Porn Stars

Re:False ADS
BIGPOPPA21220 25 Reviews 4408 reads

I used Body Miracle three times in 2002 and was happy with the service everytime, they had no problem with my questions about video and other things. Now E2K, thats another story, I tried to use them twice and nither was very pleasent, when I tried to meet Miko Lee in Aug of 02, they would not answer any question I asked and it was the complete opposite of "who are you?", When I told them who I was, they said they knew who I was...???


bodymiracle4831 reads

Guys who call us get an answer, not a recording. We are here just about 24/7 and guys who call us get what they want, and when. 866.252.2299

Click here for lots of photos & tour schedule:

lostronin3251 reads

I have bitten my tongue on this for  while, and have been out of the scene for a bit, but I feel you that all  of my fellow hobbyists have the right to know this. My experience with BM was horrible. If you have been a PSE hobbyist for a while, it was well known who ran this agency. I had always booked direct, but I could not find a contact # for one of my ATFs and thus called BM as their rate was cheaper then E2K. I asked to speak to the owner and I was treated as though he didn't exist and when I asked a couple of simple simple questions (does she allow photos?) I was asked " who are you again???"
when I finaly met with this lady, she told me that BM was not a company  that ever represented her and BM also defered to another lady when she wasn't available...
If you look at their banner Jenna and Devon are on it when you go there and that is misleading enough.
I have been a PSE hobbyist for a while and have never been treated as badly as I was by this group, so be careful.

I used Body Miracle three times in 2002 and was happy with the service everytime, they had no problem with my questions about video and other things. Now E2K, thats another story, I tried to use them twice and nither was very pleasent, when I tried to meet Miko Lee in Aug of 02, they would not answer any question I asked and it was the complete opposite of "who are you?", When I told them who I was, they said they knew who I was...???


bodymiracle4200 reads

The girls on our opening page are photos we licensed for use as "generic", and NOWHERE on our site do we offer them as escorts. EVER.

Most people understand this. E2K does exactly the same thing with the large photos on their opening page. It's called marketing. Have you seen attractive girls in automoble ads? Did you think the girl came with the car? Companies license photos all the time for a certain look they wish to achieve.

If you can find a single reference on our website to those girl's identity, or rates or schedule, we'll give you a free hour with any girl on our website. Hell, we'll give you 4 hours!

DJDude3004 reads

It does seem dumber than hell to post the misleading cover girls when you already have some damn attractive women that you do represent.

lafilmguy2697 reads

bodymiracle's reply rings false... let's take the car dealership analogy that they used, for instance.  A car dealership that sells Buicks would not put a picture of a Ferarri on its website. Why put pictures up of things they don't sell? This is especially true with an escort service...An escort service should only have pictures of girls who actually escort for them.  A car dealership that has pictures of beautiful women in, on, or nest to the cars they sell STILL are obviously selling the car. This is not so obvious when what you are selling IS the beautiful woman. Why put pictures of girls who are unavailable on your web site? It is highly misleading.

First of all I would like to say that I have never used BM, nor am I trying to plug them.

As far as the photos... many porn stars and other models do shoots where they sign a model release and the photographer sells those photos to anyone he chooses.  The model is paid for the shoot and she usually has little knowledge of who is going to end up purchasing those pictures.

Is it a marketing ploy... yes!  Is it misleading... perhaps, but it shows how dumb the person actually is who believes he is misled.  The pictures draw you into the website... once inside, you find the "cover girl" is not available... but they are hoping you find someone else you like. If you just look at the front page and make an assumption without checking further... that's your fault.

Marketing is the key to any business... look at grocery stores, ever notice that the bread and milk are located on the shelves farthest from the checkout?  That's so you won't run in and back out again... walking through the entire store gives a greater chance that you will see something else and buy it too. The same goes with cereal... ever notice the expensive crap kids want are always located on the shelves closest to the floor... it's eye level with the youngsters.  They see it and pester their parents until they buy it.... that's marketing folks! Don't be so naive!

jldick502754 reads

Yes what you say is true, but the grocery store has bread and milk and all the things they plug in their ads, BM is showing us pictures of ladies they dont have and probably never will, thats the difference.

as always


lostronin3253 reads

I am glad you had a good experience. I have always had a great deal of respect for you Poppa and perhaps my case was an isolated incident. I was just very turned off by the way I was treated and thought I would offer a heads up.

I realize that TER is not a service but it does offer reviews of such. One would think they'd find a review of her inside... or is that just marketing?? I think it's marketing... but what do I know.


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