San Diego

Mara 13183 reads

-- Modified on 5/28/2002 11:35:30 AM

Hi -

Im sorta new to the MP scene, but im pretty bugged about the fact that there doesn't seem to be any massage parlor girl that isn't over 35 years old.  As much as I like having a wrinkly old asian woman squeezing my manhood... I prefer a younger girl in her 20's at the oldest.  Im 27 so ... 40 is just a bit extreme for me.

Are there any MP's that actually have YOUNG girls (20's max) working there?

I went to one up in LA a month ago and there was a place with like 20 girls and all 20 of them were under 25.  Something like this MUST exist somewhere in san diego.


nolie13444 reads

Your  experience in LA cannot be repeated with out a return trip. The AMP scene in SD in no way compares to what can be found just a few miles to the north. Nevertheless, there are a few parlors in the Pacific Beach area that are somewhat accomadating and worth mentioning. These AMPs usually employ younger staffs, but don't exepect too much, as they are generally in it for the money. Check the SD Reader for more information. Stay away from parlors located in the Escondido area. They are not very good and are usually staffed with older, less enthusiastic masseuses that usually only offer only limited services.The best parlors can be found in Santa Monica, but that, unfortunenately, is also in LA county. Good luck in your endeavor.

By the way: where's the parlor you visited in LA?

Not surprisingly, it was in santa monica

So which ones in PB have young girls?  That do more than just massage...


Mara13646 reads

I smell something funny.......yes it is you!
If you want to know why I take this stand please take a look at his contribution to this board 340 days ago.

GirlPointOfView11934 reads

sandiego2 - aren't you the guy that thinks the girls here in San Diego are ugly?  Yes - that is you!  If we could only do reviews on a guy like you!

-- Modified on 5/25/2002 5:18:39 PM

What??? I dont have a right to not find you attractive Mara?  I am sure you're a very nice woman, but I just don't find you physically appealing.  That's my opinion.  You'd probably find me hideous.  That's your right.  

I don't post reviews because I am a private person.  Once again, im sure you're a nice girl, but don't freak out on me just because I said I wasn't finding any of the latest reviews of women that I found attractive.  Just go to the LA reviews and you'll see hundreds of beautiful hotties that are legitimate.  A quick comparison will reveal my point without me having to say another word.  

To each his own right?  Ok then.

D boy14244 reads

Dude! There's saying your bit then there is being vindictive. Your post about Mara and other providers in S.D. was vindictive.


GirlPointOfView13252 reads

You take "to each his own" a little far!

Back in November you said, "I cannot believe the utter Dogs you guys are screwing on a daily basis" in refering to San Diego girls.  Well as a San Diego girl, I take offense.  I won't lose any sleep over it, but I think if you are so enthralled with the girls in LA, then take your butt over to the LA board and post your messages.

Is it your nature to be such an ass or do you really have to try hard at it?  It's not about what you think about Mara or any other particular girl, it's about your cocky attitude on the board that tries to convey that you are some sort of stud and an expert on beauty. What a crock of crap! Write a review of a girl and say what you think based on EXPERIENCE, not your lame opinions.  Reviews work both ways for girls and guys; people who have a lot of them tend to be more credible.

By the way, the last link you provided, Georgiana, has NO reviews on the San Diego review listings unless she goes by another name. And you said she kept popping up at the top of the list....

Change your alias to losangeles2 and take your crap up there!  

Just my POV

-- Modified on 5/27/2002 12:02:10 AM

GirlPointOfView14748 reads

Oh yeah -

You say:
Just go to the LA reviews and you'll see hundreds of beautiful hotties that are legitimate?

I say:
Just go to the ripoff reviews and you'll see 10 LA ripoffs for every 1 San Diego ripoff.

That's individual girls, not reviews........

Plenty of incredibly gorgeous women in the LA reviews that have been reviewed as not only "Once in a Lifetime" appearance but also incredibly great service.

I have gone to the trouble of giving you direct URLs to 6 of them right below.  This should end the debate.  Tell me these girls aren't above and beyond anything in the san diego reviews? (Freaking HOT and one of the best reviews out there.)

GirlPointOfView13919 reads

What debate? They are hot - who said LA girls didn't have any beautiful girls?  NOBODY!  The problem is that you say San Diego doesn't have any.  Of course that's BS, but this is the SAN DIEGO message board, not LA.  Did you go to the other boards and tell them how ugly their girls are, or just decide to pick on San Diego?

What is your true reason for hate and discontent?  Did someone here in San Diego turn you down?  Just wondering -

I know a great real estate agent in LA - you want his name?  It's time for you to move and us to move on to a different topic.....

As an alternative to my previous post, lets take a look at what San Diego has to offer.  Here are the girls I kept seeing pop to the top, when I went to read San Diego reviews.  Please do a side by side comparision for me, between these URLs and the ones in my previous post: (what a hottie!)  (this one kept coming to the top, over and over and over.  scrumptious.)

There are ALWAYS some exceptions, but almost without fail, if the girls picture is hot, i scroll down and see "Total Rip Off" in all her reviews.  Never fails.  Either that, or they charge $400-500+ up to $1,500 for one hour.

This is just my opinion.  Im sure you disagree.

GirlPointOfView16537 reads

Geez!  You are naturally an ass!  But since I know who you are, I know that's not your only "short"coming.  

