   Texting is not as personal as a phone call when you did in fact have a set appointment.  Call her out here by stating her name & linking her website if it makes you feel better to warn others this could occur to them as well.

-- Modified on 5/16/2014 2:50:27 PM

Stuff happens, and maybe she's not in a position to let you know exactly what.  The truth might be her boyfriend arrived unexpectedly.  She's probably not inclined to share that detail with a client.  If you're really into her, I'd suggest you try and reschedule.  If she's truly classy, like you say, then she should do the right thing and offer you extra time or a discount.  If she's active on this board, then I'm sure she's going to read this, and knows what the right thing is to do.   In the past I've occasionally had this happen, and rescheduled.  It usually works out OK.  But if she flakes again, maybe that's the time to call attention to her actions in a review.  Just my two cents.

Cancelation happen but if you're that upset why not share that she canceled last minute by name.

Trust me, it won't damage business much - some ladies have awful blogs about how they take advantage of the clock or flake all the time but still are active here and getting new reviews.  

My point is that this is the purpose of this forum - to share info that is useful, funny or just entertaining discussion.

Posted By: keith5234
In keeping with all I have learned, I treat and respect providers beyond [better] than I treat my friends.  I recently had an appointment with a highly reviewed provider in Mission Valley [Y].  I spent at least an hour getting surgically clean and smelling/tasting good, took off work, called her beforehand to check we were OK, drove to her condo, get out and check my phone and she had texted me [no phone call] saying her "sister had just come over so we would have to reschedule".  I had been the perfect gentleman and could pass any screening she could do - I really don't think it was anything I did.  She was going to be my first experience so I haven't upset any other providers.   I know her message is baloney.  I really thought this provider was cute and was looking forward to seeing her.  Due to the illness of a spouse, I have been abstinent for over 5 years.  I just want to hold a woman in my arms.   I just want some tenderness and passion even if it is an act.  I am hurt in that what she did is a form of rejection, but also that she would be so inconsiderate - should I do a review on her on this experience.  I just think this is so rude and hurtful.  
 PS - If I give her a bad review, it hurts her business.  If I don't do anything, it encourages her behavior without consequence and she wastes more guys time.  Her whole website and TER are all about "her being classy" and about her "make your day wonderful" by being with her.  I wish all of that was true.  TER has influenced me to be my best and look my best for Escorts - why, so they can treat us like we don't matter.  So they advertise all these fantasies, but in their hearts they despise us?  
 Don L  
 PS - I can provide website and name of provider, but despite what she did, I did not want to hurt her.  Probably more than she deserves.

It us the case that inly meets can result in TER reviews.

I had something similar happen in SD a few years ago. It turned out that what appeared to be a blow off had a perfectly rational explanation. That provider, well-known in SD, eventually became quite trusted and became a fav.

keith5234498 reads

I understand the idea behind meeting her before doing a review.  TER pounds into us how we need to be so considerate and nice, etc and I very much agree with that.  Its definitely a double standard as providers can really treat us anyway they want.  It would be nice if they extended us the same measures just as human beings.  Sure we are paying for something like other customers do, it would be nice if they could just treat us with some modicum of respect apart from being a customer.  Despite all the talk, I have my doubts, now, that providers see us as slime and anything to the contrary only has a dollar sign attached to it.  Pretty bad for a first experience.

Posted By: jsymthe
It us the case that inly meets can result in TER reviews.  
 I had something similar happen in SD a few years ago. It turned out that what appeared to be a blow off had a perfectly rational explanation. That provider, well-known in SD, eventually became quite trusted and became a fav.

Considering this was your first experience (you say) and you are now judging us all off one experience - how is that fair?

Providers treat you fine until you are a problem
Cancelations happen - she didn't cancel to hurt or upset you so let it roll off  
Most people get over it not harp on and on then generalize the behavior as being one that we all share.  

A tip: just smile and move on
Ladies reading this will be less inclined to meet with this attitude  
Turn your frown upside down  


Posted By: keith5234
I understand the idea behind meeting her before doing a review.  TER pounds into us how we need to be so considerate and nice, etc and I very much agree with that.  Its definitely a double standard as providers can really treat us anyway they want.  It would be nice if they extended us the same measures just as human beings.  Sure we are paying for something like other customers do, it would be nice if they could just treat us with some modicum of respect apart from being a customer.  Despite all the talk, I have my doubts, now, that providers see us as slime and anything to the contrary only has a dollar sign attached to it.  Pretty bad for a first experience.  
Posted By: jsymthe
It us the case that inly meets can result in TER reviews.  
  I had something similar happen in SD a few years ago. It turned out that what appeared to be a blow off had a perfectly rational explanation. That provider, well-known in SD, eventually became quite trusted and became a fav.

No matter how long you do this and how hard you try to pick the right girl sometimes it just does not work out or at least on that day. I would say I feel bad for you but the truth is if the worst thing that happened before you drove for hours to get to her to find out she could not see you, you got off easy and should at least appreciate the fact she let you know instead of just leaving you there wondering what the heck is going on. Believe me things could be worse and at the same time if you really think she could be worth it try again or move on to someone else as again believe me things can be a lot better if you do not just give up and stay with a bad attitude.

