San Diego

Excellent response!
AverageEverydayJoe 596 reads

FullO - Your response is VERY "Spot-On" and I admire you for not being a pussy and calling her out on the issues.  You are very different than many of the "men" on this board and you chose to call out the provider in question who in this case is Goldie Knoxx.  Its a shame that others dont do the same.  You my friend are solid with balls!  Now gents - we can take this mans lead or we can keep CAVING to the pussy.  Not very long ago Goldie posted a response to several threads staing it was the one with the pussy that makes the rules.  Shall we live by this going forward or maybe have some balls of our own? - what do you think?

AverageEverydayJoe1743 reads

As the subject of my thread says at what point do you start tuning out all these "rave reviews" as noise?  I am not implying that the provider that consistently gets high marks doesnt deserve them.  I am simply asking at what point does it become redundant and you skip her reviews altogether.  I guess I am stuck enjoying reviews that at least range from 7 (or lower) to 9 or 10 but seriously - how many ways can you say she was a great "lover"?  Personally I wish there was a way on TER to filter those ladies out from new reviews.  Like - I dont really care anymore that provider A and provider B got another 9 or 10 - I only want to see new reviews of 7's and above but omit the ones that seem to dominate.  To me - its obnoxious but I'm sure that the supporters of the constant 10's have a differing opinion.  Peace and Naaaa Mah Staaa  Joe

Epicurus61665 reads

limit their total reviews to less than 112.

The other alias users can as well! Great advice thank you!


Posted By: Epicurus61
limit their total reviews to less than 112.

Thank you for using your handle, rather than another pseudonym, in responding to this post.  This theme isn't that controversial to warrant the use of a "pseudo-handle".
I discount 10/10s from reviewers who give all 9s and 10s, especially for the appearance rating.  Nobody wins the lottery or scores a date with "one in a million/once in a lifetime" every week.

SodaPop867 reads

The ladies are not the ones writing these reviews, so I don't blame most of them.  It is the fellas here that overstate the services and the rankings of our ladies.  Having 'Model Material' looks everyday must be pretty daunting. Think about it for a second; we book a provider who ranks a 9 or 10 and she probably spends hours getting ready.  I saw a lady without make-up and nearly passed out when she opened the door (not ugly, but FAR from Model Material).  Even a top 10 provider probably looks just pretty good if she is not glammed up.

TER:  Not trying to bite the hand that feeds me, but TER could really improve the reviews and screenings by requiring verification of some of the information posted regarding the providers.  For example, a review stated that a young lady would allow photographs and anal. However, when I asked her, she said flatly, "NO!"  OK, then why does the profile say she does?  Cuz some nincompoop wrote it.

Hidden Gems:  I love finding up and comers or hidden gems.  In fact, my ATF isn't even listed in the top 100 because she doesn't have enough reviews.  I say there is always room for improvement, but we can't point a finger unless we also take responsibility ourselves.

Mic Drop!


Remember, her body, her rules. Just because she allowed one client to perform anal and take pictures/videos, it doesn't mean she will allow you to do it as well.

You can thank our legal system for the confusion.  In other countries, where prostitution is legal, the girls are allowed to spell out exactly what they are willing to do.  There's no hoping or wishing I will get the same service as the previous reviewer.   Unfortunately, in the US, girls are only allowed to "sell their time," or are forced to speak in code.  

Posted By: SodaPop
The ladies are not the ones writing these reviews, so I don't blame most of them.  It is the fellas here that overstate the services and the rankings of our ladies.  Having 'Model Material' looks everyday must be pretty daunting. Think about it for a second; we book a provider who ranks a 9 or 10 and she probably spends hours getting ready.  I saw a lady without make-up and nearly passed out when she opened the door (not ugly, but FAR from Model Material).  Even a top 10 provider probably looks just pretty good if she is not glammed up.  
 TER:  Not trying to bite the hand that feeds me, but TER could really improve the reviews and screenings by requiring verification of some of the information posted regarding the providers.  For example, a review stated that a young lady would allow photographs and anal. However, when I asked her, she said flatly, "NO!"  OK, then why does the profile say she does?  Cuz some nincompoop wrote it.  
 Hidden Gems:  I love finding up and comers or hidden gems.  In fact, my ATF isn't even listed in the top 100 because she doesn't have enough reviews.  I say there is always room for improvement, but we can't point a finger unless we also take responsibility ourselves.  
 Mic Drop!  

