San Diego

It should delight you all to know that he was busted by Lani....EOMregular_smile
wonderwoman 11503 reads


Something tht always puzzles me. Guys say the girl had a big bodyguard who knocked on the door and "convinced" you to part with money even though no service was rendered. I had this happen in Phoenix  and in Bakersfiled,both times the bodyguard was listening on some type of device and tryed to force way into the room. But once he go in he realized there was a good chance he might loose any physical confrontation so they left empty handed.
I am avg build(5'11 220) atheletic without being a muscle bound freak so i am not intimidating. Both bodyguards were bigger than me. why do you guys let this happen?

Mara9930 reads

I do not think gys let it happen it just does and without any notice. Personally I do not have a body guard.......however their have been a few times that I wish I did. I know that many women here in San Diego get taken ( so did I) by a " sandiego2" who claims he is not staying or that your over weight and takes up providers time. It is a long story and was previously posted.. A good friend of mine a fellow provider very well know with more than 4 pages of great reviews was also taken by him .....after services rendered..." oh he said he was going to the ATM to get the rest of the money"  to this day Anna is still waiting for her donation. He even had the balls to critic her body and was mean to her......why? Does he not read the description and others reviews? I think some people are just mean and will take advantage of others no matter what! These kinds of experience happen to both clients and providers only I think the client has the upper hand on this one. I do not think they can sleep well at a matter of fact I know they do not sleep at all!

lipsandmore4u11151 reads

Well now that you mention it Mara...YES, as of this day I am STILL waiting for the rest of my money from Sandiego2...after services were provided. BOY! Thats a very long drive to the corner ATM!!! Sorry Sandiego2...I got tired of waiting for you as you I came back home :(

gumby00710462 reads

If any of us can get our hands on that %&#**&^%, we will get her money. That pisses me off, and I don't usually get mad. Anna is the only girl to get such high ratings from me, and  it just infuriates me to know that some jerk ripped her off. DAMN!!!! Now , I'm mad!!!! Time to hunt down sandiego2. If anyone knows the identity of this guy, let it be known by private email or something. Use the ter mail. DAMN!!!

lipsandmore4u12934 reads

One more thing girls....stay away from him he is a very violent man and he will be abusive to you(he was to me)...not only physically but mentally too. He will make you feel like dirt,use his strenght on you and will be your worst nightmare. I was SO happy and lucky when he finally left.
I have been so fortunate to meet so many nice gentlemen in this business that I cant say enough about them.
BUT this one...girls STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!

who is this terrible guy you are talking about??
i am fairly new to TER & would really appreciate a heads-up on any freaks / creeps!!
are you talking about "sandiego2" ??
please respond...


lipsandmore4u10519 reads

YES!! We are talking about Sandiego2

Mara12552 reads

Without using any names I can just say he is about 5'4 very thin dark( middle eastern or of indian decent), is from the north county and will tell you time and time again how he could be the best friend you will ever have in this business! He owns a business in Carlsbad and has a website.  Anyway if someone like this comes around go the other way.
Good luck to you and be safe.
Kisses & Licks...........

Based on the description you have provided.  He ripped of another lady that I know of as well.  Without giving him up in public, the guy I know to be a thief has a first name that starts with a "D".

As a guy, I don't appreciate other guys who do this because it just ends up making it harder for all involved in the hobby.

lauren38dd11383 reads

I agree with Mara, this guy has been on a black list in San Diego for more than four years. His game is to take advantage of new girls. He is a complete jerk!!! I have heard the same story from many providers and I think he is getting worse as time goes on. Stay away from him!!!


GirlCrazy11193 reads

You girls should out this low-life by posting in this board his first name and skip a few characters in his last name.  If he has an uncommon first name, skip a couple characters.  This way, you will warn your fellow providers without committing libel.

gumby00713507 reads

just email me his name. I'm in North County. I would LOVE to meet him. we all hear about bad hobbyists, but this is the worst that I have heard. It really irks me that he treats you providers like this. So c'mon and send me his name. Possibly a few other hobbyist would like to make his acquaintance. LOL. If he has a wife, maybe she would be interested to know what he does. I know it sounds mean, but look what he has done. Sounds fair to me.

GirlPointOfView10252 reads

It is really ironic that he claims he was ripped off by Paris in the same way he ripped off Anna (see next page)

"Came to hotel asked what wanted then asked where the envelope was. I pointed it out she took it and put it in her purse. She talked then told me she had something special mo for, but had forgotten it in the car. She left and never came back. A total thief."

What kind of crap is that?  Everytime he comes around the board he makes me sick!  

First, he starts flames with all of the hobbyist in San Diego by harrassing them for seeing all of the San Diego "Dogs" - meaning all of the San Diego Escorts.

Second, he starts complaining that the same girls are getting reviews and none of the new girls are getting reviews.  Yet, he has NO reviews of his own!  (and there are many new reviews each day!)

And another, but certainly not all, he has never contributed to TER's purpose or provided any useful information for anybody - he only starts flames! Why is he allowed to stick around?

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