Porn Stars

Re:Light Bulbs: 15W v. 100W
MichaelCA 12 Reviews 5945 reads
1 / 35

Nikki replied to the original post and I didn't want her reply to buried on the board. Link to her response is below.

apollo1 11 Reviews 5077 reads
2 / 35

Im impressed I would see her for sure now she made a mistake which we all do she is human and then admitted and tried to work it out

bronx1 79 Reviews 4414 reads
3 / 35
humboldt 8 Reviews 4026 reads
4 / 35

Thanks, Michael, for posting this "pointer".  Nikki's response seems fair.

There is, however, one point that has not been addressed: Belladonna's failure to provide an explanation to the Client directly. The Client booked through Belladonna, not directly with Nikki. IMHO, Belladonna has not yet given a reason to consider booking through them, particularly since their attitude about cancelations has been brought into question previously.

If my Company left a Client dangling in the wind, I would have at least sent an e-mail and post to TER immedtiately following lonewolf's notifying them that the appointment was not kept. Even if they didn't know what happened, they could have saved themselves some very bad PR by writing the following:

"We don't know exactly what happened. We will immeidately look into this and contact you as soon as we have an explanation. Please accept our deepest apology."

This is how I instruct employees to handle "Customer Service" problems. Such a response immediately acknowledges that something happened, offers an apology, and promises a follow-up communication.  Whether we're dealing with the "Escort" business or Macy's,  good Customer Service is what keeps Clients happy and causes them to return.

The Escrot business is very competitive. If this particular agency can't provide good Customer Service, some one else will.
Of course, as often noted on this Board, the Hobbyist can always try to Book Direct.

End of Lecture. (I'll send Belladonna a bill for my consulting services :)  ;)

Happy Holidays,

kikid 5448 reads
5 / 35
jldick50 5310 reads
6 / 35

Was it Nikki's mistake or the agency?, did Nikki take the blame to take the heat off the agency? we would be much more forgiving of Nikki than we would an agency and we have never received an explanation from the agency?.

as always


Slanteater 4545 reads
7 / 35

Other BD providers could learn a thing or two from Nikki.

Paxem 14 Reviews 4386 reads
8 / 35

Class act Nikki. If she were to come to my city, I would book with her on principle; not to mention to spank her...hehehe ;)

Happy Holidays

jldick50 4313 reads
9 / 35

I've read every post that Nikki has ever posted on this board and this latest post just doesn't sound like her, if her name wasnt on the post, I'd swear it was written by some one else. I still like my first theory, agency screws up, Nikki takes blame and ends up everyones darling for doing the right thing, agency gets off the hook, maybe this is why it took so long for an explanation, they needed the time to think up a good answer, one that would be a win/win for both agency and provider. Iam still waiting to hear from BD.

as always


humboldt 8 Reviews 5046 reads
10 / 35
fasteddie51 5376 reads
11 / 35

Dispite the conspricy theory, I spoke with Nikki last night, and it WAS her fault, although she really doesn't owe anyone on this board a further explaination... I'm sure she expanded on her reason for missing the appointment in her private email to lonewolf, and he's the only one who it really matters to.  As to the agency posting an explaination, Nikki mentioned to me that she told the agency that she'd handle it on the board, which she has, in a totally classy way...

Someone posts a problem here, it's taken care of in what I would say was an equitable way... what difference does it make why it happened or who responds to it, as long as the problem is solved... what more do you want?  Enough people have posted here that the agency is question is usually very reliable, so in the holiday spirit, give them the benefit of the doubt... No one is perfect.

I've dealt with the same agency twice now, and everything went as smoothly as possible... I had to reschedule my appointment with Kiki at the last minute, and they handled it without a hitch.  

It's easy to critisize when you're not really involved, but I'm guessing lonewolf is tickled pink that Nikki emailed him and that when he finally meets her he's going to get a double dose of the Nikki Diamond Experience, and I'm sure she'll make an extra effort to make sure he's a happy camper.

-- Modified on 12/24/2003 12:17:51 AM

MichaelCA 12 Reviews 3263 reads
12 / 35
Paxem 14 Reviews 4838 reads
13 / 35
jldick50 4341 reads
14 / 35

Thats not true at all, it should matter to anyone who plans on using this agency in the near future, this is the second incident involving this agency in less than a 3 week period where a PSE completely missed an appointment and no explanation was forth coming from the agency or PSE until the client came forward and complained on this forum and that makes it of interest to all who are considering using this agency. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't complained on TER maybe he never would have been given an explanation and maybe there are others out there who also have been treated in this manner, but never complained, so you see its a matter of interest to a lot of people.