AverageEverydayJoe649 reads

SP - I agree with you on many of the points you make but most especially the hidden gems.  I am with you - I pretty much ignore the 10/10s or 9/10s or whatever - you get what I am saying and I also look for the seven/eight range.  Possibly a tick lower but right there with you as the 10/10 rated providers reviews get pretty boring after a while dont they?  Good for them and great for a certain swath of business but something I am not interested in pursuing

Onlyalurker622 reads

A great many of 10/10 reviews are just fake. A provider on another board admitted that she was offered for $50/month one 10/10 review per week. She declined, but obviously a lot of other girls do not. Fake reviews are now so pervasive that whenever I see a 10/10 review, I automatically assume it's bogus and don't read it.

AverageEverydayJoe657 reads

So here's another angle to this.  Recently (within the past year - notice how I keep it vague?) I was approach by a PROVIDER who said to me if I would give her a 10/10 rating she would give me a 50% discounted rate.  I can tell you it was a very vocal provider on this board and she would probably throw herself in front of a train denying this but TRUST YOU ME this shit happens also.  Don't forget that if you can PM then feel free to exchange stories.  I have plenty as I have hobby-ed all over the world but have done so in San Diego for almost 20 years and trust me I know everything including many providers who have CHANGED THEIR NAMES!  PM me PLEEEEASE!


Initially I will be intrigued by 10/10 reviews.  I like to do research, so I'll read reviews, menu choices etc.  If a provider isn't offering CIM, Greek etc then in my opinion she doesn't deserve a 10/10 review.  Their are plenty of gorgeous ladies out there, but I think 10/10 requires a lot more.  Attitude, willingness to please, services only dreamt of and so on.

At least You know that a bunch of 10/10s means she's consistent and legitimate.  I'm with you though, I have stopped reading reviews of most well reviewed providers whether it be here in SD or DC (where I hobby frequently).  IMO those reviews are predominately to fluff the feathers of the cock writing it (yes I gave her 10 O's, sure you did!) , to stroke the ego of the provider, help her raise her rates and to provide intel for out of town travelers so they can feel safe in meeting with a well established provider.  I've been around for a long time and I haven't met with the majority of the top providers here on TER.  And another 20 or so 10/10 reviews won't change my mind.  I know what I like and I stick with that.
Interesting topic.

Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
As the subject of my thread says at what point do you start tuning out all these "rave reviews" as noise?  I am not implying that the provider that consistently gets high marks doesnt deserve them.  I am simply asking at what point does it become redundant and you skip her reviews altogether.  I guess I am stuck enjoying reviews that at least range from 7 (or lower) to 9 or 10 but seriously - how many ways can you say she was a great "lover"?  Personally I wish there was a way on TER to filter those ladies out from new reviews.  Like - I dont really care anymore that provider A and provider B got another 9 or 10 - I only want to see new reviews of 7's and above but omit the ones that seem to dominate.  To me - its obnoxious but I'm sure that the supporters of the constant 10's have a differing opinion.  Peace and Naaaa Mah Staaa  Joe

AverageEverydayJoe571 reads

Thanks JB on the "interesting topic" comment.  Yeah ... you know ... the more high ratings a provider gets is almost a RED FLAG to me.  Again not saying she isnt deserving of the high grades but I think to myself (and maybe its my own insecurity) but WTF am I doing with a 10/10 - she's way to good for me and I'm sure with such high grades she doesnt really give a rip what I think.  Just my .02 and I am definitely not bashing any provider for being so highly rated :)

Onlyalurker550 reads

In my experience the mediocre or negative reviews were always the most accurate ones. In that respect TER is an invaluable resource that enabled me to save a great deal of money and a lot of disappointment by helping me avoid bad providers. M&G's are good for that too. I've had my share of 600/700 providers, but my best experiences by far were with girls in the 300-350 range that I met through word of mouth or pure luck. Go figure..

