Porn Stars

So you think YOU can be in a porn scene?
herbtcat 6 Reviews 160 reads

Before you decide to be the male star of a porn scene, whether a professional production or for a (probably not so) private passion project, I suggest you check out this little "TED Talk" by legendary male porn star, Evan Stone.

Life is good

The Cat

I’ve always had an interest to be in a film and feel I would be of value as a 50’s male in good shape and decently handsome.  Just seems like the women I’ve been with all have a  great experience which I feel would add value to my partner on set.  
Being married is a challenge for my bucket list challenge but that makes it more exciting in its own way.  Is it possible?

If you want to make a private video, there are many NON-Porn Star escorts who will accommodate that request for a fee. IF you intend to post it publicly, you'll need to get her to sign a 2257 form and provide proof of age.  The 2257 is a legal document so I think it has to have her (and your?) real names and signatures.  
If you intend and can be sure to keep such a video private, you might not need a 2257. (Check with a REAL lawyer!) The first time a private video leaves your control (emailing a copy, posting it, sharing on your "private" (ha!) DropBox, etc.) consider it to be public.  
If you are asking if you can get a PAID job doing a professional porno, I have no idea how that works. I kind of doubt that you can do that discreetly. If some company pays to shoot a video, they are looking to get their money back and more. They aren't going to leave it on a shelf someplace.  If you pay THEM not to release it, don't hold your breath. "Accidents" happen.  
There are plenty of old guys with years of porn experience who are still making videos. Basically, they have been proven to be reliable, have stamina, know how a shoot actually works, and, according to lore, can fuck for hours and then cum on demand. YOU will have sign a 2257. Yeah, even if you LOOK 50 or older, the companies have to have the paperwork just like in many states you have to show (or even scan) your state or fed ID to buy booze or smokes, even if you look like a decrepit old guy.  
I recently posted this:
with links to lists of porn companies.  
Just wondering ... have you picked a porn name yet? "JustJ1915" doesn't seem a marketable choice, to me.

Posted By: JustJ1915

I’ve always had an interest to be in a film and feel I would be of value as a 50’s male in good shape and decently handsome.  Just seems like the women I’ve been with all have a  great experience which I feel would add value to my partner on set.    
 Being married is a challenge for my bucket list challenge but that makes it more exciting in its own way.  Is it possible?

A lot more information than I expected but thanks for the great reply!   I don’t mind the public  release of a movie, that’s kind of my point!   A documented version of me forever out there somewhere doing something I love to do!  I’ve actually found an online application which asks every q of what I’d sexually commit to doing and then some. Seemed like a good start, I’d just have to explain my circumstances and see if they can work within my boundaries.   The escort thing sounds good but getting the real names and consent could be a challenge + for public view. I take a look at the link sent for agents.  I’m right near SF so I feel location of studios are probably closer that I know.  Again I’m glad to get your reply as a positive show of support on my fantasy dream here!  Thanks

I see a huge disconnect between, "Can I ****discreetly**** do a Film? ... Being married is a challenge ..." and "I don’t mind the public  release of a movie, that’s kind of my point!"  
If you want your movie out there, you can forget about it being discreet. It's just a question of how quickly someone will recognize and out you: 2 minutes or 2 weeks.  
Do you have a pre-nup with your wife? A good divorce atty? Maybe you can get her to co-star or direct and you won't have to worry about a marital split, just a royalty revenue split.
How to get a job in the adult film industry
and other links.
Many years ago, I read an interview in an alternative newspaper (Boston Phoenix? Real Paper? Other?). It was by a major porn star Sunshine something. She was from MA (or maybe CT?) and she described her first interview. As you describe, she mentioned her first meeting with an agent and he had a checklist of over 100 "things" she was willing or not willing to do.

Posted By: JustJ1915
Re: Pay or Be Paid?
A lot more information than I expected but thanks for the great reply!   I don’t mind the public  release of a movie, that’s kind of my point!   A documented version of me forever out there somewhere doing something I love to do!  I’ve actually found an online application which asks every q of what I’d sexually commit to doing and then some. Seemed like a good start, I’d just have to explain my circumstances and see if they can work within my boundaries.   The escort thing sounds good but getting the real names and consent could be a challenge + for public view. I take a look at the link sent for agents.  I’m right near SF so I feel location of studios are probably closer that I know.  Again I’m glad to get your reply as a positive show of support on my fantasy dream here!  Thanks

Yeah I know the whole discrete thing doesn’t really work for release of a video; I’m more focused on being discrete with the time it will take during production.  I can just say I did it for the money Baby in the aftermath… the paid for home was a gift after we married by her father, and the savings she has which isn’t shared with me. per her fathers suggestion as he funds her savings  for her retirement.  In Ca it is all 50/50property without and legal bindings from my understandings!  Sounds like either way I win other than the drama that would entail.  In the end I still think she’ll accept the whole idea.  I live extreme adventures like surfing, rock climbing, outdoors, weekly sex outside… she’s opposite but she still chooses me and accepts my adventurous side as much as she tries to curb it.  And No there’s no pre-nup as we were both poor AF when we married having 3 kids each… then 2 together. I’d be proud to be found out  public ally as star in a film actually!  

As a stage name I like Just John to answer the Q in the first post (forgot to mention)

Before you decide to be the male star of a porn scene, whether a professional production or for a (probably not so) private passion project, I suggest you check out this little "TED Talk" by legendary male porn star, Evan Stone.

Life is good

The Cat

Adonis48153 reads

So true! Everyone things being in porn movies is glamorous and a great job especially for the guy but it's anything but. What looks like the easiest sexiest gig in the world turns out to be of the most difficult. Evan was great in this. Wish the sound were better but it was a live thing, but still funny as hell. Thanks for posting!

Adonis48172 reads

I briefly explored making clips with amateur porno ladies to put up for sale on the various clip sites and I found:  

- It's much more difficult than it looks  
- It's a great deal of work and very time consuming  
- It's almost impossible to get the right angles if you are in it without a camera person and you really do need two cameras for it to even start to look right
- It's fun during the sex but getting all the different angles and stopping and starting is a mood killer
- staying hard is bitch and you have to have a lot of control to keep from coming until the end money shot
- The clip sales don't come close to covering the expenses of shooting the clips [at least they didn't for me]

All that being said, it IS fun shooting your own amateur videos if you have a partner that's into it. As far as making it into a business, it's a lot more work than appears so on the surface.  

Yeah sounds like a handful 😨
Performing on demand or not performing on demand I am sure can be very challenging.  I guess it’s called edging?  My idea is to perform in a studio setting where there are camera persons and or a director in coaching for the best play action.  
I feel my best film would actually be a love making shoot with an Asian woman.   I myself find these types of short films sexy, erotic, hot, and classy all in the same package. Something I would MB to more than once a day if I didn’t have a partner…
That would be my dream shot which would be to the benefit of all watching. :)

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