Porn Stars

Re:Newbie question for SinnamonRe:Warning Ladies & Agencies: Chris G., Ripoff Artist in NYC still at
Himeros 1 Reviews 5821 reads

Thanks, SL.  :)  Very helpful info.

If you missed the thread started by Samantha Sterlyng and the subsequent followup thread by myself regarding this menace - he is still very much on the prowl in NYC. He is stil targeting porn stars and visting providers. He called us this evening trying to book an appointment with Obsession. He is still giving his real name, real place of employment and the cell phone number 917. ***. 6966. The newest twist is that he is asking what the latest appointment the lady has available, (a common ripoff query - they figure if they can book the last appointment on the last day they can get a trips worth of cash.) Please be aware or contact me for full information.

BTW, Just as I told him outright the morning he wanted to see me that I could not see him because he had ripped off a friend, it was reiterated that he was black listed and would not ever see anyone through us due to this same reasoning. His response was, "Oh, Okay." Please be careful everyone...


xxxvixons5221 reads

This same guy tried booking through our agency by saying he played with the New York Knicks and his limo would be downstairs so he would be in a hurry.  He also uses the excuse that the money is in the limo and he will have his bodyguard bring it up!!!  Always uses diferent names with us so we demand a deposit and of course he hangs up!!  Beware ladies!!

pinklips5851 reads

That's why girls,,,,,,,always ask for a deposit.  It weeds out the assholes!!  Kathy

or do i have to come down and fix it myself? and then get labeled a Mafioso thug -- Singleton The Enforcer! :-) ... seriously folks, this can NOT be dealt with through the "usual channels" (for obvious reasons) and it should NOT be tolerated

how hard is it for 2-3 local guys to band together and just meet this guy in some lobby and -- if you law-abiding types insist -- just verbally intimidate him (Soprano's style) ??

it would go something like this: "It's come to our attention that you have stolen money from one of Fat Tony's girls and that you're looking to disrespect him once again.  Well, we'd like to take you to meet Fat Tony and resolve this situation. We have a car waiting out back"  etc etc .... if done right, he'll be shitting in his pants before  you finish the 2nd sentence ... more importantly he'll think twice before doing it again -- which is the desired effect ... but maybe you shouldn't use "Fat Tony" in case he's a Simpsons fan!

i'm SERIOUS here ... think of all the times a provider's driver intimidated you (or tried) and what did you do?  most likely tried to diffuse the situation and retreat, realizing it's better to live than to lose $$$!  this is NO different, this guy will be TERRIFIED and scared straight (and no rough stuff is needed) ... he will NOT call the cops cuz he was involved in an illegal act AND was a thief to boot


as a transplanted New Yawker i'd really like to think (with some modicum of pride) that my "homeys" can take care of this and clean house without any help from ouside -- Boston no less! LOL

come on ... Go Yankees!  

If I wasn't exclusive with E2K when in NYC, I'd get a photo of him when he showed up so I could put it up on my website (since I'm sure there'd be some rule against posting it here....xoxo  Jen

Is it better to try and book early or later in your appointments?  Not knowing any better I might have asked for the last appointment of the day just so I would feel like I wasn't going to be rushed.  Could you shed some light on this for a newbie in the process of deciding who to see in the near future and not wanting to come off as a menace?

Our situation is a little different than others. We opt to NOT overwhelm the ladies with back to back appointments, (a novel idea I must add.) We actually give them at least an hour in between appointments. Also, our ladies tend to be on the road for photo and video shoots with photographers and up and coming video companies across the country - making that their priority and offering limited time for extra-curriculars. If you call and pre-book your meeting for 11pm on the second night she is in town you will likely get to see her at that time. However if you call in the midst of her visit to your fair city and ask what day she is leaving & what time she will take her last appointment - don't want to confirm at that time and try to see her you will more than likely be left in the cold. Often, rip-off artists try to book a last minute, late night appointment when hotel security is more lax so they can easily slip in and out unnoticed with as much cash, (or jewelry, laptop, etc.) as possible. Our responsibility is to our clients - the ladies we book, not the gentlemen that seek their companionship. Their safety is our first concern - a hobbyist may utilize a company once or twice but our ladies are in contact with us everyday...


fasteddie513357 reads

Both Kiki D'Aire and Nikki D. had run ins with this asshole.  Nikki ended up kicking his butt (which should come as no surprise to anyone who knows Nikki - lol)

Glad to see that your on your toes Sinnamon. I am also glad to hear that he didnt slip through the cracks and attack once again. I am in NYC now as well and he called me last night to book me, Like i wouldnt know who he was. I told him that I have reported him to the Police and that If he contacted me again I would have my lawyer contact him. My lawyers know what i do and i am sure that the police would rather catch him, a dangerous sex offender,than me.

jldick506561 reads

In the original thread, I asked Sam if she had reported it to the police, and everyone jumped all over me, even Sam questioned my judgement, go figure.

as always

there is a difference between her situation then and the one she's in now ... perhaps a subtle distinction, but a distinction nevertheless

last time he "withdrew his donation" after they had already met in person ... even if it was considered "theft" there was really nothing for Samantha to do (legally) due to the circumstances of the activity

this time around it's very different and she's perfectly right and justified to threaten legal action against him ... for one, the police don't even need to know that they've met before (or what happened) and i'm sure he won't bring it up ... she can report him for being a suspected serial-rapist, con-artist and thief who's already attacked other pornstars and is now targeting Samantha (with harrassing phone calls, etc) ... THAT is his transgression and he can be held accountable for it legally

evidently he's also tried to scam leigt/legal and tax-paying business like BM/SDG and for that he can also be charged (if LE considered it worth their while) but this time she HAS legal recourse ... she may never get her $700 back, but this much she can do

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