San Diego

Not sure WHY?
AverageEverydayJoe 477 reads

To those who responded to LK's post - Why such disdain?  If he is doing something you dont like then ignore it.  I think there is a function on the site where you can ignore his posts.

As far as I am concerned LK - you could answer your questions very easily by looking at the reviews.  Some members on this board are mislead into thinking that they are posted as a fantasy therefore not illegal but thats not really the case.
A really useful word of advice to the dreamers out there ... If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck then what do you think the D.A. would conclude?  Keep kidding yourselves with the 'DONATIONS' and 'Lovers' and 'Imaginary Reviews'.  Its only a matter of time - Keep up the reviews!

LK - You keep doing what you do - I go against the grain and am not a sheep - I love your posts!


TGIF, and you know what that means. Yes, it's time for Provider Friday. That's when the HOBBYIST gets to tell us who your favorite Provider is for the Week. It can be an old favorite, a new flame, someone you'd like to see, or just someone you think seems cool! She can be a Local Lady or Touring Lady that comes to this area.  
Please post a name in the subject line.  
** Plus Include a Link to her Reviews and/or Web Site. *

GoGoDeeper397 reads

Probably doesn't even live in SD.  He posts this in several other cities too.

How does a grown man have SO much freakin time on his hands that he can post this shit on several different boards EVERY Week.  Jim Carrey would say, "Loo-Hoo-Sir-Her".  Even if you're a young kid, get ur ass back in class.  Look, you're free to do what you want with your time, but it doesn't seem like anyone takes this seriously.

MY 2 CENTS...  Humbly GGD.

AverageEverydayJoe478 reads

To those who responded to LK's post - Why such disdain?  If he is doing something you dont like then ignore it.  I think there is a function on the site where you can ignore his posts.

As far as I am concerned LK - you could answer your questions very easily by looking at the reviews.  Some members on this board are mislead into thinking that they are posted as a fantasy therefore not illegal but thats not really the case.
A really useful word of advice to the dreamers out there ... If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck then what do you think the D.A. would conclude?  Keep kidding yourselves with the 'DONATIONS' and 'Lovers' and 'Imaginary Reviews'.  Its only a matter of time - Keep up the reviews!

LK - You keep doing what you do - I go against the grain and am not a sheep - I love your posts!


he DA can't do dick with circumstantial evidence genius: there requires a burden of proof.  
As in: agreeing to services for money, promoting said services for money or anything in-between.


Back to the real users points:

IMO this LC guy was either created by TER or someone who is sponsored by TER.
There is no motivation to the posts nor any merit. It appears it's meant to stir discussion or to incite.  

Either way we need to band together and NOT comment on LC posts in future if they are to go away.
Bullies and the like get bored if you stop reacting.

Some of you may notice AEJ doesn't post as much since I was happy to endure the comments.  
I welcome them and enjoy them. They are entertaining and remind me I am lucky.

Suggestion: if LC has a post at the top of SD forum, create a new thread to bump it down. We don't need this clogging up our city discussion especially considering in the months of these posts very few have been named with the addition of myself not wishing to be included

The DA can most certainly convict on circumstantial evidence alone. there is a jury instruction that says that circumstantial evidence bears the same weight as direct.

However, under the Corpus Delicti rule, there must be a scintilla of independent evidence (direct or circumstantial) to support a conviction based solely on an admission.

Posted By: GoldieKnox
 The DA can't do dick with circumstantial evidence genius: there requires a burden of proof.  
 As in: agreeing to services for money, promoting said services for money or anything in-between.  
 Back to the real users points:  
 IMO this LC guy was either created by TER or someone who is sponsored by TER.  
 There is no motivation to the posts nor any merit. It appears it's meant to stir discussion or to incite.  
 Either way we need to band together and NOT comment on LC posts in future if they are to go away.  
 Bullies and the like get bored if you stop reacting.  
 Some of you may notice AEJ doesn't post as much since I was happy to endure the comments.  
 I welcome them and enjoy them. They are entertaining and remind me I am lucky.  
 Suggestion: if LC has a post at the top of SD forum, create a new thread to bump it down. We don't need this clogging up our city discussion especially considering in the months of these posts very few have been named with the addition of myself not wishing to be included.  

I don't really find this forum the place for sharing who we have "done" or who we are about to "do".  The former should be confined to the reviews section.  The latter, if it has any place at all, should probably go under ISO or possibly in the form of "I'm looking for a hot blond with tats and a great sense of humor who is fun to be around, any suggestions, etc".  I like the pics LC posts - very hot if somewhat unattainable.  But the invitation to share just seems out of place.  On the other hand, I think if everyone ignores him (or maybe her?), then the posts will wither on the vine of apathy, making way for more substantive commentary and discussion.

I'm not interested in LC post, but this reply is for AEJ...  You write as if you know something about the law.  Without giving anything away, what degree or experience do you have that would convince anyone to listen to your BS?  If you haven't noticed, there are 1.1 MILLION reviews and 5K new reviews.  Maybe the DAs across the Country better work a lot of overtime.


If an UC didn't catch you in the act making the deal with an U/C or on video tape in a sting location, they aren't going to prosecute you. For Instance, a provider could go and write a book tomorrow about everything she's done and there would be no criminal case.... she can't be forced to incriminate no way to introduce the book as evidence without making you swear on the stand that it was all true and 5th Amendment protects you from having to swear it. She must be caught in the act of making a deal, or she is free to go her merry way.

Howdoyoulikemenow296 reads

Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Mr Cranston posts this shill shit every Friday, and every Friday nobody responds. Plus I don't think the point of TER's shill Friday was for some clown to start a thread every week with "Who is your shill for the week?" I'm pretty sure it was meant for someone to actually start a thread with a shill. Has LC ever posted a shill??

Anyway, whatevers. Carry on the insanity if you want.

AverageEverydayJoe368 reads

geesh - Lots of pent up animosity.  Im not sure what to say other than the fact that LK probably doesnt give a crap about a different result as his posts have certainly touch a nerve with you. He has a different result with me every week - but then again I remain open minded and not influenced by the herd.  Be safe out there!


This guy has no life.  I feel sorry for him.  TER is the only excitement he has posting on all the boards & has the time to do, so...sad.

The ignore button is here for this purpose.  The providers who state, ignore him & he will go away this is not likely.  He enjoys negative attention.

Curiously the mysterious LC also posts on the San Francisco board.
He seems to have received way more attention than was warranted.

I don't get it.  Why the objections?  Personally I enjoy his visuals and I look for his post as soon as I sign on.

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