as always


colhogan 7 Reviews 4112 reads
15 / 35

You are a very classy nikki you took care of the problem like eddie says lone wolf is tho only one who should be concerned.

dont worry about Jldick he probly fell off the changing table when he was a baby and did some damage to his brain.
he cant help it

merry Xmass to all
col hogan
usaf retired

jldick50 4077 reads
16 / 35

Hey hogan whch way are you going on this, you can't have it both ways, on my original reply to lonewolfs post, I said we should wait for a response from BD and Nikki befor passing judgement and what did you say?, you actually agreed with me, talk about planetary misalignment it was like when worlds collide, you agreeing with me. In another post, youre still bad mouthing BD, dont you see that because Nikki works for BD she is an extension of that agency and if you bad mouth one, its a reflection on the other, you can't seperate the two. Oh one more question hogan, have you every been arrested for impersonating an officer?.

as always


jldick50 3784 reads
17 / 35

Hey Pax don't live vicariously through others, go out and make your own adventures, its a lot more fun.

as always


fasteddie51 5759 reads
18 / 35

As you yourself state, "Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't complained"...  Well, nobody knows, but leave it to you to assume the worst.  Nikki took full responsibility for lonewolf missing his appointment... she gave a mea culpa, apologized and promised to make it up to him.  Whether she was sick, drunk, had her period or was  in Iraq on assignment from the CIA to seduce Osama while using Boston as a cover is immaterial to anyone other than lonewolf.  What should be the only concern to the readers of this board is simply that there was a problem and that problem was addressed and solved in a way equitable to all involved parties.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason Nikki missed the appointment might be embarassing for her to admit, and the agency was protecting her by not replying to the damaging posts?  Of course, they could possibly have made something up, but then they'd get flamed for giving a "lame excuse about the girl being sick or the holidays or something".

Dispite your feeling of entitlement, Nikki has no obligation to explain herself to you.   If you don't like the way Nikki or her agency does business, don't book  her... it's a simple choice.  But to express outrage about it is disingenuous - the Belladonna's dependability shouldn't mean anything to you, since you ALWAYS BOOK DIRECT AND NEVER EVER PAY A DEPOSIT.

As Always, Happy Kvetching

-- Modified on 12/24/2003 11:31:51 AM

skwidd 4171 reads
19 / 35

If everyone will notice, something unprecedented has happened (well, unprecedented since a cursory search of the forum doesn't reveal another apology and quick explanation), but a lady has apologized publicly and has given a public explanation for missing an appointment.  One can only assume the private explanation was a bit more detailed.  It seems this apology and explanation were sufficient for the person who originally alerted everyone to the missed appointment.

Now, since Nikki has apologized and left a public explained on the board, and in all likelihood (especially since she said she e-mailed lonewolf) left the full explanation private among the parties involved, certain persons are STILL complaining, now demanding the agency give an explanation.

I, therefore, have a proposal to submit, and I need all of the ladies to agree on this, because I know the guys won't agree to this proposal:

Next time a hobbyist misses an appointment and does not call the lady to give her reasonable notice that he is missing the appointment, please post a public complaint about the hobbyist missing the appointment and demand an apology/explanation.  After the hobbyist explains publicly why he missed and leaves the full explanation among the parties involved, and offers to pay double next time he sees the lady (Nikki offered a free hour if you recall), other ladies not involved in the matter please demand that his significant other (if any), children (if any), next door neighbor, guy who delivers the newspaper, butcher, and fifth cousin twice removed by marriage also apologize and explain why the hobbyist missed the appointment and exhibited an "I don't care" attitude by not giving the lady reasonable notice he was going to miss the appointment.

Maybe then people who weren't involved in the matter will accept a simple public apology and explanation and not start prying into the matter as much as they have in this matter.  After all, everyone does expect their privacy, right?

gcinla 103 Reviews 5149 reads
20 / 35

reviews about hobbyists missing appointments, have bad breath, etc, will only drive away business.  Unless that hobbyist really stepped out of line and there is a need to warn off other ladies about him, it is better to keep things quiet for the lady's sake.

p.s. I had been stood up by a number of ladies, cancelation of appointment by agencies, etc.  Rarely do I voice those situations.  Most ladies in this biz have personal problems from time to time, one of the reasons why they started in this biz in the first place.  Hence I try to be more understand about some missteps on their parts.

Happy hobbying to all.

skwidd 5118 reads
21 / 35

I see you missed my point.  It's OK, though.  Insert another quarter and try again.

fasteddie51 5473 reads
22 / 35

Wow Skwidd... you beat  me to the punch... I was going to post fundamentally the same thing, but on a seperate post...

