Porn Stars

Re:My SO wants a threesome with a (male) porn star. Any ideas?
tripNatl 34 Reviews 5264 reads

I say go with the hedgehog.  There's no reason he should have a huge dick AND look better than you.  You gotta pick your poison.

The law of unintended consequences strikes again.  I've been after my SO to do a threesome, with another woman.  Last night, she announced that she'd do the threesome, BUT with another guy. Her reasoning is logical:  Girls don't turn her on, but guys do.  As a woman, it would be more of an ego trip for her to be serviced by two men at once.  The deal is, if I buy into her two-guy thing, (I WON'T interact with the guy -- YUK!) she'll do the two girl thing for me.  Another aspect:  She wants to pick the guy.  My thought is this:  Why not go for the best, and give HER a PSE?

Here's my dilemma:  The "men for women" listings on eros, etc are pret-ty slim pickings.  Anybody aware of any website that feature (straight!) male porn stars who do private "shows"?  Anybody have any experience with this kind of arrangement?  Going rates?  Etc?  I'm located in both NY and LA.

theQ3742 reads

I'm sure you'll find many willing takers among TER members.  BTW, does your SO know about your current hobbying?

I say go with the hedgehog.  There's no reason he should have a huge dick AND look better than you.  You gotta pick your poison.

Once you start that journey, it'll be hard to turn that ship around. Just picture Mr. Perfect's slong drilling your SO, right next to you. She may already fantasize about it, but if she's a keeper, keep it a fantasy. And is she going to be bi-sexual during the two-girl threesome, even though women don't turn her on? It may not be worth it if she's not going to give you a Jenna Jameson experience.

I prefer swinging with my SO. That way she's getting some new dick while slightly jealous over me getting some different pussy. Keeps things from getting too far gone.

You should find a sexy couple that swings and go that route.

he said she wants a man.....

I met Nick Manning at Avn's went up a said hey while he was talking to Shay Sights, Do you think he's a good idea, I mean he would be to busy loving himself to love her, LOL LOL


borya4992 reads

...In my experience I would say just fuggedaboutit. Why? It is just a fantasy. "Performance Anxiety" manifests itself during these amateur encounters. I can think of all the unplanned threesomes that I've come up against in the last decade and there have ALWAYS been problems. Why not try doing it with a trusted aquaintence(male) if this is possible? Can you maintain wood with another dude in the room? Is she all hot for it till the desegnated time of the threesome only to shrink like a violet when it starts to get going? There is nothing more heartbreaking than to see a gal get cold feet and then have to perform when she is visibly upset. I can remember that to this day. It's traumatic.

So do everyone a favour and take it SLOW. If you pay a professional to work out with you treat the investment as a learning experience. If it don't work out,hey,don't sweat it an go on to something else. Don't go into this looking for immediate gratifaction,OK. cents with good intentions

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