San Diego

Re: Love it!
JessicaSweden See my TER Reviews 1328 reads
1 / 9

...on how to book an escort and how to have the best and safest time. I noticed that a large number of people trough out the years do not know basics in how to proceed when booking an appointment and what is expected next.

So for you I made some short simple videos on YouTube.

Please like and subscribe as well.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

xo Jessica

MysteryAdmin 77 Reviews 107 reads
2 / 9

I liked the video and think it can be very helpful!  I think it's good to discuss these kinds of things because there are *lots* of "gray" areas.   When I am interested in meeting someone, I pretty much do everything you mentioned in the most recently posted video.  However, often times, I won't get a response to my initial message.  If I don't get a response, I just move on with my life.  :)

What I find to be an issue is when an ad or website doesn't answer my particular question(s).   So, I'll compose an email message to ask my questions.

Here's a question for you:  what are your thoughts on pre-screening?   Let's say you're traveling to my area on the dates of...say September 12-15.  Cool.  If I found out about this trip TODAY, I wouldn't have enough time to get fully screened (I would have to contact my references, get the "ok" from them to be used as a reference first, then there's the time for them to get contacted and then have the time to respond, etc).  So, I would want to know would it be ok to get pre-screened?  I submit the appt information, focusing on the screening info and then that can happen whenever that happens.  At that point, I should be "clear" to see you if/when you returned to my area.

Also, what's a good approach to getting questions answered before I submit my screening information?  Let's say I'm in a wheelchair and your ad or website doesn't specifically address that in any way.   *Before* I send my screening (and other) information, I would want to find out if you would be ok with seeing someone in a wheelchair.   In a case like this, I would send an email message (if she's open to email communication) asking about the specific, non-sexual, question(s) I have.  Would you consider this to be appropriate?  Again, these questions wouldn't be sexual or "menu" type questions at all.

When I don't get responses back, I tend to take that as a "no" response.  lol I have no idea if my message was even received (might be flagged as junk/spam, etc), but whatever.   In my case, I don't make a big deal out of it and don't reach out again, and just move on.

Thanks for posting the videos!

JessicaSweden See my TER Reviews 97 reads
3 / 9

Hi there, thank you for a very nice response. You seem like a very caring and nice person. I think you understand very well how to approach people. Some times it could be random reasons why you will not get a response. Like now for instance when it took me a few days to respond to this I got busy and not much time to sit down and write something thoughtful.  

If the response is short and easy to respond over a text I respond much faster. That might be the case for the one you try to contact as well.

I think knowing if it is possible to enter with a wheelchair is the most important question and should be the first question to be asked. Not sure if they did not respond to that or not. Seems odd they did not.  

I definitely think a prescreening is absolutely perfect and I do not feel any time is too early to do that so that is squared away.  

If you tried to find answers to your questions by reading their website then they should understand that you might have missed something or wondering something else.

There is a difference between being a person who contacts us and does not even care to remember our name and instead calls everyone "babe instead, or a person like you who is trying to communicate properly.

Keep on being nice.  

xo Jessica

JessicaSweden See my TER Reviews 101 reads
4 / 9

Hi, inspired by your questions I just uploaded another video on YouTube. You seem to know how to communicate but this might help some other people out there.  

If you would like another subject for another video. Please be free to suggest.

Xo Jessica

MysteryAdmin 77 Reviews 101 reads
5 / 9

Sounds good.  I'll check it out when I get a chance.  :)   Without having given much thought about it, another question or topic would be tips on getting information when it's not readily available in an ad or on a website.

For example, I often see the instruction "first/initial contact/correspondence should include your name, age, ethnicity,  phone number, desired date and time to meet, and screening information"    Ok cool.  My first question is:  what screening information do you want?  Some ladies want "real world" information, others want references, others want a P411 ID.  In fact, I recently saw someone who's screening process involved sending her something I had never seen or heard of as screening info.  lol

I understand the ladies are busy with life, other clients, and so on and I try not to bother them unless I'm ready or close to ready to see them. However, if you want me to _not_ waste your time and send the info you need to keep communication short/efficient, at the very least I should be told what information is needed.  :)

JessicaSweden See my TER Reviews 106 reads
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Regarding information on verification. That is different for different providers. Some providers wants to know if you are clean and your behaviour etc. I just ask people to jump into the shower on routine so I am not too worried about that one.

I basically automatically know if some one is nice so I do not need to know that from a ref. All I need to know is that you are not a cop.  

It is a bit confusing what is needed and I agree that info should be provided early on. I do not need any ref myself so I do not list how to get verified.  

I have my own way of verifying you and figuring out that you are not a cop and I am not giving out all those details in advance. I just ask people to follow my step by step instructions that are not given in advance. So need to send me anything.

But for the other providers who needs verification it would be in their interest to list what they need more clearly.  

I can make a video on acceptable verifications if that helps. It would be a general list that works for most providers.

Other questions like details on services will never be discussed by me so there is no good time to ask those type of questions. But for other providers they might be able to discuss after they verified you.

(For those who is looking for sex marriage advice. Look below at the youtube video...)

JessicaSweden See my TER Reviews 120 reads
7 / 9

Hi there. I just made a video for you and the people who wants to know why and how to get verified with an escort. Enjoy!
xo Jessica

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 104 reads
8 / 9

My verification is for my safety. As a single Super Mom I need to know I am not going to be harmed & that’s my primary concern. I have never relied on references from providers I do not know personally because we’re all different. I do my own homework. I need real life information in order to verify you are who you say you are with a selfie of you holding your ID. I have required all potential clients be vetted & supply a deposit to secure my time, since 2010.  

If you show up late that’s your loss. If you’re not clean you can shower upon arrival. I whitelist gentlemen here on TER after 1 visit because I realize the majority of providers require references & it helps the community. A personal vouch from an OG escort is always good to have. Requiring deposits to book a date will eliminate haggling.

JessicaSweden See my TER Reviews 107 reads
9 / 9

Good comments. I just wanted to make sure you do not ask for just the ID because vice all have ID cards and they have access to fake ones. I hope you verify their job etc too...

I rarely use references myself since a lot of providers takes forever to reply. I have my own ways to verify in a much faster manner. I did not disclose every way I verify.  

xo Jessica

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