Porn Stars

Re:My OWN Survey for you...regular_smile
redldresq 44 Reviews 9013 reads

I only read Keisha's and Kiki's responses anyway so it doesn't much matter to me :).  Sorry, had to get my flippant comment in for the day.  Actually, if I see a long thread I will mostly pick out the posts that actually have something to say as opposed to the ones that are just one liners.  So, in answer to your question, I don't think it matters that much to me and I think it is more productive to this board to have people speak their minds rather than edit out comments.  After all, isn't TER, in effect, just one big information clearing house for hobbyists and providers?

I'm sitting on the fence on this one, so I'll throw it out for discussion:

Since Doc left, I see a LOT of new posting activity, which makes me wonder if he wasn't approving messages for some reason or we've just suddenly been blessed with more interest.

One thing I have noticed is an increase in the "survey/poll" type questions and responses. These threads create a large number of replies that need to be reviewed and approved (in two cases, denied).

I'd like to get a consensus from the rest of you about these types of threads. The sheer volume of posts make it impractical to read everything, on of the reasons I don't spend much time on the General board.

Do the rest of you find it inconvenient wading through the extended survey discussion thread?

I'm willing to consider a minimal level of survey questions, however, I'm concerned that it's getting out of hand.

Please POST ONE reply if you want to respond. Don't use aliases (I know who you are), nor try and use multiple accounts.

If you prefer to reply anonymously, you can send me TER email.


Ferangi15269 reads

I think they are fun.  Obviously the goal of most of them is to get the porn stars to open up. THat is what we enjoy reading.  I would not mess with it. Eventually if they get repetitive or too many crop up people will stop responding, but the fact that the threads are so long seems to indicate that people are enjoying them...

I only read Keisha's and Kiki's responses anyway so it doesn't much matter to me :).  Sorry, had to get my flippant comment in for the day.  Actually, if I see a long thread I will mostly pick out the posts that actually have something to say as opposed to the ones that are just one liners.  So, in answer to your question, I don't think it matters that much to me and I think it is more productive to this board to have people speak their minds rather than edit out comments.  After all, isn't TER, in effect, just one big information clearing house for hobbyists and providers?

of all the posts in replies to surveys and polls... you've only had to delete 2 responses?? I guess then that alone should answer the question.  It seems to me that everyone is civil on this board and differences are discussed as such.  Look at the posts between myself and FastEddie about Jenteal and Devon and whether or not they escort... both he and I disagreed but were civil in our disscusion and no one was offended.

I guess what I'm trying to say is... why get so serious about "moderating".  Nothing seems to be broken here... therefore there is nothing to fix.  Don't waste all your energy reading every post for content.... just check a few of the threads here and there.  I think everyone here is capable of "policing their own".... why not try that technique for a while, and then if there are problems, go back to reading all the posts.

Just my opinion

RichardT11305 reads

Opinions should NEVER be surpressed.  If someone has something to say, let them say it.  If someone has a qustion to ask, let them ask it.  Of course, all this while remaining within the parameters and rules of this board.

REFORMED9887 reads

Whatever makes your job easier, your doing a great job.

A suggestion-- have a survey question of the week and limit it to that --label it and that should save you some time.

fasteddie5114578 reads

Since I noticed that you deleted my last survey, I'll be glad to offer my opinion...  personally I get a little tired of just seeing "does she or doesn't she" or "ISO" posts... not that there's anything wrong with them; they make up the crux of this board, but I though these forums were ALSO meant to be a discussion about pornstars and the exchange of related viewpoints, not just about which ones do or don't escort...  The fact that so many people reply to the surveys and such posts is pretty much a de facto endorsement, proving that a lot of us are having fun with them, which I though was another purpose of forums... and if you notice, it's gotten the ladies themselves much more involved in the discussions, instead of just listing their appearance schedules...  This in turn give the hobbyists a little more insight into how these ladies approach this business, and gives us a chance to establish a rapport with them and an understanding of their point of view...Ultimately won't that make things better for everyone?

As to your query asking if people find it inconvenient to wade through the discussion thread, isn't it really a mote question?  If it doesn't interest someone, they don't have to read through it!  If you look at the number of "reads" next to each post, you'll see that not every question gets the same number of hits... people read what intrigues them. and skip what doesn't.  But the surveys consistantly get read by a lot of people, which means that a lot of us find them interesting.  Q.E.D.

The real issue here as I see it (and I in no way mean any offense by this), is that if you as the moderator do not have the time to read all of the posts, maybe you aren't the right person to moderate this board, especially if you're also the moderator of the general board... which I'm sure also takes a lot of time.  I understand deleting posts that are in poor taste or are offensive, but to eliminate a thread just because you don't have the time to keep up with it is unfair to the members of this board.  Again, I'm not slamming you personally, but I think my point is valid.

You yourself mentioned that the board has a lot of new posters... did you consider that it might be exactly the type of posts we're talking about that has sparked new interest?

-- Modified on 11/6/2002 8:36:30 PM

-- Modified on 11/6/2002 8:39:17 PM

fasteddie5111694 reads

I'm curious, by the way.... the two that were deleted - what was it about them that caused you to eliminate them?  I didn't find anything controversial or offensive about them, (especially mine - lol) unless it was done for the language content of Keisha's post, which was explicit, but not done in poor taste.

Actually, I didn't delete your post-just put it back in the hold queue until I got a sense about the feelings towards surveys.

My whole point is that when someone posts a survey question, I see 2-3 times the amount of posting activity that has to be reviewed compared to the typical ISO's and messages.

Yes, the surveys generate discussion, but I'm concerned that we need to limit the amount of survey questions.

Perhaps one every 10 days or so.

Your original post (I think it was about producing movies?) is still queued up and I'll release it if I get a feeling about how to manage the traffic.

The deleted posts had nothing to do with the questions, I'd rather not go into any further detail.


This is a discussion board about porn stars.  That opens a large door for a variety of topics.  If this board is too difficult to moderate then perhaps other topics should be limited, not surveys.  How about having a separate board where providers post their schedule and touring information anad any appearances they make on tv, talk shows etc.

When Doc was here, he posted a lot about news of porn stars, even those that weren't providers.  I think we should keep this board about porn stars who escort.  The poll questions are important... they talk about who does and who doesn't, what they will do and what they won't, what to expect and what not to expect... etc.  I think we need to keep the poll threads and not limit them.

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