San Diego

Provider Discretion? That is an oxymoron
AverageEverydayJoe 882 reads

Tung - Your challenge is that you believe all providers are honest, discreet and only see 1 "lover" per day.  I think if you just adjust your perspective a bit, you will be better off (meaning SAFER).  Make the assumption from the belief that all providers are dis-honest, not discreet and definitely see more than 1 "lover" per day.  Of course the last statement of 1 lover per day may be true - 1 "lover" per day per location :)

At any rate, we as hobbyists are placed in the position now where we MUST lie to the providers.

Follow my rules and you will never risk a thing ...

1. Get a "burn phone"
2. Join P411
3. Book a few appointments with some very high-end providers
4. Now you have the providers as 411 references

At this point ... What are they references to?  They are references to your FAKE phone # and your FAKE ID.  UNLESS they take a DNA sample they dont know an average Joe from a Joseph Tungswerth.  GET IT ??

Play the GAME.  The "providers" play it every day and you are risking EVERYTHING and trust me when I say EVERYTHING (personal life, job, etc, etc) when you give any shred of it to ANY provider.  DONT DO IT.  BELIEVE their lies and always be looking behind you or create ANOTHER you!

BTW - this has worked so well for me that I have seen EVERY "provider" on this board that openly debates me.  They just dont have the brains to know that a Joe might just be a William :)


Over the past year, I have recognized a couple of fumbles by providers compromising client anonymity.  The first was by a reviewed lady who "left her browser open".  It was discovered by her 'sugar daddy', an attorney who, until that time, was not aware that she had a business.  Hopefully, he doesn't seek vengeance by going after her 'contacts'.  Duh!  The second instance was by a reviewed provider who booked our date start time to overlap with the date end time of another hobbyist.  Yes, I saw the guy, his car, his auto license, etc. as he left.  What if I had known the hobbyist who was leaving her incall as my number was called at the "deli counter"?  What if I had been leaving the incall and, unbeknown to me, I was observed and identified by the next guy?  Double Duh!  (This alone merits a separate thread in the future.)
Gentleman, what errors have you noted recently?  Ladies, please, offer suggestions to colleagues and hobbyists for preserving anonymity.
Anonymity, like virginity, once lost cannot be found.

And have passwords on all my devices that auto log off after a set time

Jezebel is 100% correct - be sure to share these experiences and choose ladies who value discretion.

Hope you have a great weekend

Posted By: tungOfun4U
Over the past year, I have recognized a couple of fumbles by providers compromising client anonymity.  The first was by a reviewed lady who "left her browser open".  It was discovered by her 'sugar daddy', an attorney who, until that time, was not aware that she had a business.  Hopefully, he doesn't seek vengeance by going after her 'contacts'.  Duh!  The second instance was by a reviewed provider who booked our date start time to overlap with the date end time of another hobbyist.  Yes, I saw the guy, his car, his auto license, etc. as he left.  What if I had known the hobbyist who was leaving her incall as my number was called at the "deli counter"?  What if I had been leaving the incall and, unbeknown to me, I was observed and identified by the next guy?  Double Duh!  (This alone merits a separate thread in the future.)  
 Gentleman, what errors have you noted recently?  Ladies, please, offer suggestions to colleagues and hobbyists for preserving anonymity.  
 Anonymity, like virginity, once lost cannot be found.

Instead of contacting each one separately, she added them to the same single email.  I gave her 24 hrs to validate me, so I cant imagine why she went that route.  Boy, did I catch hell from one of the ladies.  She was not to pleased about the situation.

AverageEverydayJoe883 reads

Tung - Your challenge is that you believe all providers are honest, discreet and only see 1 "lover" per day.  I think if you just adjust your perspective a bit, you will be better off (meaning SAFER).  Make the assumption from the belief that all providers are dis-honest, not discreet and definitely see more than 1 "lover" per day.  Of course the last statement of 1 lover per day may be true - 1 "lover" per day per location :)

At any rate, we as hobbyists are placed in the position now where we MUST lie to the providers.

Follow my rules and you will never risk a thing ...

1. Get a "burn phone"
2. Join P411
3. Book a few appointments with some very high-end providers
4. Now you have the providers as 411 references

At this point ... What are they references to?  They are references to your FAKE phone # and your FAKE ID.  UNLESS they take a DNA sample they dont know an average Joe from a Joseph Tungswerth.  GET IT ??

Play the GAME.  The "providers" play it every day and you are risking EVERYTHING and trust me when I say EVERYTHING (personal life, job, etc, etc) when you give any shred of it to ANY provider.  DONT DO IT.  BELIEVE their lies and always be looking behind you or create ANOTHER you!

