Porn Stars

Re:Wow, what a friggin soap opera. eom)
fasteddie51 7121 reads

You're right about that, Spongebob... and usually I'd have ended this long ago, but when someone is trying to hurt me financially with lies and inuendo, I feel I HAVE to respond.

pinklips7594 reads

I am happy to see the Michael has taken a stand to try and put a end to the endless personal attacks that take place constantly on this board.

Having said that, I have to admit that I will not allow anyone, under any circumstance to attack me, my credibility, my integrity or my motives.  

It is a shame the a few nameless, faceless, punks continue to try and intimidate both PS's and hobbyists, and I can personally tell you that I will never allow anyone, ever to think that he or she will be able to accomplish that.

I know for a fact that that is one of the reasons that more girls do not post here on a regular basis, and that is a shame.

I have personally worked very hard in this community to build a reputation of honesty, dedication to good work ethic, and a true love of what I do, and how I do it.

I will not allow anyone to attack my credibility under any circumstance.  

I am also disapointed that that type of behavior is tolerated on the board, especially when it is well known that the individual is using several aliases to try and accomplish some kind of flame war.

I want to thank personally everyone who has come to the defense of the adventure.  I also want to personally thank my good friend Eddie, who I love, admire, and respect.  Everyone who has ever had the priviledge of meeting, and working with Eddie, knows that he is a true hobbyist, who has built a stellar reputation, by his actions, not his words. I also want to thank him for the amount of hard work and dedication that he has shown towards our wonderful idea, and adventure.  More importantly I want to thank you for coming to the defense of our wonderful site.  It was very clear to me, and to anyone who read your last post that you were pushed to your limit by once again, a nameless and facelsss loser.

I will continue to post, and or, advertise my site, each and every week, within the TER guidelines.  I strongly suggest that if you don't want to see my post, just skip over it, but if you feel as though you need to attack my character, be advised that I will defend myself, or anyone else for that matter, who I feel is being unfairly attacked.

There is a gamut of posts on this board ranging from the size of ones clit, to who's flaking, to who has the biggest nipples.

Find something that interests you, and click on it and have fun, but do not try to attack, simply because you have no life and no real purpose.....

With love and respect always.  Love Kathy  xoxo

-- Modified on 10/12/2003 8:02:59 PM

-- Modified on 10/12/2003 8:06:52 PM

Holly Follower4992 reads

I recently joined Kathy's yahoo group, read a couple of her harsh posts towards her group members were she attacks them because they haven't joined her adventure and then I proceeded to remove myself.

Cheetah, I feel very sorry for you of how you were maltreated by Kathy.

For those that think that I'm exaggerating, take a peek at her yahoo group.

This is what Kathy had to say about Cheetah and other former group members,

>While the parameters of PSW might not fall into everyones
>schedule, I am still amazed as to the number of members that I
>have at this group, vs, the amount who have signed up for this
>I think this tells me one thing, that the majority of the
>members are here for only one reason,(see above), if that is
>the case, fine, but DO NOT PISS ME OFF!!!!!!
>Oh, by the way, the offending members are banned, especially
>cheeta, I have received numerous direct e-mails from him,
>asking me to cometo Atlanta, yet he has not joined PSW.
>If I ever do get to Atlanta cheeta, what do you think the
>chances are I will see you? Fat Chance!!
>Fat Chance means,,,,,,,NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Modified on 10/12/2003 11:19:38 PM

pinklips5479 reads

How many times do I and others have to show members of this site, just what a fool you are?

On your last attempt to cause me harm, you never came back with any answers, or further posts.  When are you going to give up??

Aren't you the least bit embarrassed the way that Eddie made you look like a fool, on every point that you have ever brought up.  I guess you think that the members here have very short memories.  You stooped so low, that you had to bring up the race card!! You are dumber than dirt.

I told you I would not be nice, but I guess I will have to temper my post, so as not to step over the line.

It is quite plain that for whatever reason, you have distaste for me.  Guess what,,, I'm not losing any sleep over it.

