
Moving back.
sinner101 1165 reads

Finally after to many years away I'm moving back to Oregon. I was never really in the hobby in Portland most of my time was spent in Los Angeles, Bay area and most recently Denver. Back in the 90's when I first got into the hobby the strip clubs were where I first started getting extras. On a recent trip back I revisited some of my old haunts and was surprised at how the vibe has changed or maybe it was just me. Security pat downs at every bar I checked out and an odd vibe hard to explain but in the old days there were lots of customers and lots of dancers a friendly relaxed atmosphere was the norm. I walked in now and felt like every eye was on me no one sitting at the dance floor just small groups mainly groups of women together and groups of guys together it felt like a junior high dance except no one was dancing.  
 Frustrated with that I started doing my research trying to find someone to spend some time with here on TER and other sites with no luck. Am I looking in the wrong places are there other forms I should search, what is the state of the hobby in Portland?
 Moving from LA to Denver was a wake up call to how good I had it before I hope this isn't a repeat

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