San Diego

Depressed over no show
BeezeBee 13143 reads

Finally got a date fixed with this nice provider with fabulous reviews, fixed up the time etc....its been two hours past our appointment and no calls, no emails...a depressing Valentine's day for me....hope she calls and re-schedules...
(next morning) show after all. i've emailed her requesting a re-schedule..but no response so far....

-- Modified on 2/15/2003 9:31:31 AM

Dude the exact samething happened to me.  But taking one for the team quickly paid off for me.  Good luck!!!

Oh my Brother,
You poor baby, vent your frustration on us but whatever you do make damn sure that you don't do anything about it.
Your post is most disrespectfull. We are here for you. Confide in us, protect us from her and you make us stronger as bothers.
Otherwise, you should have called Ginger(but I'm GLAD you didn't).
Your post is for sh!t.

BeezeBee11073 reads

Wow. that is harsh. i've pm'ed you the name bro.

give us the godamn name! pleeze. we need to improve the sd climate of entertainment.

BeezeBee11715 reads

Man I've been really hammered by my fellow hobbists here.
Ok it was Anna...
and the reason why I did'nt speak out before was
(1) She is very liked by the reviewers.
(2) Her reviews show she is a geniune person and does care she provides a good service.
(3) She did call me up after I submitted my details and she came out as a nice person to me.
So, in summary there must have been something very urgent or a personal matter which must have cropped up resulting in she not showing up for the appointment. But then its been 3 days and not a word from her end, so I would like to think this urgent matter has kept her away from her computer and phones....
I do still wanna see her but getting a no show and then no replies for the next 3 days - inspite of submitting all my personal details thru her website request - that is SCARY to say the least.
I still wanna see her and geninely believe its something she is caught up her personal life due to which she has been unable to show up for the date or reply back explaining the reason for it...

My apologies if any of you and anna thought I was being unfair to them....

Yes, very unusual and unfortunate. I am attempting to check this one out for both of you.

Appears to be a case of missed communication between you two. You should have received my PM regarding the circumstances. She will also be submitting her response to the board. Stay with it.

daves_nothere11912 reads

Well I hope by now you have resloved everything, there a many providers around so find someone else or take matters into your own hands.

SDCrazyLover10933 reads

I think all of us at some point in time have let our emotions cloud reality.  If the provider doesn't show, look at it as thier loss & move on.

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