Now your a hypocrite, you joined my Yahoo Group, what for? Obession, or was it the free nude photos?

My group is called NaughtyKathyWillets, unoffical fan club.  My group is for fans to be able to communicate with me, be it questions to me, or to find out just about anything that interests them, about me.  It is not for people to come onto my group, and ask questions about other Porn Stars, and how to contact them, and how they perform, on a one on one setting.

I posted a message informing the 2 offending members, that this is not acceptable at my group.  Only after I received numerous e-mails from other members of my group, encouraging me to ban them, did I do so, the next day.

So, if I'm putting up harsh posts and attacking my members, continually like you suggest, why is it that my membership is over 3800 people.  Don't tell me they are all masochists, and enjoy the rantings of my terrible behavior.

You are a pathetic racist, and I truly believe you are a masochist, who else would enjoy being humilated day after day.

There are better sites for guys like you, who enjoy being humilated, I really think you are out of place here.  I'm sure you can be humilated much better at one of those sites.

One more thing, if by me posting that I'm somewhat surprised at the lack of members joining, is attacking them, then you really do have a problem with comprehending the English Language.

I guess you missed the part where I said I understand that the parameters of this adventure might not fit into a lot of peoples schedules.

The bottom line is this, it is my group, I set the rules, and I'll post what I want, if people don't like it, they can leave.

-- Modified on 10/13/2003 12:02:13 AM

Holly Follower9022 reads

If you were at least more humane with your current yahoo group members, maybe 1/4 of them would join your adventure and you wouldn’t have to continue cluttering the boards with your AD's.

As for me not responding to your partner’s or your posts, the Moderator can tell you that I did but he decided to leave it out for obvious reasons.

I don't feel humiliated one bit, since the one who is making a fool is you and not I. I'm just one more with an alias that no one knows, while you are a celebrity that many people do know.

pinklips4596 reads

Once again, you just don't understand.  Let me explain it in childs talk.

You never answered, why, because there was no post.  If there was no post,,, you did not answer.  It's that simple.

Now you may have attempted to respond, but due to your lack of intelligence, you were unable to express yourself in a rational, intelligent manner, without the use of foul language, or name calling.

By those actions alone, proves one thing, you are not an intelligent person. And you prove it every time you post!

Maybe it's best that no one knows who you really are, the embarrassment would be too much.

You know, the only time you take your foot out of your mouth,  is to put the other one in!!

I'm proud of who I am, and how I conduct myself, be it here on this board, or anywhere else.

Holly Follower5393 reads

Kathy, I suggest you analyze all of your posts and based on your criteria, let me know who actually lacks intelligence, integrity, and credibility while recurring to foul language and name-calling, YOU.

You started should end it rationally and intelligently without disrespecting any other hobbyists or ladies from your line of work.

The group is about Kathy her schedule tours movies etc   and you know that when you sign up if you are not interested you dont sign up its pretty simple.....

Go get a Life I cant believe you also post Crap like that here you  are out of line.
I have never meet Kathy or even talked to her
But i read her posts and they are very informative so i joind her yahoo group then i also joined

You got some balls well actually you dont you posted under an alais

-- Modified on 10/13/2003 6:22:15 AM

-- Modified on 10/13/2003 6:24:19 AM

Holly Follower7539 reads

Everyone posts here under an alias except for a few that dare to post their actual names or is it colhogan your actual birth name?

One more thing, this is a public board and I'm free to express myself the way I've chosen under the boards guidelines, the same way you're doing.

