San Diego

Re: being as cynical as I can be...door #3
tungOfun4U 84 Reviews 811 reads
1 / 11

So you have a date that is truly off the charts spectacular, not just a TER 10, those are a dime a dozen even from me, I mean, awesome!:P  For days you experience this:

Sometimes it's like someone took a knife baby
Edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley
Through the middle of my soul

At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet
And a freight train running through the
Middle of my head
Only you can cool my desire
I'm on fire
(From "I'm on Fire" by Bruce Springsteen)

What do you do next?  
Do you follow the passion and request another session ASAP to extend the magic?
Do you wait a while, allow sensibility to drift back into your consciousness, and then request another date?
Do you move on, going out on top as did Rocky Marciano-undefeated?

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 306 reads
2 / 11
casinostocks 7 Reviews 396 reads
3 / 11

You seem quite level headed judging by your prior posts and your reviews, so you ought to know that the most logical option is B because you will have to give it time for the hormones and the chemicals to balance out.

The first option is a terrible way to go if you don't want to scare this woman away and come across as a clingy orbiter and the third option is for those who are way too jaded and can't trust themselves but to bail out!

Dr. CS prescribes that you go for B and to speed up the back to sanity process, you ought to see another one of your faves in the meantime. In fact, I'd go further and say that you really ought to have 2 faves in your repertoire to allow you to think with a clearer head (both types)

bofia 23 Reviews 306 reads
4 / 11

Posted By: casinostocks
You seem quite level headed judging by your prior posts and your reviews, so you ought to know that the most logical option is B because you will have to give it time for the hormones and the chemicals to balance out.  
 The first option is a terrible way to go if you don't want to scare this woman away and come across as a clingy orbiter and the third option is for those who are way too jaded and can't trust themselves but to bail out!  
 Dr. CS prescribes that you go for B and to speed up the back to sanity process, you ought to see another one of your faves in the meantime. In fact, I'd go further and say that you really ought to have 2 faves in your repertoire to allow you to think with a clearer head (both types)

casinostocks 7 Reviews 392 reads
5 / 11

If you are willing to enter a very tedious and rather laborious discussion about the "nothingness" or "everythingness" of the Universe, take plenty of Motrin/Tylenol and then PM me!

mrroberts69 56 Reviews 402 reads
6 / 11

Replication is never the same. You can get close but usually each date stands on its own merits. Dont expect it to every be the same...

tungOfun4U 84 Reviews 344 reads
7 / 11

Hey Doc, what if she is the one that contacts you to return asap?  Hooked on hormones and she stokes the inferno?  Thanks for your input.

Posted By: casinostocks
You seem quite level headed judging by your prior posts and your reviews, so you ought to know that the most logical option is B because you will have to give it time for the hormones and the chemicals to balance out.  
 The first option is a terrible way to go if you don't want to scare this woman away and come across as a clingy orbiter and the third option is for those who are way too jaded and can't trust themselves but to bail out!  
 Dr. CS prescribes that you go for B and to speed up the back to sanity process, you ought to see another one of your faves in the meantime. In fact, I'd go further and say that you really ought to have 2 faves in your repertoire to allow you to think with a clearer head (both types)

tungOfun4U 84 Reviews 256 reads
8 / 11

I went back, ASAP, for our third date and it was crazy, spectacular.  After 4 hours with the lady, the only thing we know about each other is that there will be a fourth session.  Oh, and how to get each other off.

bofia 23 Reviews 334 reads
9 / 11

Let us all know where you're registered. LOL. Enjoy it while it lasts. I'm going to quit asking WHO.

Posted By: tungOfun4U
I went back, ASAP, for our third date and it was crazy, spectacular.  After 4 hours with the lady, the only thing we know about each other is that there will be a fourth session.  Oh, and how to get each other off.

mrroberts69 56 Reviews 232 reads
10 / 11

Excellent! Love being wrong, especially when it comes to

rhcpu2 3 Reviews 250 reads
11 / 11

Posted By: mrroberts69
Excellent! Love being wrong, especially when it comes to

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