Porn Stars

Nici's Girls
lillin 5793 reads

This may very well be an unanswerable (is that even a word?) question, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I know there must be heavy secrecy about this place.

What's the deal with this Nici's Girls place, and is it all it says it is? Playboy Playmates? Penthouse Pets? Supermodels? Centerfolds? Actresses? Can this actually be?

I've toyed with the idea of requesting membership, but if what they say is true, and they do offer these women, then I imagine that the information they will require for screening will really turn me off to the whole situation. Now I know some screening will obviously be necessary, but if they want to start checking financial records and things like that to prove that I'm an "up-scale gentleman", then I've got to back out.  

I'm relatively new to this hobby, only having seen two girls-- both being under the radar. By the way I can thank you helpful guys for that "fluke" of a score. Anyway, I've never really had to divulge too much information, and I don't think I could sleep at night if I had to. But, having said that, if this Nici's Girls IS what it says it is, then I imagine the bulk of the guys are successful, financially endowed men who MUST have complete discretion.

Another concern is my age. I'm pretty young, I imagine, compared to alot of the men who partake in this hobby. This was the one and only thing that worked against me when booking my previous experiences. It took ALOT of convincing to prove I am who I say I am, and that, yes I wouldn't flake and can afford the payment. It also didn't help that I'm my own boss so confirmation was a bitch, to say the least.

I guess I'm kind of rambling, but this is a concern of mine, and I didn't want to take the first step before I could find out a little more.

So if anyone can shed some light, or possibly confirm that what they say they offer is actually tangible, please post. And if anyone knows too, what caliber of Porn Stars are available and if they are ones that aren't widely known to escort, please post that as well.

Also, and I know this is a long shot, but if anyobe can name maybe a girl or two, please do so. :)

Thanks for reading this (long) post.


playmaker4894 reads

Nicigirls had a lot of Pets, Playmates, top flight pornstars, etc. They were definitely legit. I think the owner may be in some legal or other difficulties right now.

Most guys who are members of the private sites of the big agencies(Nici, Exotica, etc) tend not to mention names on public boards like this one. So I dont think you will get too many names here.

I will say this.....the private sites will have several contract girls from the big companies that you can book.

-- Modified on 7/1/2004 10:19:22 AM

fasteddie514222 reads

Nici's Girls is the Real McCoy.  They can deliver what they promise, including a few names that would shock you, but at a SUBSTANTIAL price.  $25,000+ for an evening is not an uncommon rate for one of the big names.

As to verification, it's pretty stringent; they do want to make sure that you're not just a wanna-be who can't afford the big numbers.

A similar agency is Centerfolds Club... I don't think they have as many of the Playmates/Pets that Nici does, but they do have quite a few of them.

lillin4500 reads

Thanks for the quick responses, much appreciated. I figured screening would be daunting, but at least now I know.

If Nici's Girls is in legal trouble, or their owner is, that's probably a good sign for me to stay clear.

Eddie- please post the web address for Centerfold Girls if you can. Tried finding it on Google to no avail. By the way, I just signed up to your Yahoo a group a few days back. I'm sure that will come in handy to whatever my future endeavors may be.

If anyone alse has anything to add, please post!

fasteddie514752 reads

My bad; it's Centerfolds CLUB,, not Centerfolds Girls... The name of the agency used to be International Cover Girls, and there was also one called Famous Connections, all owned by the same lady and featuring the same girls.

However, I just tried to log onto centerfoldsclub and I got a "server down" message, so I don't know if it's still viable either...

Hi, Eddie,

I'm curious - I thought Nici's was just a wanna-be elitist club, like some escort agencies that overcharged (and are now defunct).

What kind of big names are you referring to? Any movie actresses (as opposed to PSE's)? If so, I might want to try one, just for the lifetime experience.

fasteddie513920 reads

Nici's include (or included, if it is indeed out of business) several very recent Playmates of the Year and Penthouse Pets of the Year, many models and some "B" list actresses...