-- Modified on 10/13/2003 12:44:01 PM

I also, as a member of this little area of the internet,paid member, thank you, feel as I believe Col Hogan does, that when posters are here for the purpose of solely tearing someone down, with no positive input for our community, we can butt in,as you say and ask you to take your hidden agenda's and frustrations elsewhere.I and others want this to be a good place for info gathering and sharing in a civil manner....obviously you will disagree, and that is your we have the right to totally ignore you in the future and thats what I suggest we all do.
My $.02
Francisco D' Anconia

I certainly understand Kathy's remarks in her Yahoo group... Often, the groups are made up of lots of fans that want nothing more than free pics and an opportunity to communicate with the star whose group it is. I dismantled my group a few months ago for that very reason. Before then, there would be maybe 10 or 15 guys that participated  in group discussions, polls, etc. and when I had chats I could bet that those same guys would join my weekly chats.

When I first moved my career to the web almost 4 years ago, I found that one of my die-hard fans had started a yahoo fanclub for me. Of course it was made up of lots of stolen or downloaded images from other peoples websites. The guys maade me an owner of the club and I started participating on a consistent basis - trying to keep guys up to date on what I was doing. A few guys were really sweet to me, letting me know when someone was posting pics from my members area on various fan message boards or when someone was linking into my members area or when they had discovered passwords to my site on password trading boards. To them I'll be forever greatful... But more often than not what I got was guys that wanted to ask questions like if I escorted, when I was coming to [insert the name of your city here,] and various other Q&A easily found on my websites FAQ page. Oh yeah! And let's not forget the guys that would go off if I didn't respond to their post on time or couldn't make it to a FREE chat...

Back then I really thought that if I was diligent and participated in the Yahoo Group and made it an informative & fun place to hang on the web - an extension of my own site, (and updated it with samples from that weeks update on the pay site,) that people would join. What I really found was that the conversion rate was really low... In other words, guys didn't join my member site that came from my Yahoo Group. Yet many of these same guys were the most demanding of my time.

Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my fans online, but there comes a time when you have to do what is best for business. In my case, instead of trying to update yet another site I wound up moving the group members email list into the mailing list database on my website, (of which only 3 of the 1000 Yahoo Group members had already signed up for.) Now I send out the occasional email about public appearances or website updates and that's it.No harm no foul.

I do maintain separate email (only) lists of gentlemen that have contacted me about getting together in various cities, and try to offer them discounted rates and travel notice before my ads hit the net. Some of them bite, others don't... but at least I tried to do something sweet. I basically feel like  this is what Kathy and Eddie are offering guys that sign up for PSW, an opportunity at first  'shot' with their fantasy girl. I think it's a swell idea. It will be helpful in determining which guys are "serious" and which ones are just "curious."


10) The guy that calls or writes to say your rates are too high, (tied with the guy that calls to ask you, "Don't you think that's a little too high?" As if a girl is actually going to say, "Yeah, you're right! That is too high... let me lower it for you."

9) the guy that calls and asks what your rate is, (even if it says it on your ad)

8) the guy that will call 3-5 times to talk about planning to get together - but then never books an appointment, (this is tied with the guy that does it EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU ARE ABOUT TO COME INTO A CITY!)

7) the one that calls asking about specifics you'll do when you see him not just because he wants to know, but because he's busy trying to get off over the phone

6) the guy that calls asking if you can do "it" bareback and when you say "No," politely asks you if he can pay more for it

5) the guy that's completely drunk or high off his gourd at 3 am & wants to know if you'll party with him

4) that one guy that thinks his occupation and/ or station in life is so much more important than everyone else that you've seen that he insists he can not give you any of his personal information to verify. (Tied with the guy that doesn't want to pre-book but will call back everyday you are in town to see if you have time available - and gets frustrated when you don't.)

3) The guy that tells you he is a "friend" of another provider you know and asks for a discount

2) the guy that tells you he is a member of such & such message board & asks for a discount

and my personal favorite, [drum roll please,]

1) the guy that calls & says, "Hi, I'm not sure if you remember me, but I sat next to you in Mr. Brown's English class in 7th grade. I've followed your career for sometime now & was wondering if maybe you would go out with me sometime?" (but not for money of course.)

Oh wait! I just thought of another one...

The guy that obviously is calling from an ad he saw online, (I mean how else would he have gotten your number?) But when he calls pretends like he didn't know there was a financial arrangement to be met.

