Porn Stars

Re:The Art of the Pornstar Pickup
pinklips 6544 reads

If your technique, (which is known only to you, but sure sounds like something that was invented probably 4000 years ago) works so well, and you have your pick of "so" many PS's, why is it that you have had to professionaly  meet so many different girls.

For someone with this great knack, I'm surprised you could even find the time to meet a provider, since your such a PS magnet!

My buddy here in Los Angeles, the immortal SCORE advised me to create this post as he thought it would be valuable to share with the group. Two years ago while I was still in college, I created a method I like to refer to as the pornstar pickup, which yielded me a big name pornstar absolutely free...yes I said free my fellow hobbyists. She even paid for me to go vacation with her. I cannot divulge who this lovely lady is but trust me you all know of her. And now the possiblity looms of me getting hooked up with another big name and beautiful pornstar through her, whom you all know of who doesn't even escort though gentlemen would pay exorbitant amounts for her time. The method I used to achieve this are as follows; I first get the PS's e-mail address or instant messenger name. Once I have this I add her to my buddy list and when she is on I start off by chatting with her, asking if this is really her, complimenting her and making her laugh,ETC. I've done this and had ladies call me on the phone after our initial conversation online (game speaks for itself). From here I transition to a telephone relationship, touching base maybe once a week or so to chat and gaining the ladies' trust. After a month to two months I get the ladies to meet me for dinner and some clubbing or something of that sort, sometimes something no one would turn down like a Rolling Stones concert for example. If I can get them to meet me outside of arranging a paid for meeting I have achieved victory and as my brother SCORE would say, I know the score bodes well for me. I know this may seem difficult but it's really not if you have any personality and my success in doing this method speaks for itself. Just wanted to share this with my fellow hobbyists and I wish you all successes in achieving your PSE fantasies.


thanks for sharing. yes, it does take personality and wherewithall to pull this kinda thing off (though i'd like to think it's not really "pulling" anything, just being genuine). but i can see how advice like this would be of use to some folks  

but frankly it can't help everyone though. for example, i wonder if this play plan would work for guys who think of these gals as being professional whores

fasteddie515980 reads

I've had similar success by meeting a pornstar at a club, paying for a Polaroid and while talking with them, casually licking my eyebrows... seems to work for me!

what?  you mean no "Pimp Jedi Master"  mind tricks ?  

i can just see it -- "Obe-Fast-Eddie" walks into that wild extraterrestrial bar in STAR WARS (the one with the elephant-lady strippers and alien chicks with 9 orifices) and simply waves his hand saying  "you will fuck me long time and off the clock" ... and then leaving with all of them in tow!  LOL

fasteddie516583 reads

That would be an abuse of the Force.... now, it's perfectly acceptable to say... "you're extremely attracted to old fat bald guys... you find that you become wet when seeing one... you want to debase and defile yourself before one... "  See, that way any fat, bald old guy in the bar had a fighting chance.  Of course, if any of them came close to scoring, I'd have to get medievil on their buttocks and whip out the ol' light sabre...

I always figured that Darth Vader got all of the the hot chicks... and Bobba Fett got his leavin's....

Score7531 reads

in reality, it was Yoda who scored all the chicks in his love shack...

the babes are always "drawn" to the Dark Side  (back here on Earth we call it the "bad boy" syndrome that enthralls babes, especially the good slutty ones we seek) ... how else can you explain Jabba The Hutt's harem full of intergalactic sex slaves (notice i didn't specify "drawn" had to be voluntary! LOL)

if i was offered, i would yield 100% to the Dark Side and do it in a heartbeat ... and would gleefully rat out the Rebel Alliance in exchange for some Arcturian PSE -- oh wait, that's ALIENS not STAR WARS

oh well, i think it's pretty clear that i am right (anyhoo)

yes it could be of use to some because I was in college and only had the $500/month my parents were giving me. I desired PSE's but didn't have the money for them so I had to come up with a strategy to net me them somehow.

Way to go kid! I remember hanging out with Porn Stars myself in my younger days. Then I got married!!!

It's not that us older boys aren't wise to the game, we just have a helluva lot more to lose.

I know you don't want to reveal the porn star's name that you hooked up with, but do you think you could give us a hint as to who she was.  I'm rather very interested.  Maybe what company she works for?

Thank you.

Justin I wish I could but I can't as she may possibly be hooking me up with a big name that doesn't escort and I can't jeopardize that in any way. I can tell you that I haven't reviewed her and she did videos for Vivid and Metro.

Score6791 reads

He's one of my proteges; Doc and I have helped shape him into the seasoned player he is today. The whole story is true; this busty babe flew the lucky dog down to Atlantis and they had a weekend-long orgy.

Now, someone sarcastically called this "dating," but this isn't a typical dating scenario. To call it that would be a major discredit...I mean, this was a porn star. It's very similar to The Score Method, except my scores are arranged in person.


Score7248 reads

I went to an adult industry function with this animal the other night and the sick fuck had a bottle of lube in his back pocket ready to perform Russian on any DD babe in sight. I had to restrain him and remind him to watch his manners!

fasteddie518104 reads

Oh, the protege always tries to unseat the master... kind of like Jan-Micheal Vincent trying to do in Charles Bronson in "The Mechanic"....

You just gotta bitch-slap the youngin's sometimes.

pinklips6545 reads

If your technique, (which is known only to you, but sure sounds like something that was invented probably 4000 years ago) works so well, and you have your pick of "so" many PS's, why is it that you have had to professionaly  meet so many different girls.

For someone with this great knack, I'm surprised you could even find the time to meet a provider, since your such a PS magnet!

Right on Kathy.  Very funny, yet true.

now what if the tables were turned ...

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