Porn Stars

Re:your anal experience also...
jldick50 6054 reads

Hello Mernole, have you come to play with us on the TER, well behave yourself and we will let you stay. Mernole while you are here, why don't you introduce yourself to the rest of the group, gentleman, Mernole has been stalking Mia Domore and causing trouble for her for almost a year now and he is a real piece of work.

as always

jldick507387 reads

Mia is interested in doing anal and we have been working on it for some time, she says she won't do it with anyone else until she is comfortable with me,(and it is my guess, it will have to be someone she has known for awhile and trusts.)I saw her on tuesday and I thought we were almost there, I have inserted two fingers easily(I always wear a rubber glove, so as not to scratch her and I use plenty of lube) I have inserted an anatomicly correct dildo in her ass and a dildo with graduated rings and she can take this one up to the 4th or 5th ring, but I must hold it in with my hand or she will pop it out. We have had the most success with a small vibrator, she loves having the vibrator up her ass, we have sex with the vibrator in her ass and the intensity of her climax seems to increase and I like it as well, because I can feel the vibrator through the membrane in her pussy. The question is, has anyone else been in this situation and can you suggest anything that will relax her and make her more comfortable with anal.

as always

kosher6855 reads

why dont you use the head attached to your shoulders
you are such a shill jdickless

anything to plug some one carrer

you are a true shill

Does any postive tales contitute being a shill?  And whether he is a shill or not I like hearing dirty stories, PS I've met Mia and she seems like a slut.

jldick505513 reads

Now thats what I like to hear, she is a slut, a slut of the first order and great fun to be with. You can call me a shill if you want, but if you ever meet Mia Domore, you will know that everything I have said is the truth.

as always

kosher4689 reads

mr dick you ARE A SHILL and you act like a ass
look at your posts you really seem to be unstable

jldick506055 reads

Hello Mernole, have you come to play with us on the TER, well behave yourself and we will let you stay. Mernole while you are here, why don't you introduce yourself to the rest of the group, gentleman, Mernole has been stalking Mia Domore and causing trouble for her for almost a year now and he is a real piece of work.

as always

tracklist125084 reads

Aww ... Jim,

All crass and no class.  Are you intending to post sensitive (personal) information about me, again?  Let's see how far you can go before you get yourself banned.

You know darn well that I am not stalking Mia Domore.  Just as you know darn well that your ludicrously disengenuous post was not a plea for advice, but an announcement that you are on an expedition to plant your flagpole where no man has gone before and that you expect accolades from all those who would follow after your pioneering effort.  Her best "human" friend is CUMISHA AMADO!!!  She doesn't need keester-loosening advice from any amateurs on this board, she's got an expert on hand!

After you read this, you'll go caterwauling to Mia, "Help, [real name], Mernole is being mean to me again!"  Then she'll have to post something about me being a stalker in order to safeguard that 15% of her income she gets from you.  Then I'll have to write about how Mia and I became FRIENDS, and about how I used to give her rides from or to the airport when she toured San Francisco, and about how she used to KICK BACK obscene amounts of money back to me as a demonstration of friendship (last December the cost differential between what I paid for a PS and what she kicked back to me had me about $10 IN THE BLACK, but since my sister gave her a Xmas gift, I had to get her a gift also and finished up $22 in the red for that trip), and about how after our friendship ended I went to meet her at the airport in order to reimburse her for the kick backs because I refuse to take favors from a non-friend ... etc ...

And for any of you eavesdroppers, outside the PS milieu the friendship dynamic I felt with Mia Domore was more like Surrogate Big Sister/Little Brother and not Pretend Girlfriend/Boyfriend.  Or at least I never heard of a girlfriend get pissed at a guy for paying the parking lot fee when they were out together.

BTW, when is Mia giving me back that vcd I gave her?  Is she keeping it just to spite me, knowing I want it back?  It's not like I gave her jewelry or a puppy (duhh, I know she's a cat person, she wouldn't keep a puppy).

jldick505801 reads

You know mernole, you would think that you would at least use the same alias for the entire thread, first you are kosher and now you are tracklist12, what a putz.

as always

kosher5674 reads

I am not this mernloe person you keep tryimh how ever i do know no one likes you here

-- Modified on 10/11/2003 5:50:55 AM

tracklist126329 reads

Sounds as if the 15% of Mia's income which comes directly from your pocket just isn't enough anymore.

jldick505532 reads

Ok I think you guys have got the idea now, Mia Domore, Mia Domore, lets see how many times we can mention her name befor this thread disappears.

as always

I introduced a non-pornstar girlfriend to anal last year. After trying with various toys, we tried an anal toy made like a series of balls stacked on each other, with a handle below. You can buy it anywhere they sell sex toys. The trick was to have her lie on her back while you eat her pussy. Take it slow and insert a ball at a time as she gets more and more turned on. If she begins humping her hips, just hold the toy still so she actually humps it into her ass. Don't be afraid to pull out one ball and work it in and out. Once she is cumming, her ass will pucker, but it will also relax. Once she can take the ball that is the same diameter as your cock or larger without too much discomfort, you should be able to fuck her. Just get the head in and don't move for a bit until she gets used to it. Then take your time working deeper.

jldick504896 reads

Thank you very much for your advice, I will try that. Now gentleman this is the type of post that I would like to see more of on TER, its was a very articulate response to my question, it was insightful and contained a lot of useful information that I and anyone else who takes the time to read it, can put to good use, once again I would like to thank slohans for responding to my post and I hope some day I may be of help to him.

as always

borya9914 reads

...what is it with these frikkin' toys and anal. How come no one talks about the chubby they get when they are supposedly working these toys in and out of these ladies bungs? It seems to me that everyone is using this hardware schtick as an excuse. Bottom line,guys, forget the dildos already and work on your wood problem,ok?

Here's how it should go. Have regular relations first. That will get the blood into the crotch area and that area will push out and become puffy(the whole area) All you have to do is maintain wood and use a lubricant and simply tease and push until it "goes in". The less stimulation(blood) in that area the more difficult it will be for her. If one finger will work then you can make an entrance. That's it. No expensive appliances. It's just you staying focused. Chances are with those appliances you are hurting or would be hurting her anyway,IMHO.:)

tracklist125887 reads

Actually, I believe it is Mia who is toying with Jim.  He probably buying extra PS time in order to conduct these "experiments".  Her best "human" friend is Cumisha Amado, if she really really needed anal training, Mia would have gone to Cumisha for help.  In other words, she's stalling in order to squeeze some extra dough out of him.

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