Have a cheery day!


-- Modified on 10/13/2003 7:59:04 AM

jldick505875 reads

WOW that was you in Mr Browns class?, boy have you changed, can I get a discount?(ROTFLMAO)

as always

kikid4917 reads

ROFL! Those are the very reasons I quit doing my own booking. Yet I STILL get guys emailing me and in some instances calling me, gentlemen, please stop! Here is the official announcement AGAIN in case you didn't read it the first time. I don't book anything directly...period. All booking goes through Happy Huntin to you all!

pinklips6398 reads

Sin, although we have never met, I can tell by all of your posts that you are very intelligent, and have a clear understanding , of what this business is all about.  Thanks Kathy xoxo

Thanks Kathy, It's been almost 11 years since my first vid... I've learned alot and try to share as much as possible when I can... Looking forward to hopefully meeting you soon!


fasteddie516698 reads

You're not going to damage Kathy's reputation, no matter how hard you try.... she's proven time and time again that she's one of the most respected PSE's in the business.  Is she the youngest?  No.  Has she done the most videos?  No.  Has she done any videos recently?  No.  and yet, she's one of the most successful and sought after ladies out there.  Why?  Because she's the genuine article... no pretense, no snobbery, no bullshit...

You accuse others of having a "hidden agenda" but your's is quite transparent.  It's obvious to all that you have a grudge against her...

You call Kathy pathetic, and yet you join her yahoo group?  Why would you do that, if you have such a low opinon of her? Then of course, when you see how she treats her members, you quit....

Yeah, right!

You feel "very sorry" for the way Cheetah was "mistreated by Kathy"...

ROTFLMAO - you don't give a rat's ass about anyone on these boards besides yourself and your ego...

The quotation of Kathy's you posted, out of context, was a post Kathy gave in response to a couple of guys who suddenly started posting ISO's on Kathy's fan site about other pornstars...  It showed a complete lack of respect for Kathy, and all of her members who responded backed her 100%.

So why don't you just give it up... nobody cares about what you think or do...

Holly Follower6484 reads

If no one cares of what I have to say, which I doubt by the amount of hits on my posts, then why are you concerned and seeking ways to discredit me. If you see any of my posts, don’t read them, but ignore them.

I have nothing against Kathy or you, as you want people to think. I have my own opinions, which are obviously different to yours. Kathy and you want to use each other’s board influences to discredit those that differ from your opinions for your own personal advantage.

Kathy insulted my dear friend Holly by calling her names while continuing to say that she slept with me in exchange of a TV Dinner. It’s obvious that once she was exposed, she edited her post to her advantage. The simple fact is that you both are desperate, as things aren’t progressing the way you thought in your adventure. Welcome to reality and in doing so, don’t blame it on one person with an alias but on the way you both are publicly displaying yourselves.

-- Modified on 10/13/2003 10:01:19 PM

fasteddie517090 reads

I haven't sought a way to discredit you... you do that yourself with every biased and malignant post you make.  And if this was just you and me, I would ignore you... but you've chosen to insult and disparage a friend of mine, and you're attempting to discredit a business venture that could cost Kathy and myself money... so I will not ignore you... I'll take every opportunity to expose you as the petty, hurtful little man that you are...

You say you don't have anything against Kathy or myself "as we want people to think"... well, we don't have to do a thing for people to think that... it's obvious in your posts.  

Everyone IS entitled to their opinions, you included, but opinions should have some basis in fact behind them.  You just spew any absurd thing that comes into your mind, such as the "accumulated interest" crap.  You offer the opinion that things aren't going as we had thought, when in fact you have no way of knowing how well they are or aren't going... but since you have a personal grduge against Kathy, that doesn't stop you from throwing that out there to cast doubt over the project.  You don't really care if you're right or wrong, you just want to try to throw a monkey wrench into our venture.  

