Porn Stars

yo ... jive-talkin' pimp daddy-mac !regular_smile
singleton 5 Reviews 8227 reads

how may discount PSE referrals  in  "1000 Who's My Line points" ?



Barbara Billingsly ("Jive Lady") in AIRPLANE! (1980):

"Chump don't want no hep, Chump don't get no hep. Jive ass fool ain't got no brains anyhow"

kikid8912 reads

Maybe you guys can help me out! Why do guys think it is ok to ask questions like "what is your real name?"or"are your boobs/ass real?"

confronted with the mere possibility of getting it on with  an "HYT" (hot young thang!) our little head swells with blood, draining circulation from our higher brain areas, especially the pre-frontal cortex which is responsible for (among other higher brain functions) the articulation of language/speech and "common-sense" intelligence (hence, the origin of the phrase: "i was speechless")

i kid you not (well ok, maybe just a little :-) ... but have you ever noticed when during the heat of passionate sex your speech abilities (a guy's at least) are sometimes stunted? you end up saying non-sensical things or even getting you and your partner's genitals switched? .. once when i was overheated i told a girl: "i want you to slide your cock in me!" (when meaning the reverse obviously: my-your & you-me) ... hmmmm ... at least i hope she was a girl! [RIM-SHOT/CYMBAL-CRASH] LOL

no but seriously, you know what i mean (i hope :-) ... it happens to both men and women (but especially to men, cuz of that blood drainage thang!  ;-)


if anyone is doubting me i'll just say this, these things can (and have been) measured with brain imaging techniques like functional MRI (fMRI) ... by giving "distracting" tasks to subjects while recording their brain activity using blood flow and glucose uptake (among other markers)

but i'll let the other guys answer your question more "seriously"  ;-)

-- Modified on 8/19/2003 9:25:09 AM

fasteddie515400 reads

singleton, you're a very, very strange person.... - lol.

shhhhhh ... don't tell the ladies that!

btw, does that mean you're gonna stop sending me the discount referrals which you haven't been sending me in the first place?  


fasteddie517098 reads

You've never asked!  

Besides, as everyone knows from messages by another infamous poster... I don't pay for it... I'm a pimp-sugar daddy, The fuckin' MAC!!! My shillin' is all I need to get me that FINE pornstar pussy!   I gets my lovin' for free!  Be-atch, where the FUCK is my MONEY????

Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help....  

(1000 Who's My Line points for the first to identify the reference)

how may discount PSE referrals  in  "1000 Who's My Line points" ?



Barbara Billingsly ("Jive Lady") in AIRPLANE! (1980):

"Chump don't want no hep, Chump don't get no hep. Jive ass fool ain't got no brains anyhow"

Kevin Smith is probably a big fan of AIRPLANE! (being a movie buff and all)

however :-)  the way most folks play "name-that-movie" is that you have to get the earliest (oldest) reference ... hence, unless that line was in a movie before AIRPLANE! i win that discount referral  ;-)  



btw, didn't see that one ("... STRIKE BACK") ... i liked CLERKS and CHASING AMY (my favourite)

carlspackler7051 reads

I was making a smart ass reference to fast eddies brilliant soliloquey:

"I don't pay for it... I'm a pimp-sugar daddy, The fucking MAC!!! My shillin' is all I need to get me that FINE pornstar pussy ! I gets my lovin' for free! Be-atch, where the FUCK is my MONEY????"

When I read that line I had Jay's voice in my head becuae it sounded like something he would say.

I'm going to go listen to the motha fuckin' Time


fasteddie517355 reads

Simple answer, dear... a lot of guys are morons.

And when the girl gets turned off by the guys ignorance, the guy hasn't a clue why he did't get the kind of meeting that he read about in 90% of the reviews, and ends up blaming it on the lady.... Hence the phrase YMMV

that other than being a moron, those questions were some guy's lame-ass idea of making "small talk" with you ... which makes him a moron just the same!  :-)

without more context, i can't think of any other reason(s) ... i'm assuming these were questions you were asked when the guy was already with you ... as opposed to in email, cuz that would be stupidity of a much higher caliber!  LOL

'cause their mommas didn't raise them boys with manners.  But upon reflection it occurred to me that poppas have just as much or more responsibility in teaching their sons.  Men learn how to treat a lady by observing how their fathers treat their mothers or other women they respect.  Way too serious but I do think boys raised in households without good role models are much more likely to be disrespectful and maybe even abusive in their adult relationships.

Here is the "Sigmund Freud Action Figure" available at

-- Modified on 8/19/2003 10:10:15 AM

kikid7747 reads

thanks you guys! I'm glad to know that you guys think questions and comments like that are just plain dumb and disrespectful. I've been asked those questions in person as well as through email and they are guaranteed to turn me off every time!

-- Modified on 8/19/2003 4:00:17 PM

The Ball8799 reads

Sadly, as some others have already pointed out, it's probably attributed to immaturity or lack of manners.  I'd also think that part of it may be that those who ask may think that they are somehow better than you...something which they have now shown to not be true.  :)   It's people like that who tend to think that others must be doing something above and beyond the norm to build the relationships they do with women, not realizing that what they consider normal is far below common courtesy.


I have a few whys also ? Why do providers get phone calls 45 minutes into the session ? they think they can spend several minutes telling you there problems at xxxx per hour ? These are just a couple I have been fortunate and seen some great pornstars but alot think they deserve high dollar for mediocre service.Ive seen several slams on the boards at hobbyist by fellow hobbyist and is it really justified ? At the hourly rate that is charged you gotta expect the bitter with the sweet.....not a slam at you Kiki I havent been fortunate enough yet to see you yet but Im looking forward to it

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