San Diego

Re: It's okay! Why not? So what?
echo7romeo 10 Reviews 10706 reads

But, I do agree that a decent review, as well, would come across in a better light. In my (ever so humble) opinion, If the person posting the review finds the lady so great! Well, that's wonderful. What the hell! Tell everybody. I also place a heavy weight on the reviews and like jimj, I am sometimes skeptical but, I don't believe a posting on the discussion board to be that significant (particularly, with no review). I have sent personal messages of gratitude to my favorites (off the boards)and if I see her as a subject of a posting, I like to add my two cents too. Sure, I'd like to help. I'm Happy about that person! I guess it depends on how one chooses their words to voice  those expressions (for general consumption). I can't see "over embellishment" in this recommendation. Presumptuous, maybe but, who cares! Now, if one were avoiding reviews and as expressed in other strings, there is a manipulation factor in order to by-pass a review. Who knows? Who cares? It's gonna happen. My suggestion is just pay close attention to the content of the postings and some of the responses(they will tell a lot about any lady in question).

jimj8390 reads

Let's have a discussion here: what is with the idea of posting on a "discussion" board "thank you (whichever provider)" and yet not posting a review? Is this laziness, which denies the rest of us some detailed and useful commentary? Is it bragging, as in "hey guys, I scored" or "I finally got the $$$ together, aren't I great"? And if it is genuine thanks, why post it here? Send a private message or an e-mail, or flowers. Seriously, what's the point?

I can only speak for myself, but...

My intentions were threefold:

1)  Let the provider know that I did, in fact have a good time.
2)  Let other hobbyists know that the provider is legit without necessarily needing to have them read a full review.
3)  Provide a pattern of posting on the board that future providers can check to see that I am a hobbyist.

As for the lack of a review, that is, to a certain extent, laziness on my part.  I don't necessarily need VIP status, so I'm in no rush to create a review for my latest experience.  I did, however, try to post a review for two previous experiences, but since they didn't have a working website, they were denied.

Plus, I see my "regulars", so posting a review for each date is not really helpful, especially if I'd already posted one before.

Just my $0.02.

well said, bkman.  I've posted several "thank you" type messages here on the san diego board for all of those reasons.  With Brooke April and with Elise, I wanted to let people know they were the real deal.  With Jenni, Bexy, Suzanne, etc., I usually try to chim in on their own greeting/thankyou type posts, as I don't talk with them very often, but think of them almost daily.  Ladies, beautiful Ladies..... hmmmm.

Sure those posts can be a waste of space, not giving very much information, but well, heck.  Have you seen the traffic on the LA board!  Needledick's daily posts alone could fill up an entire San Diego screen, lol.

so post more often, my vacuous "thank you" messages need more camouflage!

gumby00710955 reads

I love Jim's post. I have wanted to say something about these types of posts for a while, but thought it best to keep my mouth shut. Now that the cat is out of the bag....
   If a hobbyists wants the provider to know that he had a great time, tell her. What's wrong with email or a phone call? I agree with Jim that it appears to be nothing more than bragging. I have at times wondered if these posts were put up at the request of a provider to generate business. Not that long ago, there was one particular provider that was getting these posts on almost a weekly basis. As well intentioned as these posts are, they provide little if anything in the way of information to help future hobbyists.
   As far as a provider being considered a "real deal", simply because she was publicly recognized is way off. As many have stated in the past, we all have different tastes. Just because one guy likes a FBSM with a happy finish, that does not mean the rest of us do. When a guy states that a provider is the real deal, I figure FS is on the menu. This is not the case with all providers of course. Then, there are the constant debates over cbj,bbbj and bbbjtc. We will not get into that.
   As far as a history of posting, just put your opinions on the board as you see fit. Reply to other posts where you have experience. Honestly, I learn nothing from these "thank you" posts.
   Don't get me started on why people don't post reviews. Being lazy would be the best excuse that I have heard so far though. I can't stand the wimps that complain they don't want to write "juicy details", because the time spent with the provider was so special. Come on!
   Now. This post was in no way aimed directly at the previous, or future posters. I believe that they share the opinions on many out there that have not posted. I have no intention to tick anyone  off or lump all providers or hobbyists together in any way, shape or form. I simply believe that Jim made a great point and wanted to respond to it. This post is in no way meant to be inflammatory. ( I think I covered my butt on that). LOL

My no-flame response would be, YES, you and Jim are right.  A review would be more informative, I'm just not ready to write one yet.  Not entirely lazy, just want to visit a few more times before (maybe) putting something on the permanent record.  There's a fine line between helping out the guys and protecting/respecting the ladies, and I'm still finding out what works best for ME, because each encounter/person is "special".  

My bottomline, and I'll get flack for this from the guys, is that at this point, if everything went well, then I won't write a review unless the lady says it's "OK" to do so.  Posting a "thank you" message here on the board seemed a fair compromise.

And sitting here, thinking what to say to add value, the thought comes to mind -- what about the vagaries of YMMV, what about ladies who don't allow reviews, have bad websites, or have so many reviews that another one would be useless?  My pet peeve is fake or malicious reviews.

