San Diego

No Show - Chassy
pietro 9 Reviews 10250 reads

This young lady burned me twice.  We made an outcall appointment for that evening.  She was to call me about 7, when she was to leave her place.  At about 7:20 I called her and she did not answer.  At 7:45 she called and said she could not come because her car needed an oil change.  
About 10 days later she posted a special on this board, so stupid me, I called her again.  We set an incall time for 10:30 am two days later.  When I called to comfirm the night before, she said she forgot our date and made a hair appointment at that time.  She promised to call me as soon as she got out of her hair appointment and we could get together soon after that.  Well, she never called.  To top it off, I had turned down an invitation to play a great golf course that day to be with her.  Dumb, I am.  This gal is a flake.  Buyer beware.

This post is fine, and Chassy may respond to it.

If others have had similar problems, you can't just add a "me too" message-you have to include dates and enough details to allow the provider a chance to respond fairly.

Maybe she ahd car trouble, or got sick, or whatever-but just saying "I've had the same problem" is too vague and not fair for a reply.

Also, I won't allow a debate between posters and providers-keep that offline in PM's.

ready 4 u9919 reads

First of all let me start and say that i am very sorry, but i am not a flake i know who you are(that posted this) and i am very sorry that things did't work out, but let me explain, The first time i talked to you you wanted me to come to fallbrook so i told you that i would call you back in about 30 min, yes it was longer than 30 min (10 or 15 min) but after speaking to you first time i got on and saw how far fallbrook was and horrible for me i don't have the greatest car and on top of that i got my car in 2002 and have not had an oil change since so i told you that i did not feel comfortable coming up there untill that was taken care so i spoke to you about 2 days later and yes we did make an appt and yes when you called i did forget and i had made a hair appt (which i was and still am extreamly sorry for)and last but not least when i told you that i would call you after me hair appt so many people had called me that it wipped your # out of my in coming call log so i absolutly had no way to get in contact with you (i don't like to have people info just lying around so i keep my #'s in my call log)but after so many people call it starts to bump people out. i can understand being upset because i did not call back but i let all know why. and i am not sure but the gentleman that wrote this i am willing to extend my special for YOU and hopefully i can make it up to you let me know if you are interested and if not im sorry things did't work. Take care all and be safe

She had the same "hair appointment" the friday I had set up with her to play... guess my instinct at the time was correct. Oh well- she looked like fun.

ready 4 u10563 reads

I am sorry as well but a girl has got to do what she's got to do to look good ( if you would like i will offer you the same deal at my special rate as well) I am fair and i want everyone i meet up with to enjoy them self and have a great time. Sorry for any troubles or frustration but i hope you take me up on my offer as well.

xxctasy12412 reads

Chassy doesn't seem like any more of a flake than I do.

I called her on a day when all my planning had fallen through and I was left high and dry without a provider to celebrate a very special day (to me at least).

She answered the phone (this was the week when she was advertising her special rates at a hotel in MV) and sounded very nice on the phone.  I knew it was asking a lot for a same day appointment but she agreed to meet me around 9:30.

I told her I would call her back at 7:30 to confirm and she said that was fine.

I was about 40 minutes late in calling her back but she still picked up the phone right away.  I explained who I was and she told me that she was really feeling pooped and asked if we could do it the next day so that she could make a good impression on me since it was going to be our first time together.

It was my birthday that day and this was the last thing that I wanted to hear but I said "oh, ok, sure.  I will contact you tomorrow".  She never knew that this day was my birthday and I am sure she would have kept the appointment if she had known, but alas, I chose not to tell her about it.

The next day came and went, but I was too busy to follow up with her.

The moral of this story is:

Give these girls some slack because none of us are perfect.  And remember, this is how they make their living.  The last thing they need is someone broadcasting that they are unreliable even if it seems true.   Her reviews prove that she is the real thing and did not deserve the public flogging.  I am glad that she was able to tell her side of the story.

I still haven't seen her yet.  
Do I still want to?  

ready 4 u10687 reads

I just had to reply to your post and thank you, it is truly men like you that make it so easy to get along with and have a great time with as well. I am very sorry about your your b-day, so i want to offer you my special rate, and you are correct if i had known it was your b-day i would have drank a red bull and made it happen but none the less my offer stands and i would love to be your late but sweet b-day present. (FYI anybody- i am always looking for repeat friends and also am very generous in my time and rates with those who do return.)

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