San Diego

Not racism
Johnnysthewon 9 Reviews 97 reads

It's been that way for a while brudah.  Sometimes it's a preference but usually it's because the lady has a pimp or BF and they are worried a young AA in particular will steal their ladies.  No trust in the hood if you get my drift.

I've noticed some providers stating no "AA" or African Americans. I've noticed that some providers want to know your race as part of the booking process. What's up with that? The world stinks.

If you do searches on the General board, it's been discussed numerous times.  It just is her personal preference for whatever reason.  

There are lots of other ladies that see men/clients of all races.  

Possibility of black pimps trying to turn white girls.  Independent girls don't want that.  Business issue, not racism.  

It's been that way for a while brudah.  Sometimes it's a preference but usually it's because the lady has a pimp or BF and they are worried a young AA in particular will steal their ladies.  No trust in the hood if you get my drift.

Not discriminate, however, I don't see guests without
recent, verifiable Provider references.

I request a physical description of you, for safety
purposes upon meeting.
Last anyone desires is for an "unsavory" such as a  
"Jeffrey Dahmer-type showing up!

I'm sorry Sir that you are experiencing this.

That exclude certain classes of men.  Some providers don't see Asian men, but DO see AA men.  There are AA Providers who don't see AA men.  Go figure.  Many providers don't see men over or under a certain age.  Age, like race, is something no one can do anything about.  It is what it is, and any of us that have been excluded for age or race just to remember that the bottom line is that its their pussy, their rules.  Personally, if a provider is not into sessions with older guys, I would rather her just tell me that then to show up and have a mediocre session.  You should look at your situation the same way.  

...pure and simple. I see clients from all backgrounds. My worst clients have been white fwiw.

Its NOT pure and simple.  Each provider has a unique history, and they are allowed to structure their business to conform to their own comfort level based on what they have experienced in the past.  The examples that I have experienced were age-based, not race-based, but its the same concept.  We have control over whether we show up freshly showered or not, or whether we have missing and rotten teeth, but we have no control over age or race.  I asked one provider why she doesn't see customers over a certain age, and she said she had one die at her incall once and it left her traumatized about seeing men that old.  Every time she tried after that, she NEVER enjoyed the session.  So are you suggesting that a provider see a customer she KNOWS she will not enjoy spending time with just to get his money?  Is that fair to the customer?  Don't you think that's a little mercenary?

So unless you have walked in another provider's shoes and know what she has experienced, I don't think you can make a broad-brush statement that it is ALWAYS a case of racism.  It makes you look you're just trying to be PC.

-- Modified on 10/2/2017 9:23:48 AM

It's not always Pure and Simple with Asian providers (especially with local providers).  Most fear the clients they see might be someone they or their family might know in their community.  Most Thai providers will not see Thai clients; Vietnamese providers will not see Vietnamese clients.  

Some Thai and Vietnamese providers will not see any Asian clients just to be safe from seeing someone they might know.

I should've said, it is racism when it's white providers (it's usually white providers)

on your erroneous premise?  Its not ALWAYS about racism, but sometimes it is.  You don't seem to understand that there can be other reasons.  What if her SO is an AA man, so she doesn't want to see AA customers out of respect for her man at home.  Is she still a racist white provider?  What if she was beaten up one time by an AA pimp, and she gets nervous and can't relax when alone with an AA man in an intimate setting?  Is she still racist?  People's own experiences shape how they react to things in the future.  Being racist is when THERE IS NO OTHER REASON than that they are a certain race.  

You blew this one.  You should go ahead and admit it.  There are always exceptions for MANY reasons.  It isn't ALWAYS about being racist.  

LL for example doesn't see AA clients and she is not white.

I am white and see anyone who can be verified to my comfort.  

I do not appreciate generalizing white providers as being "usually" the ones with the racial limits.

I have actually fount that on another forum that the AA providers are more often seen with "No AA clients" on their profile page - and that is not a generalization, that is based on seeing this with my own eyes.

To the original question: Yes, it is racist to exclude certain races from booking with you. I think you meant to ask if they are racist and the answer to that is we won't ever know. The bottom line is not to worry about something you can't control or influence and move on to the next ad or provider. These kind of discussions only serve to perpetuate that there is a problem with a provider having a limit to who they would want to see when in fact it is entirely up to the provider what she does during a date and who she might be (or might not be) comfortable seeing for a date.

Again: don't worry about things you can't control or influence. Move on to the next provider and know seeing someone who doesn't want to see you will likely result in a spoiled booking - unless you're into that.


articulate and eloquent . . . . . . especially because you agreed with my point.  LOL

Well said, Goldie.  That's why you are such a class act!


Kylie44112 reads

Yes Goldie, you are very open minded when it comes to the men you see and you're screening is very reasonable.  I've had the pleasure going back to 2009 I think.  Wish I'd kept in your rotation, but this brotha is still a fan.

I agree. And I think it sucks to say that you should get over the fact that providers don't want to see someone based on race alone, in light of systemic racism and such. Boo.

I always thought it meant no ameriasians

Seriously, I know some providers who have seen AA men in the past then change their minds later. I asked one of them why they changed and she said it was an incident where she was beaten then robbed.  Too bad that one incident causes her to lump all AA men into that category

I have an AA gent that cyber stalks me and Text stalks me and the experience has made me no longer see AA men, once he is gone and dealt with I will happily see AA men again. I do not feel it is worth me risking my life at this point and yes he has threatened my life on more than one occasion. If he were white with Gray hair, I would no longer see White men with Gray hair. It's not a racist thing. At least not with me.

You have to take these types of unstable people seriously.

Kylie44108 reads

I have a lot of frustrations with providers who don't see black men, not hate, just frustrations, and I appreciate your honest answer on this.  I hope your issue is resolved quickly and safely.

I do too, I feel very guilty often but safety is first!!

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