Porn Stars

Re:hey vicki
jldick50 4561 reads

Vicki I liked the clip that you showed me, I didnt see anything wrong with it, Kendra is just to hard on her self(LOL) it was cute.


Vicki Nicole4449 reads

OK I seriously did not anticipate getting dozens and dozens of emails, I expected maybe 20 but dang it's like over 100 inquiries on Kendra Jade and at this point I'm getting tired of copy and pasting the same response to yall.
My dam fingers are tired.

So let me give a lil more information and you can decide if you are interested BEFORE you email me.

Kendra's Holiday Special Rate is $800 an hour.

She is available everyday including Christmas and in most cases is available on short notice.

She does require a non refundable deposit of $50 on a major credit card. I know you guys hate giving out deposits and that's why we tried to make it a really low deposit but we have to require some kind of deposit to screen out the flaky people who like making appointments and not showing up.

She is only available for OUTCALL appointments because she lives in Los Angeles and is not working from her house. If you want her to get a hotel room then add $150 to your deposit.

Let us know ahead of time if you want her to bring some merchandise (dvd, posters, etc...)

If you have any more questions, you can ask me here.
If you decide to make an appointment, THEN, email me

-- Modified on 12/23/2003 5:59:52 AM

EJ7644339 reads

Why no reviews for Kendra on TER?

Vicki Nicole3802 reads

well Kendra doesn't actually allow reviews. She likes to keep it private

how do we know what to ecpect of kendra if no reviews we are talking about 800.00 not 200.00
id like to know what to expect if i am going to book
i under stand she wants to keep low key, but you must realize like you screen us we kind of like to screen the provider by reviews

Vicki Nicole4191 reads

Listen I don't personally have a problem with reviews. I actually like them, to me they help providers become better when they can get some feedback on their encounters
I wish i had more reviews, I only have one.
But anyway I did try to talk kendra into the review thing but this is not something she is willing to compromise on.
I would suggest that someone takes one for the team as you guys put it and then back channel the other guys who are interested in seeing her.
It is of utmost importance to her that the people in her private life never find out the details of her encounters, she said those kinds of things can come back to haunt her. They do not know she does this at all and they are under the impression that she has left the adult entertainment business except for dancing.

-- Modified on 12/24/2003 1:02:42 PM

jldick503906 reads

Vicki thanks for the video clip this morning, it was better than a cup of coffee for starting off my day.(LOL)

as always


Vicki Nicole4026 reads

kendra made me delete it cause she said it was embarrasing. It was only meant to be for my entertainment.
But I thought it was cute didn't you?
Anyway she's gonna tape some video specifically for the website. Hopefully today.

jldick504562 reads

Vicki I liked the clip that you showed me, I didnt see anything wrong with it, Kendra is just to hard on her self(LOL) it was cute.


I agree with Hogan 100%.  I said before that I don't think I'd book her at the normal rate but if there was some decent chatter I'd take the plunge at $800.

I would agree, with no reviews is there something to hide ? The only response I got wasnt real favorable

Vicki Nicole5186 reads

I posted that question to kendra thru email who wrote back:
"Yes , there is something to hide.
The detail by detail of what I am like sexually ever being stumbled upon by my boyfriend , husband , family , or friends."

Radio_Flyer3994 reads

If I recall correctly some months ago there was a review of Kendra Jade. I remember since I saw her on E2k and thought she was hot. So did some research on her. They werent too favorable, but there was no denying she was hot. Of course the reviews in question are no longer in the data base(perhaps she asked for it to be removed since she doesnt like reviews posted).

fasteddie514004 reads

If you check down a couple of pages, you'll see that Kendra doesn't want reviews posted... she's kept her escorting fairly low key.

jldick503803 reads

I don't know why reviews would bother her, everything else about her has been posted on this board and Iam sure that the first guy to see her at her new low direct rate, will come on this forum and bragg about it and if you PM him, he will probably tell you more than you want to hear, so its not like anything is a secret.

as always


Vicki Nicole3599 reads

Kendra does read this board, she's just not a member. She just sends her feedback to me.

OK I'm gonna post verbatim because sometimes I misinterpret what she wants said and I apparently posted some inaccurate information before:

"I am VERY uncomfortable doing a lot of booking independant of my agency. I just thought we'd try it out and see how it went, the rate discount is ONLY for the holidays. Then its back to the normal $1500. If anyone wants to lock in the discounted rate, for future use they need to send their deposit this week. I really don't want reviews, I want as little written about this or me as possible. I know it doesnt make booking easy , but it keeps my LIFE easier"

oh and
Is Kendra going to be at the AVN convention?
"No , I dont do those things anymore - They make me nuts."

Just so you guys keep coming back to the site, kendra is going to videotape a lil message for me to upload to the front of and she's also going to take a bunch of pictures on her digital camera specifically for the site.

Ok I think that's about it

-- Modified on 12/24/2003 4:41:09 PM

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