Porn Stars

Re:One more thought....
Lord Of The Rings 6772 reads
1 / 15

1. What is usually the slowest day of the week and time when on tour?

2. What is the average of bookings per day for a provider similar to the ones that are regulars here, which are in high demand?

Before anyone asks, I'm not a member of the IRS or LE.


carlspackler 6914 reads
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jldick50 6171 reads
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Youre not thinking about using an agency are you, well are you? (ROTFLMAO)

Lord Of The Rings 9035 reads
5 / 15
PSE Greenspan 7167 reads
6 / 15

The slowest day of the week is the day when the girls are also booking direct or working for another agency! As for average bookings I doubt if an agency would come out and tell you that on a board they know their competition is reading.

They would all like us to believe the girls are booked solid (Space is limited!!!) so to say anything otherwise would be foolish. I think the PSE 'urban legend' of girls sitting in a hotel room getting drunk and watching TV for hours on end may in some cases be quite true (more than we are led to believe). Sometimes it happens to the best of them despite their fan popularity or industry status since these 'market fluctuations' can not be predicted in advance.

theplayer 55 Reviews 7204 reads
7 / 15

I agree-I know of a number of instances when girls have nothing to do-they must stay by the phones in their room and wait to be called-

NikkiDiamond 7267 reads
8 / 15

OK not ALWAYS but...
the first day a girl is in town is usually the slowest... she knows if she has pre-books, and usually they hate to prebook before they know her plane has landed and shes at the hotel, we come from allover, connecting flights present weather delays, etc... but still,
thats the BEST time to call an agency
they'll work with you
they'll work with the girl
everyone will be happy
we work with agencies because they provide RELIABLE, cost effective, bookings for us, they earn their damned money, and we're willing to pay it.
You should be too, or we wouldn't normally come to outer bumfuck egypt for a week, without the agencies bringing us there.
Self booking has proved to be more of pain in the ass for the majority of us than we care to deal with, otherwise, don't you think we can crunch the potential numbers of going indy???
Even the best of indy bookings spend more time on the damned phone and via email confirming a booking while we shell out travel expenses in advance over the internet, then show up to find out 15 mins before the appt, that they are changing it.
References, pffffffffft.  Ed can testify that enough people have dropped his name and cancelled on me, I won't name names, but you know who you are, and you are the reason we'd rather not book direct. Period.
The last day a girl is in town is also a great day to get in an early am/afternoon appt before she bails to the airport, same mantra, call the agency, they'll both work with you.  If you don't alaready know how to get quality poontang at walmart prices, well, then you aren't gonna get that info here, you'll need to prove yourself to the girls, and then hey,,, we talk to eachother, promise.
Our agents are there because we prefer to use them, and when we find one we really love, we're loyal.

fasteddie51 7026 reads
10 / 15

Expanding on what Nikki said about not liking to book directly, Nikki forgot to mention one other thing that drives the ladies nuts when they take independent bookings.... After booking a direct appointment, a lot of the guys like to call the ladies four or five times a day, EVERY day before their scheduled meeting... To make sure they're still going to be available, to tell them what clothing they want them to wear, to discuss the shade of lipstick they require to get a hard-on, to make sure that her heels are exactly 5"... not 4", not 7", but 5" with stiletto spikes... black stockings, not red, and with seams... and to let the girl know what a stud they are and how they're gonna ruin her for any other man - but basically just to hear their voice for as long as they can keep them on the phone.  Then 80% don't show or end up cancelling an hour before their appointed time.  In the end, the girl ends up spending five hours on the phone stroking the guys ego (while he's stroking something else) for a one hour appointment that often never happens....

If you think I'm exaggerating, I'm sure Nikki will be happy to verify all that I've said, and then some.  I've spent a lot of time just hanging with the Nikster, and I've seen dozens of guys cancel on her at the last minute or just not show up.  Some of them who I referred and vouched for (and will get no further referrals from me, by the way).  And by the way, the guy who calls her the most times is the one most likely to flake on her.

Fellas, we all want these girls to book directly.... so use some common sense when dealing with them.  Don't bug them constantly... Make your appointment, call ONCE the night before or early on the day of the meeting to confirm (both that nothing's changed on her end and that you're definitely going to be there), and make sure that you keep your committment... If you legitimately HAVE to cancel, have the courtesy to give her as much notice as possible.

I'm convinced that a lot of guys book pornstars with absolutely no intention of ever keeping the appointment.  It's just a way for them to get to talk to the girl, and they end up calling her as much as they can... sort of a fantasy fulfillment without actually going through with it.  So when a girl decides to only go through an agency, or begins asking for deposits, look at it from her point of view.  Lot's of wanna-bees ruin it for the realy players.

-- Modified on 8/15/2003 10:18:32 AM

-- Modified on 8/15/2003 10:39:17 AM

Lord Of The Rings 7040 reads
11 / 15
pinklips 7595 reads
12 / 15

Eddie, has hit the nail on the head, as to the m.o of a lot of the so called "hobbyist's".  I can only relate my dealings, which are not at all like what I've read on some of the other posts.