But I agree 100%... Anytime a TER or TBD member books a date and then pulls a no-show, turnabout is fair play... the PSE should post a complaint on the boards, demanding an apology from the offending party and asking him, as the gentleman we all know that ALL TER posters are, to PayPal her the money she lost by blocking out his hour.

I can see it now.... (squiggly lines indicating a flashback)

Nikki posts, with the subject... " Stood up in Boston"...

And the body of the post....

"OK, you cheap, lying bastard!  Mr. 'Sheik Yer Bootie" scheduled a 72 hour appointment, promising to fly me to Saudi Arabia and telling me he's going to shower me with diamonds and gold, and at the appointed time you claim your Lear Jet needed a fuel pump and unfortunately you won't be able to take off on time, so you have to cancel... You towel-headed cocksucker!  Girls, if Mr. Shiek Yer Bootie contacts you, avoid him like the chemical weapons he has stockpiled!"

I'll bet if the ladies "outed" the hobbyists like they seem to have no problem outing the pornstars, things would be entirely different on these boards...

Of course, It's Christmas Eve, I've had about 6 Kettle One's... so my opinion might be slightly skewed... LOL.

jldick50 5128 reads
23 / 35

Eddie Iam not outraged Iam not even mildly upset, but from the tone of your post it would appear that you are the one who is upset, but I would expect this sort of response from you, seeing how Nikki and all the people over at BD are close friends of yours, you feel like you have to defend their honor that has some how been besmirched by me asking a simple question, so take your anger else where, because its wasted on me, but this is a piss poor way for BD to run their business and if I ran my business this way, I wouldn't have one for very long, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

as always


jldick50 5003 reads
24 / 35

Thats great advice Eddie(LOL) and how long do you think the lady would stay in business?, you cant be serious, but hey its worth a try let them do it, it will be fun to watch and finally we will have some real entertainment for a change(ROTFLMAO)

as always


jldick50 4331 reads
25 / 35

Skwidd I didn't miss your point, I got it the first time and it was nothing but a poorly diguised attempt to ingratiate yourself with the lovely Nikki, after having pissed her off with that smart ass remark about Lana.

as always


TheBellaDonna See Agency Profile 5417 reads
26 / 35

We spoke to Nikki about 3pm on the day she had her appointment with Lonewolf. She knew about the appointment for 6:30 and said she was running out for some socks. We tried to contact her several times between 4 and 6 to see how she was doing, to no avail. We naturally assumed that as she was aware of the appointment, everything was all set.

Lonewolf got there, on time, and we still could not reach her. We tried several times, and spoke with Lonewolf several times as well letting him know we could not reach her. It got to the point where he was asked "how long do you have we are still trying to reach her". Mr. Lonewolf replied that he had until 8pm, after that he had another matter that he had to take care of. Needless to say, we did not reach her in time.

When we did reach her, she was upset with herself for missing the appointment. Shortly thereafter, we received an email from him (which I forwarded to her) and I informed her of the post on the TER. When I asked how she would like to handle it, she said she wanted to handle it herself, it was her mistake. That is quite a refreshing attitude. Nikki is truly a Class Act, and we are fortunate to be working with her.

I felt that by making a pre-emptive post after the missed the appointment, or posting before Nikki had the chance to, that it would lessen or cheapen what she had to say, so we waited to post until she had the chance to, and had the chance to reply to some of them as well. I also did not want to be replying and defending myself to every thread that popped up, as they popped up. I did not want to have a flame war over this. It has been handled, quite well I think, by Nikki.

For ANYONE who thinks that Nikki can be told what to say or do, in person or on a post, obviously does not know her AT ALL! She is a very strong minded and intelligent woman, and the implication that we, or ANYONE, could influence what she says or does is ridiculous! These ladies work with us because they WANT TO, we do not have some kind of magical power over them.

On a final note, it looks like everyone has their opinions, and is standing by them, so I do not want to waste everybody’s time by replying to everybody on their individual threads. I think that between Nikki's apology on the board, the offer she made to Lonewolf to make things right, and our explanation on why we are posting at this time, everything that needs to be said, has been said by us and by others.

I would like to wish EVERYONE a safe and happy Holiday, from everyone here. Oh and by the way, does anyone (Maybe COL HOGAN can help me out with this one) know where I can get a volume discount on LO-JACKS?


Play Safe!


gcinla 103 Reviews 4534 reads
27 / 35

it is hard to criticize fellow member's complaint about no shows.

For years, hobbyists who got ripped off or short changed can only swallow their pride and suffer while those irresponsible ladies or outright rip-off artists got away with their loots.  With review sites and discussion boards, the pendulum finally swung the other ways.  Maybe a bit too much.  Nonetheless, it is still a valid forum for hobbyists to air their grievances.