I look forward to discussing this with you/others more, maybe during the next wednesday San Diego Chat, which I'm thinking would be best to schedule AFTER the superbowl.  cheers,

RebeccaofSeattle9296 reads

I have been told it is due to the delay in the approval of the review.

Both the gents that recently thanked me here did indeed review. (See link).  Other thing to consider is if the lady travels it may post in her home town vs your local review area!

Be safe!

I'm in agreement with BKman... in the case of my "thank you" to Rebecca in an earlier thread, it was simply to let others know of a great legitimate provider who is only in San Diego through tomorrow... I submitted the review but of course it takes several days to post.

I think they answered your question very thoroughly, but I might add that some Providers, although they do appreciate a Review, and know the importance it plays, sometimes prefer not to have too many, or any at all; and to also keep a low profile.
A simple post from the Gentleman says enough - he enjoyed his visit; and you could possibly send a private message with some specific questions.
I, for one, am 50/50. I prefer it be more private, and word-of-mouth referencing but do certainly appreciate a well written, subtle review.
('if you dream it, they will come..') :)


nctyguy10865 reads

I had similar thoughts as to why are all these "thank you" type messages were popping up. I tend to be one of those guys that does not routinely post reviews or for that matter to date any. I have previously posted my reasons and criteria for posting a review.  I do not think too many people can call me lazy when they see the length of some of my posts on this and the LA board. The time spent with some of these posts is far greater then writing a relatively short review.

I have had sessions with some providers in the past where I wanted to say I had a great time and hope to see them again, basically "thank you". Those that have an e-mail address on their site it is very easy to just send a short note.  I do not think it is necessary to let the whole world know you had a good time.  For those that do not have a published e-mail address it is a little harder for me to send my thoughts. I do not like to leave a message on their voice mail as I think that should be limited to setting an appointment only.

The difference to me is that e-mail is something that you can look at when you want to or when you have some extra time.  If the voice mail is linked to a pager, then the pager goes off at inappropriate times and/or the person may feel that they should retrieve the call as it may be an appointment.

I can see how the "thank you" message on the discussion board could solve my problem of sending a non-priority message to someone that does not have a published e-mail address. I have not posted one of those to date either. I am attemptimg to keep my screen name private so I can feel free to say what I want or feel is necessary without worrying about the impacts it may have.

It was said that the "thank you" was also used to establish oneself as a credible TER member for the future screening by providers.  I do not know how many times this should be said or shouted from the roof tops, this site should be used for the benefit of the hobbyists and not become a site for the express benefit of the providers for screeening potential clients.

If this trend continues, this site will become worthless to all hobbyists because all the reviews will be written in a manner not to offend any of the marginal or good providers in the fear that honesty may keep you from seeing someone new.  All reviews will be written as being good, exceeded my expectations, must see and so forth. It is getting to the point where the hobbyist is starting to be more concerned about his high scores or average score then the providers.  Hopefully the bait and switch, cash and dash and straight rip offs will still get bad reviews, but that may even be made softer.

The "thank you" from a well established reviewer or poster can be of some benefit to us all. They can get info that the provider is at least above a minimum level of service in a faster manner so if a provider is only here for a short time, a few days, others will know that she is possibly worth a try. The poor response to visiting providers lately may be overcome by this and we may be able the attract some good providers to visit our area. The poor response to some of these visiting providers might also be that they just do not measure up to the local talent.

I know that no matter whether you look at this as a straight business venture and that emotions should be left outside the door or not, it is common practice for us to say "thank you" when someone does something nice for us. If I can say "thank you" to a waiter or busboy for filling my water glass, I should be able to say "thank you" to a provider that shared with me some very intimate and enjoyable moments.  The question is do I shout "thank you" loudly in the restuarant so all of the patrons can hear or just load enough for the person providing the service to hear me. Posting a "thank you" hear might be the same as shouting it.

As with all posts, if I am interested I will open it and read it, if not I pass it by. Most "thank you" posts are passed by unless it might be about someone I was considering seeing.  It was also mentioned that on the LA board there are more posts so the "thank you" may not be as noticible.  The problem is with the larger number of posts a good topic and responses get scrolled to the second and third page much more quickly. Good information may be lost to many if they do not go past the first page. sometimes a post ill be resurrected with a new thread to keep it near the top. The information on this discussion board should not be solely for the benefit of the person posting the information or one or two others.

"Thank you" all if you made it this far.  Just wanted to be polite and cover my ass so nobody will get mad at anything that I said, as if I were to really care. My opinions are my own and will defend them if I need to. Hopefully we are not here for the sole purpose of being liked, but to exchange good and meaningful information which can help us with the enjoyment of this hobby and how it can impact positively and negatively our lives.

I don't know why you'd have anything against a Gentleman legitimizing a lady whose legitimacy has previously been questioned in public here on the boards. (ME!~~Do a search!)