I looked at a lot of provider websites & reviews before I started out, and there are some really amazingly beautiful ladies out there, certainly in the top percentile of female beauty, and if guys give these ladies a 10 but they see several 10s... are they once in a lifetime? In the hobby, perhaps not, but the hobby isn't like everyday life. I'd think anyone who is in the top percentile of beauty ought to get a 10 in the looks dept.  As an analogy, if you work at a top-notch university with highly funded researchers, you're also going to run into more ultra-smart people (like those who are at the .001 or .0001 percentile) than you would in average life. If you are in a room where the average IQ is >160, does that mean those folks are average?  

Of course some of the 10/10s are inflated - because they are subjective. There are some 10s in looks that are honestly baffling to me, but I probably judge female beauty differently. I imagine the look without makeup, notice the bone structure & shapes of features - something I am not sure that most of you guys are able to do (and why you may be shocked if you see some ladies sans makeup).  I also know there are ladies with definite imperfections in one thing or another but I think they look amazing anyway, and of course that happens with men; sometimes there is a look that you're a little insane for! I would assume that most of you guys tend to see providers who will have looks that are pleasing to you, so it's a bit of a self-selecting sample of men who may see a particular lady.  Personality may even play into how some rate a provider's looks. I certainly know people are more attractive to me if I think they are enjoyable to be with.

I can't speak to performance because I haven't slept with any ladies... but I'd also wager that some are able to provide a mind blowing experience to more than one fellow.

I am not aware of all the insidious collaboration between hobbyists & providers that some seem to indicate is happening. I suspect it does happen but perhaps not at the alarmist frequency one would think by reading the forums.  I know that I can't claim to have a good feel for the frequency, but I certainly haven't heard much about it when chatting about the hobby with those much more experienced in it than I am.  

On the opposite side, there are the few hobbyists that will write a simply fabulous review with descriptions of a provider's amazing beauty and skills, and then give her a 7/7...???? I don't know what to think about those other than the guy is on a personal mission to lower the ratings system.  I think giving a rating UNDER what the TER description says is also not so great (an amazingly beautiful woman should get more than a 7).

Also, as for the repetitiveness of the reviews, the way the TER system works, a provider does need to have relatively regular reviews to be ranked.  If you're bored by them, remember it's just part of the system, and you can filter to see only reviews of 7-8 or 7-9 or whatever, right?

AverageEverydayJoe465 reads

As the initiator of this post I wanted to take a moment to personally thank those that responded.  I for one can say I am glad I am not alone.  Maybe there is room for a new site somewhere in the near future...  Stay tuned!


Please!  There's no such thing!

Epicurus61470 reads

I've met 1 or 2 that I've found just DDG,  totally rocked my world, and were a pleasure to be with time and time again. Ironically, I haven't reviewed either partly because they aren't heavily reviewed and I don't want to look like a shill.

Just examining the San Diego Top 20, many do not blur there faces in their ads and there are several beautiful women (of varying body types) with "10" faces. As for performance, I've personally had the pleasure of 5 of these top 20. While I wouldn't rate them 10s, I don't discount that they rocked someone else's world.

Is the rating system subjective? Yes. Does it get abused? Yes. Is there currently anything better out there? I haven't seen it (but sounds like AEJ has something in mind).

fullofleaks697 reads

to a 10,  but would be more of a 7 in the civilian world in appearance.  Inflated ratings have been a problem on TER since the beginning, and makes it harder for me to find a true 10, even at 600/hour, though it hasnt stopped me from trying.  
Part of the reason is that the ladies hold or are perceived to hold all the power.  We use aliases because we are afraid to be blacklisted for our views on this site.  We inflate the reviews to better our chances that the ladies will see us again.  Only positive comments are allowed in the ads; negative comments must be in the reviews.  The question "why the no show?" was rejected by TER.  
These boards should be for men only, so we may accomplish what this site was originally designed for: to get the best pussy for the dollar

AverageEverydayJoe619 reads

Conceptually I definitely agree with you that there should be a hobbyist only board for many of the reasons you outline above.  I find PM to be a great way to exchange valuable info.  In fact this thread alone has filled my PM inbox and I have exchange info that would have been otherwise
a.) Rejected as being troublesome by TER - because it would be HONEST but would offend a provider :) or b.) Totally flamed by providers or c.) Caused threats to me by some of the "managers" or "Fans" of the providers.