BTW - this has worked so well for me that I have seen EVERY "provider" on this board that openly debates me.  They just dont have the brains to know that a Joe might just be a William :)


PabloNeruda581 reads

I don't know who Mike is and why you dropped him.

"mic drop"

So if I understand correctly, you've told us what a complete liar you are Joe; yet expect us to believe you've actually seen "every" provider you've debated on these boards. I'm buying the liar part of that equation.

You've got the right idea, though.  How I only wish all potential clients had a p411 account with a few okays.  I couldn't care less if it's a burn phone and a fake name.  I don't think any of us care about that.  It's YOU, and we know YOU are safe.  This is all I ever want, but what do I get 9 times out of 10?  Someone telling me this is there first time to ever see a provider.

When that happens, I tell them they should learn to use TER, and in some cases I can see a newbie if I can easily verify their employment, get a copy of their ID, and a selfie.

I share this info with my assistant, then delete it after we meet if they send me a reminder asking me to do so.

That way, if any crime is committed against me I can hold them accountable.

OR, they can see someone else first then come back with a reference, or join P411.

I think this is fair.  I'm not sure why so many guys say nobody should ever do it.  Maybe you don't realize how many clients call saying this is their first time ever.  I don't believe most of them, but you guys ALL lie, right?

Just kidding

AverageEverydayJoe477 reads

Freya - I think your instincts are correct that guys who tell you it is their first time - are in fact lying.  In fact that line - that its my first time - coupled with the fact that I never heard about TER - is how I was able to make an appointment with you.  The unfortunate circumstances that you find yourself (and most other providers) in is that most hobbyists are forced to lie.


I have given this scenario before, however let me give it again.


STEP 1: I want to see a "provider" or "lover" or whatever you want to label us as thinking it will keep you out of legal trouble
STEP 2: I see a "provider" (Lets call her P1) at my house - ROOKIE MISTAKE
STEP 3: I want to see you so you ask for either references or personal info - whatever - who cares?  RIGHT?
STEP 4: I give you P1 as a reference and you verify I'm "OK" - ALL CLEAR!  Joe is a nice guy.  He lives at 12345 XXXXX street in Somewhere, CA.  You further verify their place of employment as 1 reference just isnt enough for you to feel safe.
STEP 5: I see you but didnt really think you were as "fantasty-ic" as you make yourself out to be so I give you a sub-par review.
STEP 6: You now KNOW where I live from STEP 4 and don't really take kindly to bad reviews.  It sure seems to me at this point that you have the hobbyists by the proverbial balls because you can do a lot of creative things when you know where they live and where they work and THEY HAVE MADE YOU UPSET.
STEP 7: BAD STUFF!  You upest a provider by giving her an HONEST (bad) review.  She knows where you live, where you work and your phone # - HOBBYISTS - Is anything GOOD gonna come to you at this point?  You either reap what you sow or KISS ASS on this board and PANDER top the provider that you personally think is HORRIBLE but has you by the proverbial ball-sack.
STEP 8: LATHER, Rinse, Repeat - NO Sorry not playing your games.  

Hope this step-by-step guide has helped to enlighten you.

Good Day!

Joseph Tungswerth

YoungKenny589 reads

Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
Freya - I think your instincts are correct that guys who tell you it is their first time - are in fact lying.  In fact that line - that its my first time - coupled with the fact that I never heard about TER - is how I was able to make an appointment with you.  The unfortunate circumstances that you find yourself (and most other providers) in is that most hobbyists are forced to lie.  
 HERE'S WHY ...  
 I have given this scenario before, however let me give it again.  
 STEP 1: I want to see a "provider" or "lover" or whatever you want to label us as thinking it will keep you out of legal trouble  
 STEP 2: I see a "provider" (Lets call her P1) at my house - ROOKIE MISTAKE  
 STEP 3: I want to see you so you ask for either references or personal info - whatever - who cares?  RIGHT?  
 STEP 4: I give you P1 as a reference and you verify I'm "OK" - ALL CLEAR!  Joe is a nice guy.  He lives at 12345 XXXXX street in Somewhere, CA.  You further verify their place of employment as 1 reference just isnt enough for you to feel safe.  
 STEP 5: I see you but didnt really think you were as "fantasty-ic" as you make yourself out to be so I give you a sub-par review.  
 STEP 6: You now KNOW where I live from STEP 4 and don't really take kindly to bad reviews.  It sure seems to me at this point that you have the hobbyists by the proverbial balls because you can do a lot of creative things when you know where they live and where they work and THEY HAVE MADE YOU UPSET.  
 STEP 7: BAD STUFF!  You upest a provider by giving her an HONEST (bad) review.  She knows where you live, where you work and your phone # - HOBBYISTS - Is anything GOOD gonna come to you at this point?  You either reap what you sow or KISS ASS on this board and PANDER top the provider that you personally think is HORRIBLE but has you by the proverbial ball-sack.  
 STEP 8: LATHER, Rinse, Repeat - NO Sorry not playing your games.    
 Hope this step-by-step guide has helped to enlighten you.  
 Good Day!  
 Joseph Tungswerth
Yes, don't piss her off or she'll send out mass emails about you, mostly fabricated like she did w Mr sample guy and mr boyfriend xx guy:-).  

