San Diego

Happy Mother's Day To All The Warrior Women!teeth_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 489 reads

We rock! xoxo

Single Mom & Non Single Motherhood is tough 24 hour job,no pay,no day off, sometimes it is unappreciated, but yet resignation is impossible. A mother is a woman who created by God to bring love, joy, happiness and caring into his world. I am so glad God has created a woman to be a mother, even though motherhood is a full time job, a mother's work is never done.
Happy Mom Day 2 All of d Beautiful Mom on thos Board including myself...

And a shout out to all you great SD providers who make it so fun for us hobbyists to hone our "mommy making" skills!

Thank you Diwata for posting such a heartfelt message. I hope my ATF got the message too. They know who they are and I hope they too had a great day today. So to all the ladies who are also moms, take care and enjoy your day. You deserve it.


Your WelCUM...

Thank you Diwata for posting such a heartfelt message. I hope my ATF got the message too. They know who they are and I hope they too had a great day today. So to all the ladies who are also moms, take care and enjoy your day. You deserve it.


Looking forward into playing with you soon.

Hope you had a great day!


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