The system is broken but maybe some entrepreneur with a little $$ can step up and create something better:)  Stay Tuned!

So, how can we PM you if you don't have PMS?

Under the "More" tab at the top of the page

I for one just got an 8/8 and the content was stellar - just the score was what some girls call "average" or "bad"... It brought me down .01 point average OH NO CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD! I am of course kidding.  

Some people don't click as well and you certainly won't click if you don't play an active role in your date. We can not read your minds so be sure to vocalize your wants/needs to ensure you have as close to a 10 experience you can

fullofleaks630 reads

Posted By: GoldieKnox
Under the "More" tab at the top of the page  
 I for one just got an 8/8 and the content was stellar - just the score was what some girls call "average" or "bad"... It brought me down .01 point average OH NO CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD! I am of course kidding.  
 Some people don't click as well and you certainly won't click if you don't play an active role in your date. We can not read your minds so be sure to vocalize your wants/needs to ensure you have as close to a 10 experience you can.  
i am aware of the reviewers board, but there are stipulations, like minimal number of posts, before allowed access.  
PS I read your "sub-par," review and he's complaint is the lack of communication pre appointment.  Its believable because I got a similar treatment recently from you.

AverageEverydayJoe597 reads

FullO - Your response is VERY "Spot-On" and I admire you for not being a pussy and calling her out on the issues.  You are very different than many of the "men" on this board and you chose to call out the provider in question who in this case is Goldie Knoxx.  Its a shame that others dont do the same.  You my friend are solid with balls!  Now gents - we can take this mans lead or we can keep CAVING to the pussy.  Not very long ago Goldie posted a response to several threads staing it was the one with the pussy that makes the rules.  Shall we live by this going forward or maybe have some balls of our own? - what do you think?

fullofleaks621 reads

Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
FullO - Your response is VERY "Spot-On" and I admire you for not being a pussy and calling her out on the issues.  You are very different than many of the "men" on this board and you chose to call out the provider in question who in this case is Goldie Knoxx.  Its a shame that others dont do the same.  You my friend are solid with balls!  Now gents - we can take this mans lead or we can keep CAVING to the pussy.  Not very long ago Goldie posted a response to several threads staing it was the one with the pussy that makes the rules.  Shall we live by this going forward or maybe have some balls of our own? - what do you think?
Hate to say it but pussy will always win in this business, especially if she can maintain her physique.  I met with Nikki Avalon who has like 450 reviews now, 10 years ago when she had a reputation for being always late and disorganized.  Shes still around.....We can only control who we give our money to.

SodaPop563 reads

Damn! That pussy much be hangin by a thread now.  Ladies, please hang it up if you reach that plateau

Epicurus61534 reads

just for fun I search for providers with +400 reviews (and a "current" website). Only 13.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but many women on this board (most likely including some you've seen) have slept with well over 450 clients.  If she's successful, she could probably see that many in a year.  For those who care, I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.  Honestly, it doesn't bother me.  If it did, I would have stopped hobbying long ago.  

Posted By: SodaPop
Damn! That pussy much be hangin by a thread now.  Ladies, please hang it up if you reach that plateau.  

Actually he complained of too many emails verifying and re-verifying the details
Then he didn't email me back for a full week prior to the date
I followed up the day before our scheduled meeting asking "are we still on because if not I will make other plans" even though I asked him to keep in touch.

Because I only see one date per day I want to ensure my plans are set otherwise I'm just stuck masturbating. This is the first complaint I ever had about messaging and confirming to excess.

Everybody is different - Not everyone will click

To your comment about messaging me - I find this unlikely simply because I am very thorough with my emails and any missed were replied to ASAP with apologies. If you had something scheduled that was somehow missed I always try to offer a make-up or discounted session so you must have chosen to not reply or if you did respond it potentially went into spam. Check your PMs

So I read the review, no wait, I wrote the review!  I actually did not complain about the emails, I just stated the facts.  You actually have to read the whole review to get my point.  Sorry, I know 4 paragraphs is a lot to ask.   The last paragraph sums it up:  My only caution is she is over priced.  