I'm not a member of Nici's site, so my information comes from a few high-rollers I speak with, and as a condition of their revealing the names to me, I've agreed not to share them... but there were some recognizable names there, including a few well known soap opera actresses.


Any B-list actresses available? There have been escorts who have had walk-on roles, but they don't count. I'm talking about brand-name recognition here. If I can't get a session with my true love, Britney Spears, maybe someone almost as recognizable will do.

i'd never give these people my paystub and tax returns, but hey that's just me

actually, what intrigues me the most about these agencies is not which high-end pornstar/centerfold they offer under the radar ... afterall, we already *know* pornstars/centerfolds put out!

i'm more curious what caliber of fashion model (supermodel?) they offer and what's on the menu! ... and i mean the real deal: the bony-assed clothes-hangers who walk the catwalk at Gucci during fashion week in New York and have at least a Vogue/Elle cover in their portfolio

i've always fantasized about going to a Victoria's Secret show and calling one of these agencies afterwards and saying: "i want brunette #3"

lillin4035 reads


God bless you, we're on the same page! That was exactly what I wanted to know. Sure, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in a "Briana Banks" or "Sydnee Steele", but I wanted to know what "herion chic" model was available for the right price. It's one thing to turn on a video and see a pornstar you were with, it's another to flip through a Vogue and point out a supermodel!

I was also interested in the "actresses". Now obviously they can't be A-listers, but I'm damn curious to find out who the names are. For some reason I imagined the likes of a soap star or one of these girls you see on Maxim, FHM and Stuff who have "technically" acted, but one wouldn't really consider them an "actress".

I'm seriously weighing this decision. It could be the best thing I've ever done, or the worst. I'd part with a heap of money for a model or FHM chick, that's for damn sure.

Decisions... Decisions...

I would also be willing to pay for that one-time experience. BUT actress must be a real star, not someone with a walk-on role. As you said, a Maxim covergirl would be good.

fasteddie513530 reads

I spent an evening with a lady who had a bit part in "Wild Things" with Matt Dillion... she told me she had a lesbian "fling" with one of the principle actresses.  Does that count???

lillin3804 reads

Playmaker - Thanks for the email with all the info. I tried writing you back, but I've been having alot of trouble recently with my email on my laptop. As soon as I get it worked out, I'll get back to you. The time you've taken is much appreciated.

By the way-- Yasmine Bleethe. You have more restraint than I my friend! LOL!

Fast Eddie- How did I know there would be some soap opera actresses in there? I swear I never heard either way, but for some reason I just thought something about soap stars said "available". Go figure.

Since Yasmine Bleethe was brought up, I'll relate a story as to why I thought Maxim, FHM and Stuff kind of girls would be available. Please note what I'm about to say is all hearsay. It was just something I was told.

While in Los Angeles on work, I went to dinner with some cousins I hadn't seen in years. I love them, but they are your typical "L.A. snobs", and so were the friends they invited. While at dinner in a restuarant somewhere in Santa Monica (can't recall the name), George Clooney walks in. Of course the place comes to a complete stand-still. The guys pretend not to care, and every girl gets wet. Exactly what one would expect.

I mention to a guest at the table that I just saw his girlfriend Krista Allen in some magazine, (think it was Stuff, but not sure) and that she looked ridiculously hot. I then made a typical comment about doing anything to have some alone time with her. The guest then said: "it wouldn't be that difficult depending on what I would be willing to part with" Confused, I asked what he was talking about. He then went on to tell me that she is a notorious escort, and that's how most of her "high-profile" boyfriends originally met her, and that it's a pretty open secret among the Hollywood Crowd.

The guest told me he knew 2 people that had been with her, and that apparently she's worth every penny... And it was ALOT of pennies, no doubt.