Keep it up bud and you won't get laid in San Diego ever again.  And when the girls in LA figure out what you do in your spare time, I don't think they will want to see you either......

-- Modified on 5/26/2002 5:30:03 PM

Haha.. you "know who I am" ?  

You are a psycho.  How could you possibly "know who I am" ? I spend about 5 minutes a week reading reviews and almost never post here or do anything else.

Tell me who I am.  Im dying to hear it.

Since you seem to feel that the San Diego choices are unacceptable to your tastes, why do you bother to check San Diego reviews and why do you bother to post in San Diego?

Do you think that we will be awed into submission by your extensive knowledge and experience? (Not hardly)

Are you sych a wrold class stud that you need to extoll your sexual prowess to us mere mortals? (Yeah, sure)

Or is it more probable that you are some pathetic boy of such low stature and self esteem (probably caused by your constant self gratification using surgical tweezers to grasp your insignificant sexual organ) that you stroke your ego (as your misicule size makes the concept of stroking anything ludicrous) by insulting others?

Inquiring minds don't really care!

I know you're gonna say these ladies are "dogs", but they are highly thought of and most of the serious guys in San Diego would say they're VERY attractive:

Many also rate Mara quite highly!

(BTW-there's no order to the list, just the names as they came to mind.)

So you prefer the typical California Beach Blonde Bimbo type, fine-go to LA and get your bimbo. The rates for LA are similar to San Diego, somtimes higher, sometimes lower. A lot of it depends on who you find.

There's the old adage about beauty being in the eye of the beholder and YMMV. YOUR mileage is obviously a big zero, I'm certain your attitutde shows through. Yes, you'll find someone who will take your money and make you think you're the reincarnation of Don Juan, but you aren't.

Many guys will trade looks for attitude and the GFE.

One last thing, you linked to Diana in Escondido, but the latest reports all say she looks a lot better than the picture, apparently it's an old one.

Get a life, get a clue and GET LOST!

at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas!

Thank you Mara!


I also enjoy my time with Mara. Given a choice between a 20 yr old hottie from LA or Mara, don't even have to think about it.....Mara. It's all in what you like and want, but to bitch and pick on people is wrong sandiego2.

Mara13184 reads

-- Modified on 5/28/2002 11:35:30 AM

Mara12787 reads

-- Modified on 5/28/2002 11:33:43 AM

TrueGFE13992 reads

Thanks JBIRDCA...
It is true that no one is for everyone. For example, I have one friend who ONLY finds Asian ladies attractive. He could follow all of the links provided in the "evidence" posts above--and find everyone less than appealing. (Personally, I think he's crazy LOL--as I believe that there are a variety of female "looks" that are sexy and beautiful.) But, that's what HE deems to be aesthetic perfection...

A recent post on the LA board describes another difference of aesthetic opinion:

And you're also quite right in that the demeanor of both client and provider influences the quality of the encounter...A LOT! Even the most beautiful of women (regardless of what each of us considers to be beautiful) would, most likely, not enjoy the company of someone who is so bitter and foul...

-- Modified on 5/27/2002 6:18:12 PM

carpevinum13788 reads single those girls out! Some of them post here and I'm sure you have made them feel bad.

-- Modified on 7/14/2002 10:20:25 PM

gumby00711135 reads

The guy just don't know no better. I'm sure the girls feel better everytime they see a great review. Or, at least, I hope they do.  They guy is just trying to get under peoples skin. Please don't let it work. You and all the girls are better than him, and I think he knows it. Maybe he has odd tastes. Who knows. Who cares. Neither you nor I can fix a mind that is that far gone. Try to take it easy. hope to see you soon.

gumby00713983 reads

There is nothing like that in San Diego. I have been to Los Angeles. It is awesome. It's worth the drive.

Looks like Gumby confirms my thoughts regarding what's available in san diego compared to LA.  Sorry mara.

Anyways Gumby - what's your favorite place in LA for this?  Hottest girls that aren't over 25?  Name and location.


nolie15505 reads

Regarding Pacific Beach, there are a couple of parlors that have younger staffs, particulatly the ones off Garnet, if I'm not mistaken. Look in the the SD reader. Any of these, and there are only three or four, are generally okay. Look closely at the ones that offer a discount coupon as part of their ad. Also, check the massage parlor reviews on TER, although these are not necessarilly that helpful since most are old.

nolie12394 reads

Regarding Pacific Beach, there are a couple of parlors that have younger staffs, particularily the ones off Garnet, if I'm not mistaken. Look in the the SD reader. Any of these, and there are only three or four, are generally okay. Look closely at the ones that offer a discount coupon as part of their ad. Also, check the massage parlor reviews on TER, although these are not necessarilly that helpful since most are old.

Old as the internet itself: "flame bait" "trolling for trouble" craving attention particularly when it's negative.

Maybe you should go see Lani she's hot and she's one of San Diego's finest:

gumby00711201 reads

I would have to agree with Pat here. Wheile San Diego has nothing to compare to Los Angeles in the way of AMP's. San Diego has the finest escorts around. Anyone that has seen Mara, Candra, Aslee, Anna, etc. will second this. I, in no way, shape or form agree with sandiego2 on the beauty of San Diego courtesians. I believe that a majority of them are beautiful.

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