For a first class rate I expect a first class experience.  Thoughtful and prompt communications, a stellar venue with accouterments and refreshments, spectacular service, and discretion.  That is what the fine providers on TER have taught me to expect.

Knock 30% off the rate and my expectations would have been commensurate with the experience.  

BTW I am not asking for a refund, just letting hobbyists  know what to expect.

AverageEverydayJoe626 reads

This was my experience as well.  You and I will be challenged by her legion of pussy-whipped handlers.    I think its really funny that your experience and mine was the same.  Maybe after 5 drinks I would consider her to be a 7 but no higher and as far as performance - well I have had much better in TJ for a FRACTION of her rate!  


Thanks for being a brave soldier.


Good on you for not seeing an 8/8 review being bad for your scoring system, some girls i know wouldn't take kindly to that score being up amongst their 9/10's and 10/10's.

I know of some girls that resort to pressure emails to the clients to get them to change their minds, even offering a free session to get them to up the scores, scoring malipulation at it's finest.

Even recently with a client i have seen over the years when i tour here, told me of his concern over pressure emails he has been receiving from a girl he had recently seen, and he had given her a lower score compared to her 9's and 10's.

That shit just pisses me right off

AverageEverydayJoe603 reads

Thanks for your input Shaunna and welcome to the SD board!  This exact stuff has happened to me as well.  I welcome your input on other posts in the future.  Joe

I have noticed that TER rating is way over inflated.  I have met 10/10 score lady that I will score no more than 7/7 in real life. I also met 8+ lady that I regreted to see her and will score less than 5/2.   But I feel it's unfair to give real score to women I like while other women all get inflated score.   So I try to skew my score to match the TER "standard".  I have no problem to give a lady 10+/10+ score if I think she is better than other 10/10 ladies I met before.  We all know it's inflated score system and I can not change other people's rating, so I try to match it.

I read the reviews  and make decisions on the content more than the score. This is subjective just like anything else.  Take beer for instance I hate IPA's  but others love them. It's the same with woman, get over it AEJ. By the way I don't see you having any reviews on here!

Perform your due diligence on selecting a lady instead of letting the other head select her.  

I am not and will not write a review solely for the purpose of gaining a vip membership. (I have 3 unread messages in my inbox) for more than 4 months.  I will read them and reply if and when I write a new review.  Like someone else said previously here, I know what I like and stick to it.  I have seen a lady or two who were probably were models / former models, so her / their 10's were warranted.  

Sans makeup there are a lady or two whom I would think had some on already, their nature shone brighter than any makeup covering up perfection.  

this 10 system of rating is over used and an overhaul is needed, but to overhaul the whole system then the reviews prior to the overhaul would still be skewed.  

Ladies take their time to make themselves presentable to us when we visit them.  Do we all make ourselves presentable to them as well ?  

I too take a lady's high scores here with a grain of salt.  Statistically to better gauge a lady's looks the top three and bottom three reviews should be thrown out and the weighted average need to be aggregated together and a statistical break down on her looks, services, need to be parsed out so we can make a more informed choice

DONT.BE.A.TRICK632 reads

Charge for pussy-but dont too much cause then we start whining

Get reviews so we can read about other people fucking you- but not too many cause your promiscuity is stigmatizing  

Strive for good reviews- but if u get too many we will complain

Give discounts- but when u do we are going to publicly ridicule you.  

Don't have control of your own pussy- just do what the nice menfolk tell u to.  

Be successful-but not too successful  

You guys are the reason men have to pay for pussy to begin with LMAO  

Charming bunch of mongers  

Use aliases because if u had the balls to use your real handles, you literally wouldnt be able to pay a woman to fuck u lo

You're really going to make fun of guys paying for sex on this board?  Not to mention, use an alias after claiming guys who use them don't have balls.  I'm just saying...

AverageEverydayJoe508 reads

This was written by a provider.  Don't waste any more time.  I think the hobbyist community has spoken and we all recognize that all that glitters is not always gold :)

I agree.  If you're going to use an alias, at least try to sound different.  It's way too easy to identify who wrote this.  

Posted By: AverageEverydayJoe
This was written by a provider.  Don't waste any more time.  I think the hobbyist community has spoken and we all recognize that all that glitters is not always gold :)

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