Porn Stars

Re:Does TER really matter?
mti 3983 reads

Its economic. The majority of the members here probably wont go over $500 for an escort, pornstar or not.

fasteddie517411 reads

I was just thinking... Belladonna has completed her first tour with E2K.... from all that I heard, she was booked solid.


Not ONE mention from any member of this board regarding seeing her, or any review posted here OR on Big Doggie...

What does that tell us???

That it's true that those of us who post and review ladies is a  VERY, VERY small percentage of the number of hobbyists who are involved in this endeavor... otherwise there'd have been several reviews of the lady.

So keep that in mind when we get a little high on our horses about how much we can or cannot affect the ladies or the agencies.....

Maybe she saw a higher percentage of non-TER personnel during her tour.

Lord Of The Rings4547 reads

The well known High Roller Agencies akin to ASFPlatinum, Nicis, Centerfold and even E2K don't promote themselves on any boards, yet they are at the top of this hobby in revenues without the need of any message boards.

They promote themselves through Direct Marketing, Strategic Newspapers, Magazine Ad's and Corporate Liaisons.

We are and will always be the minority for them. I have always thought and still think that we do not damage any tours or ladies reputation as much as we might think, by attacking any lady or agency that is not performing correctly, but it is your duty to express yourselves honestly that could change the few thousand of readers point of view.

On the other hand, there are thousands or readers out there and many few that post a message or a review so in reality we cannot either assume that because there are very few participants and reviews, means that TER does not really matter.

As always, Book Direct and Never and I mean NEVER send any deposits.


-- Modified on 11/10/2003 8:03:46 PM

mti3984 reads

Its economic. The majority of the members here probably wont go over $500 for an escort, pornstar or not.

Bella was booked SOLID you say?  an "ugly" hag like her?  my god, what's this hobby coming to?  there can't be THAT many tasteless jerks out there, can there?  ----> that's called "sarcasm" folks!


i guess right now TER may seem a bit like a small "Better Business Bureau" for the hobby -- or say, the Office of Consumer Affairs! LOL ...  but i suspect its "pull" may be increasing ... what with the ad campaigns, word of mouth and whatnot

cuz more and more "stars" it seems, are coming here to advertise, contact each other and set things straight (not to mention lurk) and more so than years before (granted i may not have been here back then, but i can certainly read the damned archives)

the talent obviously cares about what's being said of them here (duh!) including any ripoff claims and other contractual disputes, more so than if this board was inconsequential ... if it really was, why would they bother to advertise here?

as for the agencies [cue theme music] i'm sure they would like nothing better than for all of us to think we don't matter one jot ... that our debates, reviews and ratings can't make a dent in their business ... but if so then why do (some) also bother to advertise here? ... did folks already forget the "Agency Wars" episode that premiered on this board recently?  ;-)

whoever is reading all the ads, announcements and touring schedules posted on TER  ought to be smart enough to figure out who's worth it, who's not and what's what (though i'm sure that this still doesn't excuse your garden variety imbecile)


ultimately, the proof is in the web logs! ... only TER knows the amount of foot traffic on this board ... not to mention how frequently pornstars' database profiles and reviews are accessed ... and likewise, only the agencies can estimate what % of their site traffic was directed there from TER

Good Question, Eddie, although as you noted, there were no reviews posted on BD, either.

For some time, I've been curious about why there are virtually no reviews (or even inquiries) about some of the more, uh, 'mature' ladies. Let's face it, a lot of "the hobby" involves male fantasy. Many of us looked at photos, etc of various ladies 15-20 years ago (pick any major 'skin mag' a la Score). I suspect that a fair number of these ladies may still be 'active', yet you wouldn't know if by reading these Boards. Aren't there a few of you guys over the age of 40 who would be interested in either 1)dating, or 2)what happened to  that lady of your fantasies 15-20 years ago? Heck pictures of many of these adult models still regularly show up on both pay and free web-sites.