I personally very much appreciate it when the Gents that have seen me (and the Ladies too) make it clear that I'm not LE and not a ROB, D&D, ETC.

If you insist on the Juicy Details before you see a Lady, there's certainly dozens of other choices so I don't see why the complaints!! I certainly don't want anyone that sees me to be disappointed. I'd HATE that, as a matter of fact.

Unfortuntately, its not always under my control, (or the Gent I'm seeing for that matter) no matter what we'd know about each other ahead of time.  

If you believe that reviews are objective, and I notice the first poster in this thread possibly chose to remain anonymous..... well.. I've got company so if you don't understand, I really don't have time to explain any further.



this is the only community of people I could express openly how happy I am and why.

Take care,

Now, THAT, Dogg, was very sweet! Very sweet.
You get a rub behind the ears for that one!

Happy your tail's a-waggin',


Thank you!!!!!

Take care,

Ginger girl11118 reads

I agree...sometimes you just want to say "thanks" and this is a community that many of us feel pretty comfortable in. I do think everyone has valid points exressed in their posts it's just some of us think of this place as more of a community of friends than just a resource for information.

I do understand that some ladies also can't have reviews. i know that there are those guys that believe that there is no real reason for asking clients not to review you but there are some very quality ladies out there that also lead double lives and are going through personal issues such as divorce or custody battles that could potentially be affected by recent reviews. If the situation was reversed I am sure that the hobbyists would want their reviews removed if they could cause a problem in their own lives.

These days providers and hobbyists are anyone and everyone, before the internet this was not really the case. We have more regular janes and joes involved now than ever and i think it lends to the improvement of the hobby as a whole. In the regular world people do like to just reach out and say "hey" and thanks once in a while...and sometimes that thanks with a follow up thread of "incall offered" or "special rates" can be beneficial to the provider...and maybe even the hobbyist who was inclined to see her just because someone who's likes are similar mentioned her here.

There have been many hobbyists I would like to have thanked profusely but I didn't think that it would be in the interest of discretion to do so here :)

Your post means alot and thanks! It's very nice to see your views from the other side (provider and client)!

Take care,

PS hope your pup is doing well!!!

my playbook10422 reads

If everyone did an abstract review on this discussion board (of recent meetings)we would be overwhelmed and no dialog/communication would occur as intended and it would repetitive.  Although it's nice to say "thank you", these comments are really private chit chat that should go in an email to the person(s) involved.  Doens't the review satisfy the male ego to brag?

A Spectator10832 reads

attention to a particular lady.  Otherwise, a private message, email or gift will do.

JMHO, it is only effective for a new or visiting lady.  I think it is great for a visiting lady as her stay is usually quite short (3-7 days).  By the time a review is written, submitted and posted, it is often too late for other members to act.  For a new lady, thank you post will help soften the initial skepticism and draw enough traffic to have the first few reviews written by established reviewers.

It is a lot less effective for an established lady.  Readers of these boards are in general quite experienced.  Most of them are familiar with the reviews and postings of established ladies.  A review is far more effective to raise the profile of an established lady.  Many TER members check new batches of reviews when they are approved.  JMHO, it is a very effective way of generating new business when new reviews are posted.

Just my 2 cents.

But, I do agree that a decent review, as well, would come across in a better light. In my (ever so humble) opinion, If the person posting the review finds the lady so great! Well, that's wonderful. What the hell! Tell everybody. I also place a heavy weight on the reviews and like jimj, I am sometimes skeptical but, I don't believe a posting on the discussion board to be that significant (particularly, with no review). I have sent personal messages of gratitude to my favorites (off the boards)and if I see her as a subject of a posting, I like to add my two cents too. Sure, I'd like to help. I'm Happy about that person! I guess it depends on how one chooses their words to voice  those expressions (for general consumption). I can't see "over embellishment" in this recommendation. Presumptuous, maybe but, who cares! Now, if one were avoiding reviews and as expressed in other strings, there is a manipulation factor in order to by-pass a review. Who knows? Who cares? It's gonna happen. My suggestion is just pay close attention to the content of the postings and some of the responses(they will tell a lot about any lady in question).

Dream in North County10115 reads

I personally feel flattered when a friend takes a moment to post a sweet note on the board. A personal email is also very sweet but to log onto the bored and be surprised can really put a smile on your face.
  I mean this is a discussion board where postings of this nature should not be considered inappropriate. If these type of postings do not interest you then certainly you do not have to read them. Maybe it is only one person who truly is interested in reading the post but if it means something to them and brightens their day in anyway then what is the harm my friends...xooxxoDream

gumby0078345 reads

Well Dang! When Dream puts it like that, I can no longer complain.

Oh Good! We're putting you in charge of Gumby, then!



Thank you Dream,

It's just saying thank you......and it can be very special!

Take care,

-- Modified on 1/4/2003 9:01:54 PM

Dream in North County11287 reads

You guys are so sweet!!! Gumby if anybody can handle you I know I can...Sedona I think you sound so cool...and 1dog1 you are alright w/me(smile)...xoxoxoDream

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