Nice work Joe

Before I wondered if it could be true that he had an alias and was actually seeing ladies with his other TER ID.

This claim that he saw me after he said that he'd never seen any other providers is absolutely false. If he would've told me that it would've been very difficult for him to make an appointment with me!

And in another post just recently he said he used his other handle with reviews nice refused to book appointments. He contradicted himself right here and I for one don't believe he saw me or Lauren or any of the people he has been claiming to see

Really but no ladies remember you ! Maybe you watch there pictures on line and make love to yourself...and in that simple twisted mind from smelling horse shit on your ranch in Montana u think its real and decide to post more BS and lies! Hey be advised and  don't listen to  this man  or anything he has to say.  He will put u in category u won't want to be in!,

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 10:32:06 AM

I see about 10 clients per week.  That means over the last 8 years I've had a lot of encounters.  You can do the math.

I consider myself to be very respectful of my clients and I try to always be professional.

I always book my appointments an hour apart.  That gives me time to shower, wash my face and touch up my make up and freshen up the house.

That also gives the clients time to be a few minutes late, take showers before and/or after, etc.

If I looked like Goldie, I could charge 600/H and have the luxury of seeing one client per day, too, lol.

However, if a client is late, or if a regular can only come at a certain time and I try to squeeze him in (for sure half an hour apart or I won't do it), then an accident can happen and they might cross paths.  It has happened and it probably will again.

This isn't a double-duh situation, TOF.  It's just life not unfolding perfectly once again, in spite of me using a system that 99% of the time works just fine for everyone.  

-- Modified on 5/14/2015 11:48:06 AM

AverageEverydayJoe413 reads

If I did the math correctly you have seen over 4 THOUSAND GUYS.  Actually 4,160 :)  Congrats to you Freya for being so popular.

More than half of my clients are returning clients.  Many of these clients I've seen many times.  Also, I should have said I like to work 10 hours a week.  That doesn't always happen.  Sometimes it's more.  Often it's less.  And since many clients book multiple hours, I might see 5 men when I work 10 hours.

But certainly, I've seen a lot of men.  I've also probably been with more than 20 women now...though I still am not too good at DATY judging by the reaction of the ladies in spite of my sincere efforts.

I've never once had an STD.  You guys can view my most recent test results on talent testing services, at least I think anyone can view them.  I also always get flu vaccines and I take zicam at the first sign of a cold.  Keeping my clients safe is a responsibility I take very seriously.  I'm always happy to discuss stds with my clients...what they are, how they are transmitted, what the signs and symptoms are, what treatments are, and what potential risks are with GFE sessions (very minimal).  

Is that the concern when you say you hope your math isn't right?  Or could it have been an insult to my moral character?  I hope not, but I'm aware that there are clients who love to see providers who still look down on us for what they view as low moral standards.

Personally, I don't know why more ladies don't do this kind of work.  But I've always been a practical person.  I don't have a problem with what I do, but others will and I guess I should try to be okay with that.

My point was that accidents do happen.  If they happen to me, they can happen to others.  I probably shouldn't be so candid.  I'm sure some people are going to judge me.  Sometimes it seems like some of the ladies are quick to jump on a clients complaint to point out how they never would do such a thing.  I really think I'm a capable, professional, and respectful provider, and a lot of times these things the guys are complaining about and the ladies are saying, "nobody should ever do that", are things that have happened to me, that I have done, in spite of my best efforts to do the job well.  I guess I feel like saying so, even though it's not going to be a popular opinion.

