Porn Stars

she was GREAT
lil_ol_me 69 Reviews 1767 reads

Just needs to change her major to actress..

Man that facial abuse site is brutal. Hard to understand why anybody would want to shoot for them. Still kind of hot though lol

___________1308 reads

I will buy drinks for first correct guesser.

My guess is that if she gets her Duke degree and she won't be providing, but who knows? She seems to like money in exchange for selling her body.

MikeShanahan1479 reads


Posted By: ___________
I will buy drinks for first correct guesser.  
 My guess is that if she gets her Duke degree and she won't be providing, but who knows? She seems to like money in exchange for selling her body.

I'm guessing...first, the inevitable negotiations with Playboy. Or, number two, the book deal/talk show circuit.  I kinda like the stereotypical, nerdy private university look.

Lends a whole new perspective on the nickname "Blue Devil," doesn't it?

To bad she got outed and will have to deal with other students being pricks to her. But I say good for her. She is using the resources she has to pay her bills and get herself through college.

Just needs to change her major to actress..

Anyone else notice how much cutting she has done on her left leg? Her thigh cut scars are very deep and the ones on her calf are very numerous as well. She is a very depressed young woman (or at least was when she cut herself). Not sure that doing porn and having the whole campus and her family know is going to help her self esteem. Wonder why she didn't just escort? She is not particularly attractive, but is probably bright and put together. Could have gone to NYC or DC one week a month and made more $ for less hassle than this. Porn star girls typically are girls with nothing to lose. This girl does. I bet she regrets this now. Reminds me a little of Jaclyn Case, another east Coast College girl who did porn on the side during breaks. Poor girl......

Posted By: london302
Anyone else notice how much cutting she has done on her left leg? Her thigh cut scars are very deep and the ones on her calf are very numerous as well. She is a very depressed young woman (or at least was when she cut herself). Not sure that doing porn and having the whole campus and her family know is going to help her self esteem. Wonder why she didn't just escort? She is not particularly attractive, but is probably bright and put together. Could have gone to NYC or DC one week a month and made more $ for less hassle than this. Porn star girls typically are girls with nothing to lose. This girl does. I bet she regrets this now. Reminds me a little of Jaclyn Case, another east Coast College girl who did porn on the side during breaks. Poor girl......
I've been overseas for a month and just found out about all of this Belle Knox stuff yesterday.  I, too, came away with the nagging feeling that there is more to this story than college tuition.  I didn't notice the cutting scars but did notice that she, I think, has no tattoos or piercings that are out of the ordinary.  On one clip, she says several times that she has had only two boyfriends, no hookups beyond a couple of blowjobs, but "loves sex."  I can't say, from her videos, that she "loves sex" and her inexperience comes through.  

A big missing piece to the story is how she got into the porn industry to begin with.  Perhaps I just missed that part of the story.  Apparently, her first film was in November 2013, a couple of months after she started at Duke.  Given the pressure to produce volumes of on-line stuff, and, with an abundance of really attractive young women in SoCal, I'm still trying to figure out how Matrix Models would be willing to have her available only a couple of times a year (school breaks)

She comes across as a young girl crying out for attention and I hope she can get the help she needs.  

Why am I so interested in her and her story?  (It's not the porn or her performances.)  I'm interested because I have a hunch that we all know young girls like her.  Perhaps some are in our own families.

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