San Diego

Along the Pacific...
trex44 9 Reviews 132 reads
posted's always going to be cooler.

I grew up in SoCal and spent a fair amount of time in SD during the 60s, 70s & 80s. Also spent the last 14 years in Long Beach (further up the coast), usually living within a mile or two of various beaches.

Given the volume of cool/cold water circulating along the West coast (generally 53-55º most of the time), it's like living next to a refrigerator with an open door policy.  

Unless you move significantly more inland, it's going to usually be cool along the coast. That's why a lot of folks move there.

This old heat-lovin' dino eventually went to THERE'S some warm temps! ;)

Bad weather or less-than-warm days/nights can have a negative affect on ones  

There's been numerous studies conducted on how indeed, climate also affects ones  
stress-level, mental health, general physical health, and sexual desire.  

For San Diego locals;
San Diego's  Spring/Early Summer weather in the Downtown area as of late, has been  
much cooler than previous years, much to my dismay.
(I prefer 72' and significantly much warmer)

We have many "micro-climates" in San Diego County, which I did not compare.

Based upon my observation in several previous years' Almanacs,  we are indicative
of 8-10 degrees cooler than what has been mean for the  Month of March, April, May,  
and Memorial weeks of past.

It's going to be a much cooler  Memorial Weekend  for beach outings, boating/sailing, picnics,  
a golf agenda,  attendance at The Padres game, The Beach Boys and Ziggy Marley Concerts at  
Petco Park for the Holiday, or the occasional outdoor sensual tryst!  

Does it force you to venture up to LA or perhaps Palm Springs seeking hot temps  or "Hot Temps"
in the mid-to-high eighties and nineties? ;)

Did any of you relocate to San Diego from other parts of the Country, seeking particularly
warmer weather?  (I certainly did!)

Inquiring minds desire to know, based upon this knowledge of the cooler impending weather,
does it dictate your Memorial plans?

Angelina Jones

GaGambler127 reads

We were promised Global Warming and I want my Global Warming lol

Actually here in Texas we too have had a rather long and a rather wet spring. Usually by now we are well up in the 90s and we are still having days where we don't even break 80. I like the cooler temps, and I am sure I will be missing these mild days when the temperature inevitably start rising into the triple digits in a month or so, but it would be nice if it would quit fucking raining for a few days so things could dry out around here.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Count your blessings; California is headed for another drought.  E
Headed for? Has California even been OUT of drought conditions for the past ten to twelve years?

all over the country to try to create more of  carbon footprint to try to make his prediction  come true.  I like temps in the 60's and 70's and I must say I have not been disappointed much lately.  We've had a few weeks of higher temps than that, but not the much, comparatively speaking.'s always going to be cooler.

I grew up in SoCal and spent a fair amount of time in SD during the 60s, 70s & 80s. Also spent the last 14 years in Long Beach (further up the coast), usually living within a mile or two of various beaches.

Given the volume of cool/cold water circulating along the West coast (generally 53-55º most of the time), it's like living next to a refrigerator with an open door policy.  

Unless you move significantly more inland, it's going to usually be cool along the coast. That's why a lot of folks move there.

This old heat-lovin' dino eventually went to THERE'S some warm temps! ;)

We are famous for our May gray and June gloom. Last week I went to Palm Springs for 4 days.  Today I may go to Pala casino. Wish I knew a hottie in a bikini to take along.

John_Laroche135 reads

Question: when does a fuck board starts talking about the weather?

Mods!    Get on the stick!    This is a fuck board!

Posted By: John_Laroche
Re: Final Jeopardy Answer: The End
Question: when does a fuck board starts talking about the weather?

It can be seen as a testament to one's devotion to the carnal pleasures to see just how far one will go.

I personally have braved blizzards to seek out a fair maiden.    In one case I attempted to postpone a session on account of a threatened blizzard only to be told by her that I was to get my ass on down to her or there'd be trouble.   I got my ass down, and in retrospect I was glad I did even though I managed to slip and fall on a patch of ice that nearly had me down for the count.

Heat also has it's short comings.   I had a session planned on a day with high humidity and mid-90s temperatures.  No  air conditioning was available, but I decided to use some nuru gel and on account of the gel's evaporative qualities, it felt cool and refreshing.

Try to derail it with their slight of hand commentary.

And you'd wish for the mild days you're having now. Last year in LA we had a run of days where it was in the 115-118 range.
So be careful for what you wish for...

Stormy Weather, Ethel Waters, 1933
Don't know why
There's no sun up in the sky
Stormy weather
Since my man and I ain't together
Keeps raining all of the time
Oh, yeah
Life is bad
Gloom and misery everywhere
Stormy weather, stormy weather
And I just can get my poor self together
Oh, I'm weary all of the time
The time, so weary all of the time
Stormy, Classics IV, 1968
You were the sunshine, baby, whenever you smiled
But I call you Stormy today
All of a sudden that ole rain's fallin' down
And my world is cloudy and gray
You've gone away
Oh Stormy, oh Stormy
Bring back that sunny day
Stormy Daniels

You know, if Stormy had a boob reduction, and started taking care of herself, I know she would be smokin' hotter than ever before.    I'd like to see her getting in shape, like some swimming, pilates, yoga, cross-fit --- that sort of thing.   And I know she would be the hottest bitch of them all, and primed to win her man, Donald, back for us all to appreciate.  

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