I often plead for understanding of problems faced by ladies, but in the end, my on-site persona has its allegiance tilted towards my fellow hobbyists.  That's why my reviews contains more details and why I don't often chide my fellow members' complaints about ladies.

p.s. I think my 15W though dim has helped a few of my fellow members while your 100W might be bright but it has not done much for others.  What a waste!!!

fasteddie51 3788 reads
28 / 35

I had a long response written, but I've deleted it - it's like casting pearls before swine... what it boils down to is that I have no ax to grind with someone who wants an explaination, execpt you.  

Why?  Because you're the "always book direct guy", so by definition you should have no real interest in this entire thread other than to just cause controversy, which you've admitted you enjoy...

I'm constantly amazed by your hubris...

skwidd 3361 reads
29 / 35

My young utterly and completely missed my point.  But your pondering is nice.  3 posts and jdlick knows wuddup.  lol.

My point, since it has not been grasped by those who replied, the girls have their own lives.  Things happen.  A guy gets stood up (think of your prom, yo!) and the girl dissed him.  The agency gave an insufficient explanation.  Oh noes!  Coud it be they were covereing for the girl?  The girl gives a reply.  Is she covereing for the agency?  CONSPIRACY CONCPIRACY! that just tells me there is communication lacking somewhere.  Oh...between the board and the parties involved.

What happened was none of your business, jldick.  What happened was none of my business.  What happened was none of ed's business, but he became privy.  (concept of privity...civilian law term that all you common law peoples know about)

If someone posts an "I was stood up message", and the girl apologizes, WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT to then demand a full explanation from everyone?  Not privacy or privity.  Or are you a dullard?  Get an attorney or websters legal disctionary to explain, cuz if you replo, I haven't done my job.  I'll even help

Maybe the girl got her period.  Maybe she got new boobs and they were tender.  Maybe her ass was raw from the Peter North Vid she did 32.7 hours before your apointment.  Maybe she just was not into it.  ACK!  She was so not into it, she would have gotten a 4.  ACK!!!!Death Kell!!!!!!!!!!  I am Adonis and I have cash and fast eddie references to prove.  lol

Wait...maybe she felt like being alone or sleeping?  That's called "ME" time.  You dont' take this time.  You spend it with a fantasy.  But then, I really liked Farscape, so your side, my side, my side, your side.

These girls do have privacy.  The agencies have privacy.  RESPECT IT.  a few of you arenot known as stalkers when the pre-screening says you are.  So enjoy what you get.  If you cannot respect said privacy, you will not meet many girls.  In an eye for an eye society, next time you miss, you're butt is on the hotplate.  And let's see if you pay double.

jldick50 3812 reads
30 / 35

Hey Squid that certainly was a cute response (Jedilick) how original, I'll bet youre so proud of yourself, you and all your little friends probably had a good laugh, Squid I want you to know that you have always been my HERO (ROTFLMAO).

as always


jldick50 3926 reads
31 / 35

BD is a business that posts on this board on a regular basis and as such they should be honest and forth coming with an explanation when they screw up and I would think this would be of great interest to you, since you always seem to be on some altruistic crusade to champion the newbie and keep him out of harms way. Hubris? yes Eddie when it comes  to confidence my cup does spill over(LOL)


jldick50 5990 reads
32 / 35

BRAVO BD and thank you, this is all anyone wanted, a response, and now we can put this whole thing to rest.


skwidd 4066 reads
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Jedi JLdick?  Sorry.  Maybe you're just not into Star Wars.

I dunno who laughed.  I posted that while I was alone with no one IM'ing me.

Also, you forgot the [sarcasm] tag when stating I am your hero.

Thank you for the one liner response.

as always


skwidd 4206 reads
34 / 35

It is hard to criticize a fellow member's complaint about a no show.  No one has compalined about that.  What I am pointing out is that the matter was resolved when Nikki posted, but everyone else wants to stick their noses where it doesn't belong.  

If Nikki posts that it is her fault, why do we then want to move on and have the agency explain?  OK...fine...the agency can come and post it was Nikki's fault.  Then I guess you will all be happy.

For a bunch of men, you sure do act like you are full of estrogen.

skwidd 5358 reads
35 / 35

You restated my post, but it was less sarcastic.

I don't see anything wrong with posting someone was stood up.  But when it gets to the point where everyone (well, not everyone...just a few select people) demand full explanations and apologies, and questions everyone's integrity, it's like, STFU,F!

Reminds me of estrogen wars.  Ya know, women debating about things, forming allegiances, and the men are just sitting their eyes glased over trying to figure out WTF is going on.

This is how I felt after Nikki replied.

Anyways, I also see BellDonna Agency replied, so everyone should be all happy.

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