 Goldie for instance or some of the other girls who have replied back to you here would work wonders. Not worth the time or effort in this case to write a review for what did not take place.

keith5234498 reads

Thank you Goldie - you are right.  I will let you know when I find that special woman.  Just someone nice - I know its a limited relationship, but its still OK to be friendly.  OK I am smiling - your help meant a lot.

I realize others have given their perspective. But I'll just add my .02

Communication (or lack thereof) within the  (HOBBY) community, by *some* (not all) hobby participants (male and female) is not all that great.  
Some folks simply lack the proper respect and common courtesy (can't repeat that enough). To *communicate* with their date, from time of booking a date to day of arrival.  
And like you experienced. Texting is to me one of the most informal/easy out, way of (or lack thereof) of communicating. Esp if they do it last minute.

For me, I wouldn't tolerate it. It's showing lack of common courtesy to you/your schedule/the time you took to prepare for your date and the overall sheer desire you had, looking forward to it. Only to get  measly last min text.

Guys ought to implement what some of us ladies do.

Call to confirm a date (on the phone you get a jist of their persona/voice when their confirming).
Call to cancel a date (no texting/no emailing allowed to cancel). Calling to cancel, gives that other person a feel for whether or not your sincere about needing to cancel, or if your voice is changing (because they're trying to come up with an dishonest , last minute excuse).

And guys ought to also implement a discount if the lady cancels on them at last minute.
(I mean, don't some gals charge guys a cancellation fee??? if the guy cancels? well then, it's only fair  the guy implements a discount when he reschedules with her, because of her last minute cancellation on him).


Some folks simply don't respect another's time effort they put into this *hobby* ..and some gals simply don't care how some guys *have* to plan the downtime to *enjoy himself*
and to get a measly last min cancelling pathetic.    

Some may not agree with me. And that's fine. I view this adult lifestyle differently than most since is this a pleasure for me.  






Posted By: keith5234
In keeping with all I have learned, I treat and respect providers beyond [better] than I treat my friends.  I recently had an appointment with a highly reviewed provider in Mission Valley [Y].  I spent at least an hour getting surgically clean and smelling/tasting good, took off work, called her beforehand to check we were OK, drove to her condo, get out and check my phone and she had texted me [no phone call] saying her "sister had just come over so we would have to reschedule".  I had been the perfect gentleman and could pass any screening she could do - I really don't think it was anything I did.  She was going to be my first experience so I haven't upset any other providers.   I know her message is baloney.  I really thought this provider was cute and was looking forward to seeing her.  Due to the illness of a spouse, I have been abstinent for over 5 years.  I just want to hold a woman in my arms.   I just want some tenderness and passion even if it is an act.  I am hurt in that what she did is a form of rejection, but also that she would be so inconsiderate - should I do a review on her on this experience.  I just think this is so rude and hurtful.  
 PS - If I give her a bad review, it hurts her business.  If I don't do anything, it encourages her behavior without consequence and she wastes more guys time.  Her whole website and TER are all about "her being classy" and about her "make your day wonderful" by being with her.  I wish all of that was true.  TER has influenced me to be my best and look my best for Escorts - why, so they can treat us like we don't matter.  So they advertise all these fantasies, but in their hearts they despise us?  
 Don L  
 PS - I can provide website and name of provider, but despite what she did, I did not want to hurt her.  Probably more than she deserves.

keith5234487 reads

Hi Mature:
Thank you so much - I wish I could communicate like you.  I appreciate your thoughts and feelings about this.  I have not called to reschedule with this provider as no matter how attractive I find her, I know she either does not care about me in particular or does not care about her clients as a whole.  So when I am laying there next to her, knowing this, I would wonder why did I just spend all this money for someone who has no consideration for others?  I know a provider and a client are not expected to fall in love or anything, but for me anyhow, I at least want to like the provider.  It might be paid for sex, but its still intimate and it would seem to be more fun and fulfilling if the two people can become friends and trust each other over time.  Maybe "Y" had a good excuse, I am sure she did, but she could at least say, I am sorry or something, anything.  So I am wrestling with the idea that I am attracted to her, but that I only exist as a paycheck.  From this Forum, it seems like many providers and hobbyists still have friendly feeling for each other.  It certainly would seem like even a self-serving provider would be good at her business and take some acting lessons, at least.  At least try to be convincing.  Sorry to go on so long - again, I just want to thank you for the kind comments.  I am still awaiting that initial experience.  I was insecure enough to begin with since I have been celibate for over 5 years [girlfriend has menopause and has no interest in sex].  I finally decided that I had to do something about that as I miss intimacy so much.  At least to me there is a difference, I love sex, but intimacy is so much better.  I know there is someone out there!

Once again you are demeaning the provider for canceling.
How do you know why she canceled if it was a lie (as you assume)?


For all you know she got her period just then and didn't want to gross you out so said it was her sister not her aunt Flo. Honestly with the expectations you have for providers I see a lot of disappointment in your future. The fact that you STILL begrudge this provider for canceling and take that to mean she "doesn't care" about you or her clients really reflects YOUR attitude not hers.  

Once again: turn your frown upside down.
STOP wallowing in this canceled date and find someone.
Jesus dude, get laid already and stop focusing on the bad!

keith5234414 reads

Again, you are right.  I reread what I wrote again.  I made too big a deal out of it.  OK, I am over it and have forgotten about it.  I really did sound like a jerk.  OK - onward and get laid - that is my new motto!

Life happens don't get sensitive.  
Plenty other fish in the sea

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