My busiest day is my first day, be it when I worked with E2K, or now as an independant.  I have NEVER worked the same day I arrive in a city.  E2K had to pay for my flight and hotel the day before I was to start in a city.

I enjoy what I do too much, and give of myself to the fullest, to try and attempt to spend time with a gentleman, the day I travel.

Who in their right mind wants to spend time with a girl who has been up since 2AM traveling, and all that goes with that for 12 hours, before she gets settled in her hotel. Does anyone think she is at her BEST, after all of that time??  Not to mention the problems that could pop up, such as a flight delayed.

As for some comments about agencies, while I do still work with BM, I am independant.  BM works the way that I want, or they do not work with me.  I do work with them, because this board and others, are only a small portion of the hobbyist's.  For everyone of the hobbyist's on the boards, there are 10 others who only lurk, and/or, only have time to call an agency, if this wasn't true, how does E2K stay in business??

Any girl, who has to work exclusively with an agency is lazy, or just doesn't care .  They are the ones who don't provide quality time, and could care less if they see someone again, because we all know, (agencies&PS), that there will always be another guy who will call.

If a girl is working exclusively with an agency, yes she has to sit around, because the agency will not let her know what they have scheduled, if they did, then the girl can book herself around the agencies appt's.

Being independant is so much better, you have your schedule, which you set up, which leaves you time for lunch, dinner, or sightseeing. Plus, you have done the verification, which is better than depending on some girl at an agency, who could care less if she does what she is supposed to do.

Being independant, and doing my own verification, might be a little bit of work, but I know exactly who is walking thru the door, I know exactly what to expect, and I am completely relaxed, which leads to the ultimate fantasy coming true.

Now maybe I am an oddity in this business, but I do not have people cancel on me.  I require deposits, if a man is sincere, he will send the deposit, if he will not, he was only going to waste your time.

If a girl is foolish enough, or that desperate, to fly half way across country, on a wing and a prayer, then she deserves to get burned.  A little commone sense, and business savy, goes along way.

I have rules, which must be met, one of them is that once they send the deposit, they are to call me ONLY the day of the appt., just to confirm everything is set on their end.

Back to agencies, ( or the one I'm most familiar with) I got tired of sitting around, not knowing when I had an appt., having men show up who HAVE NOT been verified.  As far as that one is concerned, they at one time did a good job, however, in the past 18 months, their service has gone to hell, and anything they get as a commission, is highway robbery!

If for some reason a gentleman has to cancel, as long as he does not cancel within 24 hours, he receives his deposit back. It is that simple, e-mails, there should be no more than 3, if there is , chances are you won't meet, as he is only wasting your time.

I fogrgot the best part, by being independant, I can offer reduced rates to all of my fans, which is what I think everyone appreciates.

-- Modified on 8/15/2003 4:50:54 PM

-- Modified on 8/15/2003 6:08:23 PM

fasteddie51 6729 reads
14 / 15

When I first got started in this hobby, i booked several ladies (through agencies, since I was a newbie) on their first scheduled day in my town.

I learned very quickly that it was a BIG mistake.  Many of the ladies have "time management" problems, and end up getting to the airport late and miss their flights.  Also, weather, mechanical problems, etc. often delay flights, which can cascade into missed connections, etc.  I found that the ladies almost NEVER got to the hotel when they were scheduled to, and often didn't arrive until the next day.

This led to the agency calling me two, three or four times to keep pushing my appointment back.  "She was delayed, but she'll be there by 3 pm"... "Opps, she missed her connecting flight, she'll be there by 7"... "Sorry, the next flight was cancelled, she'll be there tomorrow".

Few ladies had the forethought (or clout) that Kathy did to book her flight a day early.  Most agencies who are paying for all or part of the hotel don't want to shell out for a day without appointments.

So in addition to the reasons that Kathy mentioned, vis-a-vis the girl being tired, etc., learn from my mistakes... NEVER book an appointment with a PSE on her first day in town.

PS - this doesn't only apply to girls booking through agnecies, but independents as well.

-- Modified on 8/15/2003 9:45:29 PM

kikid 8615 reads
15 / 15

I agree with parts of everything that has been said on this subject. I have worked independently as well as with an agency and found that I like working with an agency more. I don't want to make the time  to do verifications or answer even more email. I don't like my phone ringing at all hours and at the most inopportune of times. I don't like dealing with guys that just want to listen to my voice and get themselves off.
Everyone has different rules and comfort levels and I think it is just plain wrong to bash anyone because they choose to do things a certain way. While there are girls/agencies that care nothing about quality, there are plenty that choose to work together to give the client the best experience possible.
my busiest days always tend to be my first 2 in a city and while I generally have a few cancellations/no shows: it doesn't happen very often. As a matter of fact, a lot of you guys arrive early!

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