Porn Stars

Today's posting
pepsi 1 Reviews 15710 reads
1 / 14

Had a 7:00 app. with Tami in Vegas Thursdsay night.  Called her cell at 8:30 and her roommate answered and said she was out of the country for three weeks.  Talked to her at 1:00 that afternoon to confirm.

San_Te 4 Reviews 15544 reads
2 / 14

Don't you just love some of the excuses you hear from escorts?

carlspackler 15844 reads
3 / 14

These lies always crack me up. The ladies want us to be understanding of how difficult their business is: travel, hair, nails, clothes...

Yet some of them continue to act in a non-professional manner.

My business has a lot of overhead too, but if I schedule an appointment I go, and I don't close every deal. If these ladies simply show up, they get paid!

That is the value of these boards, to expose the bad experiences, and direct us towards the good ones.

msharkm 12478 reads
4 / 14

After hearing good things about her she was on my
list to check out. Not anymore. That's the lamest
excuse I'ver ever heard. Never could figure out why
they just don't call and say "have to cancel but I'll
make it up to you somehow." Sad.

rick2 91 Reviews 12663 reads
5 / 14

Tami has had a family emergency (I was with her when it happened) and she will be out of pocket for a little while. Not clear for how long. Sorry you had that problem. Really surprised that you got a confirm at all, as she hasn't had her cell phone with her for the past three days. Something is fishy about the confirmation of the appointment.

pepsi 1 Reviews 12749 reads
6 / 14

Talked to her and set it up on Sept 3, Tuesday.  Then called her at 1:00 p.m. on September 5 and gave her the room number and hotel.  Talked to her directly no message or recorder.  She was suppose to arrive at 7:00 p.m.  All was a go and she didn't say anything about any problems.  By 8:30 she still didn't show so I called her cell.  Roommate answered and said she was out of the country for the next 2-3 weeks.  This is exactly what happened on these dates and times.

mookie58 18 Reviews 12582 reads
7 / 14

If you've been following this thread, read todays posting made by Tammy herself. Not good.........

pepsi 1 Reviews 13226 reads
9 / 14

Received an email from Tami this morning apologizing for the no-show.  Said her roommate hit her in the head so hard she was taken to the hospital and was unconscious.  Also said she moved to a new home.

Nothing was mentioned about being HIV positive.  Looks like the roommate is a very busy, vindictive person.  When I called the cell he did answer the phone and was very rude just screaming into the phone Tami was gone and not to call back.  

tamimonroe 13807 reads
10 / 14

Sorry about no show. I was beaten & robbed of $8000.00 (cash) by my former roommate TVKayla Coxx aka Lexx Parker. He also shut off my cell (friends & family plan) even though I paid both our bills. My new # is (310)650-7776. The nasty, nasty 9/11 post was a fake made by TVKayla/Lexx. I had allowed him to use my VIP account. The beautiful & wise Ms.Sharon Mitchel @ AIM will gladly tell you my results taken on 9/11, (818)981-5681. As for the robbery & beating, it was accidently recorded when TVKayla/Lexx knocked my cell out of my hand. I had been trying to check my vm for Pepsi's #. I am ok now. I was able to get what was left of my stuff under LAPD protection. When we arrived at my former home (for which I PAID FOR) my former roomate was wearing my clothes. $8000.00 is a bargain if he will stay far away from me!!! It must be very lonely being him......Thank you Rick2, you are a very special man!!!

SherisRanchRedd 12199 reads
11 / 14

Tami Monroe works for me on and off at The Resort at Sheri's Ranch, we are a legal licenced Brothel in Nevada.  I want to dis-spell the rumors going around about her. Testing on all of our ladies for HIV and STD's are done weekly, and Tami is fine.
Any questions you can call me at Sheri's Corporate office 702-873-0008.

tamimonroe 13849 reads
12 / 14

Hi msharkm! It's Tami Monroe. I hope you will reconsider seeing me. As far fetched as it sounds, the facts of that day remain. I am no loger roommates w/ TVKala Coxx/Lexx Parker. After beating&robbing me& posting lies under my me a new address seemed like a good idea! So, if you have some free time......(310) or nite!!!

kayla2k 15074 reads
13 / 14

the fact of the matter is that tami monroe attempted suicide in my apartment and i had to move on with my life..  as far as anyone who personally knows her, we all know the real deal... her victim role playing skills aren't too shabby.there was no beating and no robbing of any sort. she has really outdone herself this time, but i'm taking home the trophy... the truth and justice always prevails!   god bless america!   kayla coxx  and lexx parker signing off!

San_Te 4 Reviews 11747 reads
14 / 14

after that malicious and irresponsible post you made?

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