Porn Stars

Re:She was indeed flying under the radar. I have to post a semi-retraction after ...
fasteddie51 14088 reads
1 / 9

I had the great pleasure of spending an entire evening with Heather Scott several months ago, but at the time she was "flying under the radar" and in respect for her wishes did not post a review.  But now she's "come out", and has given me permission to tell the story I've been dying to tell for all these months.

If you go to Heather's website,, many of you will recognize her as a high-class men's magazine model who has done some girl/girl adult videos as well as some mainstream movie and TV work.

I've just posted a review to the database, and hopefully it'll be available for viewing in the next few days, so I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here, but let me just say this:

My evening with Heather was one of the high points of my hobbying experiences.  She's intelligent, well versed, and drop-dead gorgeous... Words, and even pictures do not do her justice, and she is the ultimate GFE, bar none,  end of story!

In the room, she's passionate and extremely skilled, and while you're with her she'll make you feel like you're the only man in the world.  She definitely is in my top two or three providers.

Heather tours eith Body Miracle, or when in LA can be booked directly through her website, mentioned above.  Truly a must see.

singleton 5 Reviews 9471 reads
2 / 9

hmmm ... she looks familiar. i'm thinking i recognize her from Howard Stern but not sure (more likely from magazines)

anyway thanks. she's a darling (visually). i'm glad she's come out from under the radar ... since i now have her on "radar-lock"  


A Spectator 9922 reads
3 / 9

I discovered her new ad in Eros-LA in addition to Body Miracle's.

Addition info and link to her TER reviews are included in this post of mine:

A Participator 9524 reads
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i was not able to verify any of her movie credits (Big Daddy, Wild Things, etc) under the name "Heather Scott"

but sure enough, Laurie Wallace is listed in IMDB as being in those movies,+Laurie

thank god for the internet, eh?  ;)

Spectator's friendly nemesis,
singleton (aka "A Participator")

fasteddie51 10267 reads
5 / 9

No offense, Spectator, but when a lady flies "under the radar", or comes out using an alias, it's usually because she doesn't want her real name known... of course, many people will recognize her, but i would think that common sense would prevail, and those that did figure it out would respect her obvious wish to remain at least semi-discrete and would exchange that information through back channelling, rather than exposing it on a public forum.
That's why I didn't mention her real name, and made the point to say it was out of respect for her wishes.

The fact that Body Miracle changed her listing from L.W. to Heather Scott is further proof that she didn't want her real name used...  and a mistake by Body Miracle that was corrected shouldn't be used as justification for using her real name.

Exposing names on a public forum is why many of the Playmates and Pets will stay in the background, only available to those "in the know".

Many Playboy models continue to have contractual relationships with the magazine.  Playboy isn't dumb, they know that some of their ladies escort, but if they're discrete about it, the magazine turns a blind eye... but when it's thrust in their face, it could jeapordize the lady's future with the organization.

-- Modified on 7/6/2003 9:56:06 AM

BlindGuy 9168 reads
6 / 9

You are right -- she has been on Howard Stern a couple of times.

GentleAman 10 Reviews 10060 reads
7 / 9

She is gorgeous.  I am jealous of u again. lol. congratulations.

A Spectator 8539 reads
8 / 9

any correction done on that ad.  The ad remained the same 10 days after I posted the initial message in LA board.  The guy that first reviewed her in TER had responded to my post.  Many LA members have read it.  I think someone from Body Miracle probably have made known about it several days ago.

If I remembered correctly, Heather Scott was listed in Body Miracle's site for at least several months.  There was never any review of her in TER until a couple of weeks ago.  I think many members automatically assume that some one that good looking are probably not the real deal (the pictures are either several years old or the services are up to no good.).  Maybe the reason why BM placed that ad in Eros-LA under LW’s name is to generate traffic and inform hobbyists she is available.  

There are many other semi-famous ladies available in this hobby through restricted members-only access sites.  Their faces are either blurred or hidden behind secured sites.  Since she chose to use her real photos (which is widely available) in her ads, in some ways, she wanted to generate as much traffic as possible.  No one who chose to keep a low profile would use her full faced photos in an ad on a much visited ad mall like Eros especially in a media capital like Los Angeles.  There are literally thousands of visitors to Eros-LA daily compared to the merely few hundred members who read TER boards messages regularly.

LW has changed her career recently from Nude models in girlie magazines to porn star/starlet.  If you read BM’s Eros-LA ad about LW: , it is like a resume of all her work up to now.  This is not some clerical mistake that accidentally use the wrong name in an ad.  Who knows, maybe she and BM decide to create a big splash in this hobby now that her career goal has changed.  With this ad in Eros, I guess their phones are now ringing off the hook.

I have in past tried hard to protect a lady’s identity when they chose not to review them.  I am not one of those who pinpointed Lucy’s identity even though her photos were blurred to protect her id.  I have alerted Staff about posts and reviews that identified a lady who was a Playmate.

I know there are many TER members who chose to exchange info through backchannels.  A large portion of them didn’t post reviews or inform other members of their findings.  Since they took the chance and spent their own money, it is their right to see fit how they depose those info.  I personally preferred to lay things out in TER boards or reviews.  I benefited from other members’ reviews and posts, so I choose to contribute back to the TER community through the same means.

I didn’t set out to dig up info about LW.  This was done in response to the skepticism expressed by a number of LA members about the truthfulness of the photos of Heather Scott and the validity of her TER review.  I was one of the skeptics who implicitly expressed my doubt.  Hence I felt the responsibility to clarify things when I found out the truth.

I am quite sure if BM, LW or other members filed a complaint to Staff, GND or the PS mod MichaelCA about my message, they will make the right decision about whether it should remain here or be deleted.  Whatever the decision is, I would gladly abide by it.

p.s. I don't like to rely on my words alone to thumb up or down on a lady.  Since I use an alias to post in TER boards and choose to remain obscure with my TER id, I prefer to gather relatively objective data and present them in a message for others to decide.

Eddie, I have great respect for what you do in this board and to other TER members.  I guess this is a case of me having a different POV than yours.

Take care and please continue your good work.

-- Modified on 7/7/2003 12:57:21 AM

fasteddie51 9295 reads
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As I said, I wasn't trying to flame you... circumstances had exposed L.W. to public notice... but she did have BM change the name, and really didn't want her identity bandied about...

Also, you're confusing Heather Scott with Heather Skott, who was on BM for some time.  Heather Skott used to be known as Bridgette Monroe.  Bridgette retired from porn for a while, then came back with new boobs and a new name.  Heather Scott and Heather Skott are wo entirely different people.

As to the eros-ad, it's the agency that books and pays for those ads... the girl has nothing to do with it, and often she isn't even aware that an ad has been placed.

Exotica-2000, for example, has a vip section, and on their schedules show a tour without the girl's name... that is, if you look under July in Philly, it'll show "V.I.P.", but if you check eros-philly, they often have the girl's name and photos listed openly, which kind of defeats the purpose of having her on the VIP section of their website.  I'm sure if the girl found that out, she'd be upset about it.

And I also believe in sharing info on the boards... I think that's pretty obvious, but I also always respect the lady's wishes, and if she doesn't want to be reviewed or have her name mentioned as available, I don't... in that case I'll backchannel.  If I see an ISO for her by someone I recognize as a regular poster, I'll send him an email letting him know she's available, and ask him to keep it to himself.  I've never been burned by a fellow hobbyist by doing it that way.

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