Then you make an outright racist remark about our reasons for bringing on Sinnamon Love, when you have absolutely NO idea about what you're talking about... plus, like your "accumulated interest" post, it makes no sense... Sinnamon is an alternate, so there's a 95% chance that she won't be going.  If we were as racist as you are, and wanted to get the black hobbyists to join, we would have made Sinnamon a primary particiapant and left Jeanna as the alternate that she already was... so not only is your "opinion" wrong, it just doesn't make any sense...  but making intelligent comments isn't really important to you, is it?  As long as you can cast a shadow of doubt over the Pornstar Weekend site, logic or sense doesn't enter your posts...

You speak about Kathy and I wanting to use "each other's board influence"  to discredit people who's opinions differ from ours.  Well, here's the thing... Our "influence" on these boards (speaking for myself, at least) come from making valuable contributions here for several years, helping my fellow hobbyists on the boards and behind the scenes via email, and the fact that dispite people like you taking shots at me, the members here recognize that I'm a straight shooter who tells the truth... You have no influence (and I'm sure that bugs you) because you've offered or contributed NOTHING... ZILCH... NADA...  no reviews, no positive posts, just flames and accusations.

Kathy insulted you (or your "dear firend" Holly), and since then you've made it a crusade to hound her and flame her at every opportunity.  You join her website, (now why would you do that, I wonder... hmmmm?), take a couple of posts out of context, and use that to show her in a negative light... but I guess the 3800+ members of her yahoo group don't agree with you...  (for those of you interested in seeing the entire exchange of posts in context, rather than H.F.'s selective excerpts, go to - read them yourselves and draw your own conclusions)

As to the way we're conducting ourselves publicly, I think we've shown an amazing amount of restraint regarding you and your biased flames... Neither Kathy nor myself have had any posts disallowed or deleted... while you're racking up quite a number of them.  I never attacked anyone who disagreed with the number of posts we made, and when I did answer any negative comments, it was always with a logical answer, and always with respect for the person who posted it... Until you came along, and made this VERY personal.

Because of my high-profile, I expect a certain amount of attacks on my posts... I don't mind someone disagreeing with me... I've seen guys post reviews on girls that were 180 degrees opposite of mine, and in many cases I don't reply, or if I do, it's just to say that my experience was different... I don't criticize the guy for his review or opinion.  But every once and a while. someone like you shows up, and for what ever reason, jealousy and envy over the relationships I've formed with a lot of the ladies, or just someone who craves attention and figures if he challenges me he'll get it, starts attacking me personally... and like you, when they realize that they can't hurt me, they become vulgar, start name-calling, and making shit up about things they have no clue about.... You're just one of many, and you're not even the best of them....

So keep posting, and I'll keep exposing you for the small minded and spiteful person you are...

Holly Follower5291 reads

Fast Eddie, what has gotten into you?

You now call me a racist because I said that you were now seeking the members of the Black Community by adding Sinnamon Love to your adventure, a practical and a very well thought marketing move. If mentioning the word "black" is being a racist, then I take it back and will say instead the "Colored Community". Talking about Sinnamon Love, you too should learn from her a bit of the way she conducts herself against adversity on the boards despite some jealous ex-members of this board constantly attacking her and her fans.

It's certainly hurting you that everyone is viewing how you and your partner continue conducting yourselves without class and defensively from one sole member that is unknown to all, but that has express himself the we he thinks, which opposes yours.

I love your last half sentence,

>So keep posting, and I'll keep exposing you for the small minded and spiteful person you are...

I have certainly gotten to you.....You can't ignore me Fast Eddie. Do you want to know why? Because I've exposed both of you of your little hidden agenda with your adventure. No wonder one of Kathy's best friends and yours I might think, butt out the instant she noticed what many others and I have read in numerous boards. I will leave the exact word out to avoid this message from not getting post.

One last point I want to make, please leave Holly out of this. She is innocent to what is taking place on this board.

fasteddie515642 reads

Yes, you've gotten to me, like a piece of popcorn lodged between two teeth...  insignificant, but definitely annoying.