If any of you readers don't know who she is, she was in alot of "Skinamax" flixs like Emanuelle and such. If you are familiar with the Jim Carrey movie Liar Liar, she is the girl who smacks him in the elevator when he "truthfully" tells her that people like her because she has "huge juggs". She's also in the Clooney flick Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind in a scene where she's in a pool talking to the Chuck Barris character. She's also been in a zillion magazines like Maxim, etc., etc.

Anyways, she's beautiful... Absolutely beautiful. I'm sure you can find alot of pictures of her on the net. I'd post one but I'm severley computer challenged.

Now I'm going to go rest, my hands are tired... As I'm sure your eyes are too. :) Thanks to everyone for their input. This place is great.

I agree - Krista is hot. BUT ... when we're talking world class escorting, she has to be more well-known before she can command a world-class price. No offence to her, because I would like a date, but a few walk-on roles wouldn't cut it.

That's like a gal doing some amateur video work and then claiming to be a "porn star escort" - she may be beautiful, but she can't claim the price of a PSE simply because she's not a star.

Same here - again, no offence to her, but world class standards are just that, world class.

I remember her from watching the above series. Sad isn't it. Though I'ld much prefer her hawaiian co-star, Stacy Kamano. Now she is super duper hot!!!


fasteddie514204 reads

I wouldn't exactly call her a "walk-on" actress... She's had speaking roles in Anger Management with Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson, appeared on Baywatch, Frazier, The X-Files, and had a recurring role on "The Young and the Restless" (There's the soap-opera connection I spoke about)

Additionally, she's been in Stuff and Maxim and was #37 on the Maxim Hottest 100 list...

Not exactly a "bit" player; I think she's highly qualafied as "world-class"

In that case, does she provide, and for how much? :)

A Spectator4243 reads

there got their clients by referral only.  I had a chance to hook up with one of them late last year and saw a few Euro models.  One will probably have better luck meeting them in NYC or London as most of them reside there.

The rate was about 1.5K to 3K/hr.  Some of them with 2 hr or overnight minimum.  I was told by that madam earlier this year that one hot model who used to be in a famous music video was available for 3K/hr or 10K/night.  I passed on that opportunity since my research showed that she had too many plastic surgeries over the years and is no longer as stunning as before.

BTW, most fashion models these days are the edgier type.  For those of us who have images of high fashion models as the stunning supermodels of the past, the new crops never really fill the roles.  It is better to check the second-third tier (more commercial looking) models who have to work on the side to compliment their income.

-- Modified on 7/2/2004 5:57:38 AM

fasteddie513859 reads

Actually there are several high-end agencies with websites that specialize in fashion models as well as Euro-Pets and Playmates, mostly European ladies who come over to the states I'm assuming to make some money away from the prying eyes of thier home continent.

Fleur De Elite comes to mind, and a relatively new site I believe is called "The Morgan Collection"... check eros-ny and you'll see several stunning ladies with links to those sites and one or two others.

Rates are usually equal to or higher than the pornstar agencies.

I would suggest trying the other PSE's first and asking what they know about Nici's girls. Look at my other posts in this thread for a cautionary tale.

lillin4347 reads

Very interesting article! Good job Coding!

Well I guess that answers the age old question: "Does Jenna escort?" Apparently she did, although now I'm sure she's "financially" past that.

God that dude was a mess. I would just like to boast one famous chick and leave with my head (and my wallet) held high!

Again, great article!

Well now I know it's $5000 buckeroo's to join... Good Lord. That's just to get your foot in the door.

Another poster recently said ASF of Las Vegas can get you together with some of the "top shelf" pornstars. It says on their website that there is no fee to join, but look to spend ATLEAST $7000 on whatever women you choose. I was figuring Nici's girls may be the same... Apparently not!

DEspite that disheartening story, I'd still like to know what girls they have available.

Does Jenna escort? On other message boards, there were statements that she denied ever escorting for Nici's Girls. There were also rumors that Nici's Girls promised escorts who were not affiliated with that agency.

In any case, it looks as though it's gone out of business. But I'm like you - I want that experience of a lifetime with a superstar, though I want an actress, as opposed to a model.

