San Diego

I spent time at the hospital emergency room in pain.
BRIT87 736 reads
1 / 15

Just in case there are more people out there unable to reach a dictionary:

Definition in English (Oxford dictionary) of:

Alter ego
noun (plural alter egos)

    1a person’s secondary or alternative personality.


mid 16th century: Latin, 'other self'.


    used to indicate that a named person is also known or more familiar under another specified name:

Summarizing, on TER  aliases are used in order to avoid alter egos.

-- Modified on 2/15/2014 2:01:45 PM

Gebas 494 reads
2 / 15

Ow well, who cares, the thread was already removed by the the mods, guessing someone started crying to TER how mean we are, and they just didn't wanted to listing to all the sobbing bahahahah

That's what you get when you start bulshiting about other people lol owe well life goes on till the next crap she will pull out ...

AverageEverydayJoe 412 reads
3 / 15

Providers have made the use of aliases a complete necessity.  WHY?  Well lets see ...
REVIEWS - I have read many a discussion thread where providers have openly said if a hobbyist gives low scores then she wont see him.  I am sure this isn't all providers but I do know in fact it is some.
DISCUSSION POSTS - When we as hobbyists disagree with a provider and don't kiss their ass then we are subject to whatever said provider will do to make life miserable for us on this website and in setting up dates.
The bottom line is that many providers ask for  TER handle as part of their screening.  After all, it just makes good sense to use an alias.  It doesn't mean that you are chicken or hiding.  It just means you are smart!  :

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 465 reads
4 / 15

lol You know I wanna be in the cool kids club too boys...

Smile 4 me!

I do not use an alias, but I know about my alter ego's! xoxo  

AKA Ms. P & Madame Patricia

AverageEverydayJoe 458 reads
5 / 15

The only thing you missed was a thread started by the queen of this board (yes you know who)  that was intended to stir up the pot.  When she didn't like the responses she cried to the mods to take it down.

Tequila_GhostStyle 488 reads
6 / 15

Nop, shit as usual! Having fun with the golden girl lol
So tell us where did you ran away for few days?

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 498 reads
7 / 15

Getting old is not for sissies!  lol Smile 4 me!

Tequila_GhostStyle 494 reads
8 / 15

Bulshit! You not getting old just getting more exp, and still staying same age lol

-- Modified on 2/15/2014 8:41:53 PM

RJBerger 503 reads
9 / 15

This entire thread is disgusting. The way you guys act and are treating this subject and personally attacking one person should not be tolerated. I find it totally offensive that you show such braggadocio behind your alias as if you were in a school yard and kicking sand out of your sand box. All of you partaking in this diatribe should be ashamed. Makes me embarrassed to be a member of this community. This crap would never have been tolerated when we had mods. You reap what you sow and you guys are all that bottom of the pit and deservedly so. One word  = karma......

AverageEverydayJoe 440 reads
10 / 15

I think you are seeing the beginning of karma and reaping what one sows...

AlbertGhost 461 reads
11 / 15

one person should start feeling it in particular

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 362 reads
12 / 15

I have absolutely no idea what is going on.

Karma is a bitch, yes she can be, but who are we to say when karma should be served.

We all have opinions, views, good days, bad days, fucked up days, but when you find yourself taking someone else's opinions and life too personally then you need to wonder why and maybe step back.

Wolf pack bullying, now that's where karma should be served

AlbertGhost 392 reads
13 / 15

true, but it's sometimes taking too long till life will turn around and bite you back, so some people tend to do it, as they get tired of waiting for it.  

actually i'm wondering who come this thread was not reported yet, she did it the other one. golden board queen is hiding??? or just going UTR? lol

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 468 reads
14 / 15

I'm sorry, but who made you judge and jury?

I don't mind the alias, it's irrelevant, but you and anyone else that feels they need to be in this wolf pack you really need to take a break from this hobby for a while.

Or maybe go visit the terminally ill children in hospital who have suffered all their lives and then see what really matters in this life

AlbertGhost 350 reads
15 / 15

No one, just expressing personal opinion. And about the wolf pack, go read a bit more about this, if you will do better research you will find out that all people tend to stay in gropes, so no,  wolf pack is not only to attack, but also for social issues.  
Plus hobby is amazing, so no need to have a brake from it, how else you will relax after a long day at work lol, and terminally ill children? really? been there seen it, more when some of us should. Fuck it, life is freacking nice and good.

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