San Diego

I have nothing more to add ...
alexandrafrench 12825 reads
1 / 7

   I just have a quick question for you guys(and girls)..What do you think when you see, let's say about 6 good reviews of a provider (saying that she is a real GFE, that she is pretty...)  and then 1 guy saying that she didn't kiss him..??? Do you think that the girl might have a reason for not kissing this guy (since 6 other peoples said that she was GFE) like a lack of hygiene of course...or do you just focus on the review from the guy who said that she doesn't kiss him and refuse to see this provider ???

Just wondering..
                      Alexandra xxx

bkman 32 Reviews 11358 reads
2 / 7

Speaking for myself, I try to look at the general flow of the reviews.  If most of the reviews seem to indicate that the provider is legit and the services are good, then the odd one or two reviews I would treat as "flyers" and try not to read too much into them.  A caveat to that would be that if the "flyer" reviews are by well-known reviewers, then that would make me concerned.

If a provider only has a handful of reviews (fewer than 6 or 7) and there is a less than positive review, I would consider who the reviewers are (have I seen their other reviews or do I know them) before I made any conclusions.

FWIW, kissing may not be as important to some as it is to others.  There are days when I would really dig it and want it to be part of the experience, but then there are days when it doesn't matter if we did that.

Just my $.02.

gumby007 8987 reads
3 / 7

I agree with bk 100%. I would also however look at the bad reviewers other reviews. That is, if he has any. It's interesting to look at a guy who has a bunch of reviews under his belt and read them. You can get a general idea as to what his tastes are. Some people who write bad reviews could have saved some trouble by simply reading past reviews thoroughly.
   Either way, like bk said, I would normally toss out the high and the low and go with the average score.

PAT MCGROIN 2 Reviews 11282 reads
4 / 7

Interestingly enough sometimes a single less than favorable review helps me recognize that the good reviews are valid. When there are too many good reviews for a provider I don't get a full range of impressions to base my opinion on.

There are other aspects of reviews that I use to judge their validity to me too such as style and detail vs. generic wham bamm acronym descriptions.

nctyguy 11709 reads
5 / 7

As the others have said, I tend to look at all the reviews and look for basic trends.  A bad review by itself would not cause me too much concern.  This is a YMMV hobby and we are dealing with two people who may not hit it off for whatever reason or either person or both could be having a bad day.  Some reviewers tend to generally score low so I will look at other providers he may have reviewed to see if their is a trend.

A bad review here and there is to be expected and most guys will probably over look it and focus on the mean or average scoring.  Variation just shows that we are all human and the same service provider to two hobbyist may yield different scores.

ELLERBY 15 Reviews 8615 reads
6 / 7

... but I wanted to let you know, Alexandra, that I think the same way as the responses of bkman, gumby, Pat, and nctyguy.

JonhCumLately 20 Reviews 10514 reads
7 / 7

One review out of a bunch doesn't mean anything. YMMV is very true when it comes to this business, and reviewers need to be aware of this, but also need to be honest in their reviews. I think this is a very interesting question in light of the question of self appearance posted on the main page.
Additionally from the standpoint of one reading the reviews, I think everyone agrees one review of a provider is not enough to gauge her services.

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