Any ideas, anyone?

fasteddie513696 reads

About two years ago, the actress Yasmine Bleeth (Baywatch, Nash Bridges) supposedly got busted for drug posession in Detroit, I think, and it was reported that she had fallen on hard times and was "available"... don't know if it's true or not, but there's nothing wrong with dreaming!

playmaker3920 reads

Yasmine was available through someone I knew, but I was not interested in her.

playmaker, any idea if Yasmine may still be available ... appreciate a PM if you have any info about her other actresses with availability.

Yasmeen doesn't seem my type, so I'll pass on that. Any other ideas, oh sage one?

playmaker3829 reads

If you would like more info, maybe you can leave an email address I can send you some info at. The girls on the private sites are there for a reason; they do not want info on their extra-curricular activities made public ;)

My e-mail addy is [email protected]

What's the price of glamor? Not much more than that for a PSE, I hope.

playmaker6298 reads

You seem to really want to know some names, don't you? :) Please leave an email address where I can send you some info at. I will give you some info without having to post it publicly here.

lillin3640 reads

Playmaker- I can be reached at [email protected] only till tuesday. Please, I'm dying to know! LOL!

For the amount of money we are talking here, you can get a supermodel babe in eastern europe (Czeck, Slovak, Ukraine, Hungary) for a fraction of the cost, AND stay there for some time.

There are a couple of Swiss/French agencies that specialize in the beauties for about $300-$1k per session (2-5 hours).

Of course, you should check out sites like ALSScans and browse through their commentary where they give links to "model" agencies in Hungary/Czeck. From this, you will see that these "model" sites invite westerners to stay, and offer "companionship" for a reasonable price.... and yes, these babes are truely stunning.

I met some super babe lookers in Ukraine, and the one I hooked up with was ten times better looking than **MOST** porn stars and every bit as good looking as the Elle/Perfect 10 models... I mean this one girl was a true gem of a babe from a snall town over there. What is even more interesting is that these girls can really become your friend. I have since made it a habit of traveling to Europe twice a year, and hooking up with this gorgeous girl.... AND I ONLY PAY HER AIRFARE!!!

I used to pay outrageous amounts of money, but it was a hit and miss. Never more! Lastly, you will see that more than 100K Amercians are living in Prague/Budapest/Kiev/Moscow, and most are single guys living it up!

Of course you can get better-looking women at lower prices; but hobbying is a social and psychological process - we want PSE's not because they are so much better-looking than other escorts, but because they have glitz and glamour, and we're paying for that.

Most famous actresses are not better looking than the regular escorts - quite the opposite, in fact; but, because those actresses are famous, they would be able to command a higher price and get it, simply because they have glamour.

As I write this, I'm thinking of one former escort that was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I miss her sometimes. But I still wouldn't pay her half as much as a PSE for the reason I've said. Maybe that's not logical, but that's human nature.

Former Nici Client3900 reads

Nici has virtually every Playmate whose pictorial is more than 1 year old.  The Playmates have a contact that will get them removed from the graces of Playboy if they do this type of thing before the contract expires.  One of 2003 Playmates had this happen and she is not allowed at any of the mansion events.

While you can't get Jenna you can get the likes Tawny Roberts and former supermodel Amber Smith.

Expect to pay $8k for 4 hours.

Nici (not her real name) can be a real pain to deal with.

lillin4407 reads

Amber Smith? That's a good score. I remember seeing her in the Howard Stern movie. Very nice...Very, very nice.

Tawny Roberts? Not bad either.

I totally understand the 1 year contract thing with the Playmates. Everytime you see one on Howard Stern (it must be his day. LOL), they always say they can't get naked on there because of contracts. If they could get in trouble for that, I imagine they would pay a great toll if they were caught escorting.

My computer has shitted out on me (see recent Playmaker post), but I'd love to know what else you may be able to offer in way of information. Anyway to contact you?

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