I'll admit one thing... you gave me a good laugh when you speak about Kathy and I conducting ourselves without class.  You wouldn't know class if it came up and bit you on the ass.   I won't speak for myself, but Kathy has more class in her little finger than you could ever hope to have in a llfetime... You saying we have no class would be like Brittany Spears saying Ella Fitzgerald couldn't sing....

You keep spouting on and spouting on, but never say anything... you keep talking about our "hidden agenda"... well, apparently you must know what that hidden agenda is... why not share it with everyone on the board?  What exactly is it that you have "exposed"?  Come on, big mouth, let's hear it....   You haven't shared it with everyone because there isn't one... You know it, and so does everybody else...

You state:  "once she noticed what I and others have read in numerous boards" -  Who are these others you speak about?  I haven't seen anyone come to your defense on this subject... not one!  No one else has mentioned any "hidden agenda" or anything else in support of ANYTHING you've said... You're out there by yourself, pal, and mentioning some mysterious "others" isn't going to make you seem any less foolish.

All you do is talk out of your ass... you express your "concern" for you fellow hobbyists who have joined the site, but all you can come up with is moronic things like interest and refunds and us trying to attract the black hobbyists out of "desperation", as if you'd know anything about it... All bullshit... no substance, just hot air...

But keep posting, because every time you do, you just make more of a fool out of yourself...

When this little flame war is all over, do you seriously think anyone will pay any attention to you at all?  See, the noteriety you currently are enjoying is due to the fact that you're attacking someone wll known... but you already know, that don't you?  Once it's over you'll have to crawl back into the hole you came out of, or else use a new alias to try to start it up again... But you've done that before as well, haven't you?

Holly Follower5521 reads

Fast Eddie, please be very careful with your constant foul language tone on the boards. You are a celebrity so please show some class and leave the foul language to the unknowns such as I.

Why can't you express yourself without insulting and lowering yourself to those of us that disagree with you?

Furthermore, you and your friend asked me to use a speller to check my messages; I suggest you two do the same because you have several grammatical errors in your messages.

Remember, you are a celebrity and an Icon so don't show your dark side to your loyal fans and scare them away from your adventure thus hurting your financial earnings.

One last thing, whenever someone disagrees with you, you always end up talking about the "ALIAS" theory, I have one comment to say about it, you are way far from reality.

So Fast Eddie, when time comes and you probably have only 400 members instead of 500 ($40,000 + interests), you call it quits and no adventure occurs but you and Kathy pocket the funds and leave everyone stranded. My question to you is how could the paying subscribers now that you reached or not your goals. What legal proof would you be showing that the members could trust?

I'm sure no one thought about this one either.

pinklips5252 reads

Once again you have tripped yourself up in more of your lies, there's an old saying.  "Give someone enough rope, and they'll eventually hang themselves".  Well guess what, the nose is getting tighter, and the trap door is about to open!

You want to infer that I spoke badly or attacked Holly.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  As Eddie alluded to, I hurt "your" feelings.

On 9/25 I posted about myself, Anna , and Jeanna.  You felt it was your duty to tell everyone not to join, as it was not necessary to do so, in order to get discounts, that was on 9/27.

On 9/27, I pointed out that you must have done something like read Holly a book, since you "literately" saw her for only the price of dinner.  This was a blow to your ego, and your "manhood".

On 9/28, I posted about how you were such a great guy, possibly taking advantage of "that sweet soul", i.e. Holly.  "That sweet soul" is the ONLY thing I said about Holly.

By buying her a TV dinner. This was posted at 10:06PM

You immeadately attacked me, and said I was attacking Holly, this was at 11:10PM.  You have inferred ever since that post, that I attacked her, but ONLY after you posted and called me to task for doing so, did I modify my post.

The only problem is this, I modified my post , for spelling, at 10:16PM, which was 54 minutes before you accused me of saying something bad about Holly.

Now, How did I know that you were going to post, yet alone, accuse me of something,,,, that I never did????? Before you posted.