AverageEverydayJoe431 reads

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
More than half of my clients are returning clients.  Many of these clients I've seen many times.  Also, I should have said I like to work 10 hours a week.  That doesn't always happen.  Sometimes it's more.  Often it's less.  And since many clients book multiple hours, I might see 5 men when I work 10 hours.  
 But certainly, I've seen a lot of men.  I've also probably been with more than 20 women now...though I still am not too good at DATY judging by the reaction of the ladies in spite of my sincere efforts.  
 I've never once had an STD.  You guys can view my most recent test results on talent testing services, at least I think anyone can view them.  I also always get flu vaccines and I take zicam at the first sign of a cold.  Keeping my clients safe is a responsibility I take very seriously.  I'm always happy to discuss stds with my clients...what they are, how they are transmitted, what the signs and symptoms are, what treatments are, and what potential risks are with GFE sessions (very minimal).    
 Is that the concern when you say you hope your math isn't right?  Or could it have been an insult to my moral character?  I hope not, but I'm aware that there are clients who love to see providers who still look down on us for what they view as low moral standards.  
 Personally, I don't know why more ladies don't do this kind of work.  But I've always been a practical person.  I don't have a problem with what I do, but others will and I guess I should try to be okay with that.  
 My point was that accidents do happen.  If they happen to me, they can happen to others.  I probably shouldn't be so candid.  I'm sure some people are going to judge me.  Sometimes it seems like some of the ladies are quick to jump on a clients complaint to point out how they never would do such a thing.  I really think I'm a capable, professional, and respectful provider, and a lot of times these things the guys are complaining about and the ladies are saying, "nobody should ever do that", are things that have happened to me, that I have done, in spite of my best efforts to do the job well.  I guess I feel like saying so, even though it's not going to be a popular opinion.  
Oh I see.  That makes it way better.  At any rate Freya, the sole word of advice I have for you is to treat others as you would like to be treated, Otherwise ...

Is this a threat?

I've treated you respectfully on the boards and through Pms in spite of warnings about you so I really don't know what you're talking about.

AverageEverydayJoe379 reads

No this is not a threat  - it is is a saying.  Treat others with respect otherwise you will not be treated that way.  That's all Freya - a simple expression.  Have a great day in Sunny San Diego!

AverageEverydayJoe300 reads

And I as well to you unless you can show me a thread or review or ANYTHING where I said ANYTHING even marginally bad about you.  I honestly don't know why you have any hostility toward me.  I have done nothing to you or your friend Lauren.  The worst thing I said about either of you was that she was too old for my tastes - I do have an opinion and I do NOT have to like or agree with you all the time.  If there is anything that I said that was mean then produce it.  If not, I wish you well.

Hope you understand I am not wishing anything bad for you or Lauren.

Just reading Freya's reply , I can see why she is so popular here. Not only beautiful but very smart. Only thing I would caution is be careful with Talent Testing because there are some STD's they don't test you for, namely herpes. Maybe they do if you ask, but its not on their price list for services anywhere.  

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
More than half of my clients are returning clients.  Many of these clients I've seen many times.  Also, I should have said I like to work 10 hours a week.  That doesn't always happen.  Sometimes it's more.  Often it's less.  And since many clients book multiple hours, I might see 5 men when I work 10 hours.  
 But certainly, I've seen a lot of men.  I've also probably been with more than 20 women now...though I still am not too good at DATY judging by the reaction of the ladies in spite of my sincere efforts.  
 I've never once had an STD.  You guys can view my most recent test results on talent testing services, at least I think anyone can view them.  I also always get flu vaccines and I take zicam at the first sign of a cold.  Keeping my clients safe is a responsibility I take very seriously.  I'm always happy to discuss stds with my clients...what they are, how they are transmitted, what the signs and symptoms are, what treatments are, and what potential risks are with GFE sessions (very minimal).    
 Is that the concern when you say you hope your math isn't right?  Or could it have been an insult to my moral character?  I hope not, but I'm aware that there are clients who love to see providers who still look down on us for what they view as low moral standards.  
 Personally, I don't know why more ladies don't do this kind of work.  But I've always been a practical person.  I don't have a problem with what I do, but others will and I guess I should try to be okay with that.  
 My point was that accidents do happen.  If they happen to me, they can happen to others.  I probably shouldn't be so candid.  I'm sure some people are going to judge me.  Sometimes it seems like some of the ladies are quick to jump on a clients complaint to point out how they never would do such a thing.  I really think I'm a capable, professional, and respectful provider, and a lot of times these things the guys are complaining about and the ladies are saying, "nobody should ever do that", are things that have happened to me, that I have done, in spite of my best efforts to do the job well.  I guess I feel like saying so, even though it's not going to be a popular opinion.  

First, to Average Joe, I can appreciate your caution and tips, but, it seems to me that you lack respect for the ladies YOU  seek out to provide YOU a service.  

Second, to Freya, I have been looking at your adds for three years now and have not contacted you because, frankly, I was intimated by you. Or, maybe the idea of you. Your posts have entirely changed that. I will be contacting you in the not too distant future and I hope I can pass your screening process. And, for what it's worth, the first time I saw a "professional" I told her it was my first time and was actually telling the truth! Lol! Somewhere along the line I wised up and figured it was fairly obvious to a "pro" I was lying. I don't do that any more.  

Lastly, I do not see providers very often but I have never judged or looked down upon the ladies I have seen. Except for the three women that took my money without providing a service. That was three years ago before I learned about TER and reviews. Live and learn, right?

Lastly, again, thank you to the "Pros" for all you do and thank you guys for honest reviews that go a long ways to keep us all out of trouble.

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