Eddie's example is a good one, but let me give you another: SF RedBook has a section titled "strip clubs". There are several SF clubs where virtually anything goes (Market Street Cinema, New Century Theater). Each week, new touring 'headliners' appears at these venues. In some cases, a given 'headliner' has four or more 1-week runs per year at these clubs. (A few names: Sunset Thomas, Kayla Kleevage, Brandy Dean, JR Carrington, Kandi Kox, Stevi's a long list). Yet, virtually zero reivews and hardly any mentions of their appearances. OK, so many of these ladies are in their 40's. So what? If they are still in shape, they can rock any guy's world. Popularity? Well, if the club owners bring these ladies back for 4 weeks a year and advertise them in the local papers they must have a pretty good following. Having contacts with some of these ladies, I can assure you that they pull down $$$$$ for these appearances from private shows.  Yes, most of the above-listed ladies have a handful of reviews, but nothing compared to the number of 'fans' they actually see for private sessions.   Do a search on either BD or TER and you find few, if any reviews.  Is the lack of reviews an Age issue? It's hard to believe that more TER, BD, and RB members are 20-somethings? After all, this is an expensive hobby.

TER is a very valuable resourse, but I'm still wondering if there are other resources to find out about some of the 'legends'.

Thanks for asking the question.

Leeanna goes to San Francisco & she features at New Century Theater.  But you knew that already Humboldt, didn't you?

chgodude4326 reads

eddie is so right, for we want to see pse provider's direct. to help us see pse provider's direct we must put up our review's. i noted on stevie that she has not had a review since may 2003, no one has seen her since than?? i am to see her this week & i will post a full review, as i alway's do.

-- Modified on 11/10/2003 7:02:56 PM

A Spectator4917 reads

new beautiful ladies.  As far as PSs are concerned, since one only saw limited number of hobbyists during a tour, with multiple reviews posted truthfully, it is quite easy for an agency to know exactly who that reviewer is.  Maybe that is one of the reasons why so few reviews are posted on PSs.

-- Modified on 11/10/2003 5:50:43 PM

dommie5065 reads

I would love to see more info on the stars of the past (80's and early 90's) who may still be out there. Jeanna Fine, Leena, Alicia Monet, to name a few if they're out there. I just don't think that many people post reviews. Take Anna Malle or Kathy Willets. You see a new review on these very popular ladies maybe every few weeks and you know that they are always booked. Another thing: The porn star section has become so diluted. When you do a search, with porn star as the only option, you get pages and pages of names that I have never even heard of. You could go 5 pages before a recognizable star name like Anna Malle, LA LaMann, or the 80's Cara Lott even appears. And all those ladies on E2K and we don't see many of them reviewed even once. And you know someone is seeing them. I do find TER very valuable as a resource for the hobby though. Probably the best example of this is: For years I always wanted to meet Aja, after seeing her many videos in the late 80's. My favorite star at that time. But I never knew or dreamed that she would be available in any way. Then I joined TER and in the first week of my membership, saw her reviewed here. Wow!!! I was able to see her a number of times (and they were all great) before she, unfortunately for me, retired last year. Thanks TER and those of you who posted reviews on her.

At $1K and up it probably doesn't, at less it probably does. The most important reason is about supply and demand.

Most guys who can afford frequent dates at $1K and up are likely too busy to want to write about it. I don't quite see them dictating the review to their personal assistant.

I agree with LOR , x 2000 main clientelle are not the working stiffs saving up for 1 hour with his fantasy PS , and then wanting to share his experience with a review.
Most of these guys are Executives , Lawyers , Wall street types that can have multi Hour sessions and to them its just chump change how much they spent. Maybe they tell some guy at the "club" they saw a well known PS or Playmate and what the experience was like , but have no interest or need to be a TER  member.

RichardT4406 reads

How many people own a gun yet do not have membership in the NRA?  How many people vote regularly yet are not affiliated with any political party?  How many Americans support our military yet never have worn the uniform?  I would think that the percentages of activities I have quoted is somewhat equal to those who subscribe to TER as opposed to those who frequent our respective hobby.  I believe that those of us that make up TER, as well as those who make up the other organizations that I mentioned earlier as well as countless others are the information base for that particular interest.  As such, you bet we are important.  It is my opinion that we help remove the "cavaet emptor" factor from the activity.  All industries should have a place where you can get this sort of data in advance of making a purchasing decision.

Maybe this needs to be looked at from a different point of view. You can't assume that everyone who sees a PS or a regular girl, for that matter, to want or feel the need to write about everything, let alone actively *find* a community on the web that discusses this.

I think what TER represents, and what the smarter providers see it as, is a focus group. What works, what doesn't. How much most people will pay X amount for a girl with Y sort of looks who provides Z-class service. Granted, the method in terms of quantifying all of this is up in the air, seeing as how all of this, in the end, is subjective, but what the TER audience who contributes does do is serve as a sample for the customer base as a whole.

This isn't to diminish the value that the site offers with the reviews. Went a girl with no reviews once, and I'll never do it again.

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