So your theory of me changing my post, to get rid of something I said, is just bullshit!  All anyone has to do, is go  back and read the posts, and see the times they were posted, to find out that you are the one who is lying.

Once again, when your rotten, jealous, vindictive, not too bright, and not truthful, you always get tripped up.

I never modify my posts, unless it is for a typo.  Anyone who has read my posts, over the last 2 years, knows that I speak from the heart, and have no tolerance, for anyone disrespecting any girl.

Your post on a public board, bragging and stroking your self inflated ego, about how you didn't have to pay Holly, in order to "get" it for nothing, showed a complete lack of respect, and you bet your sweet ass I came and put you in your place.

It's quite apparent, that you have issues that need to be addressed, and a very low self esteem, otherwise, who would post such a stupid statement.

It's apparent that this will never end, and that you have no life, it must be hard, always being on the outside, looking in.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get", but with you, we all know .


fasteddie517122 reads

You're right about that, Spongebob... and usually I'd have ended this long ago, but when someone is trying to hurt me financially with lies and inuendo, I feel I HAVE to respond.

Holly Follower5862 reads

Hmmmm, so I see, it's hurting you financially but what of the already paying members, do you feel for them as much as you feel for your empty pocket?

Is there any money back guarantee clause in the event that any subscriber has changed his/her mind?

One more thing, are female hobbyists welcomed to join or is it only a Male hobbyists membership?

fasteddie517552 reads

I'm touched about how much you're concerned for the members who have joined... are you losing any sleep over it?  Do you wake up in the middle of the night thinking "Damn, I hope the members of Pornstar Weekend aren't getting screwed"?

You just can't be honest here, can you?  Like you care about any of the people who have joined the site... the only thing you care about is spreading your misinformation and getting to see your name appear on the boards... the attention you've gotten from all of this probably makes you feel like a real man....

To answer the first question, no, there's no money back clause if someone changes their mind... just like there is no money back clause in any adult site.  You join, you pay the membership fee, and if you don't like the site, you don't renew....

but you already knew the answer to that one, didn't you?

As to if the membership is open to males and females, why the fuck would you care?  Once again, you just like to see yourself in print...

As I said, you're nothing but transparent...

Kathy (plus Eddie and many others who have come to her defense) ..

Have you noticed that the person who posts under the name "Holly Follower" has ZERO reviews posted?

Folks, this should tell all of us something. This person is not a hobbyist. Rather, he or she is simply someone who gets their kicks by posting inflamatory statements...and then sits back and waits for the responses.  

Kathy does not need to defend herself. Her reputation speaks to her integrity. Eddie's many posts and reviews verify his status in the "hobby".

So...let us all simply SHUN the person who posts as "Holly Follower" and allow him/her to masturbate at someone elses expense.
Respectfully Submitted,

Holly Follower5245 reads

Humboldt, for your information, there are people more actively involved in this hobby than Fast Eddie and others so called "Senior Hobbyists" and that don't and never will post their adventures on any boards, why, because the ladies have asked them not to or they simply aren't interested in sharing their SPECIAL PRIVATE moments.

I tell you what, stick to your theory and you will do just fine. I'm my case, I will continue meeting the ladies whenever I want and never post a review on the boards.

-- Modified on 10/14/2003 10:22:40 PM

jaded I6866 reads

I know of many ladies who have no reviews posted of them.  By this logic they are not providers. Right...

If you're going to knock people for their rights not to post reviews or even join in this "entertainment" then don't use the concept of  "respect" because you have shown ignorance to its meannings.

Yes i have no reviews- I hobby once in a TJ (no reviews there) I ask questions, give some info if appropriate, join in discussions. If you want to make this forum exclusive then perhaps you should recommend to the staff to add a password to the forum..given to those with blah blah amounts of reviews (fake or otherwise)  Lets see how that flies.  How many posts do you think you'll see a day.  Everyone adds a life to a forum, an a bit of conflict is healthy.

elitist attitudes suck.

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