Porn Stars

Re:By the way, welcome aboard Sinnamon!
Sinnamon Love See my TER Reviews 7348 reads

I really appreciate that Eddie! We just can't have some strange chick rubbing her bare twat all over me in the middle of a seedy strip club even if it IS all the way in the back in the lap dance room! I mean, I know I don't wear panties with my dresses, but what type of floozy did she think I was??? A girl does have standards you know!

I;m glad you're bringing the crazy foam... I left it in L.A. and was racking my brain trying to figure out where to get it! I asked the concierge at my hotel and she didn't know... Now all we need is water balloons, whipped cream, peanut butter & a plastic inflatable kiddie pool...

I'll bring the chocolate Patron (tequila) and a little pussy.

Did we ever figure out who was bringing the dip? ;-D


pinklips8505 reads

Porn Star Esorting,,,, The Wave of the Future


We would like to announce that there is a new twist to the pratice of having private encounters with Porn Stars.  This type of project has never been done before, by anyone.  This is the ultimate opportunity to spend some private time with some of the legends of Porn.

In the past 3 years there has been an explosion of Porn Stars openly escorting.  Many of the top names in Porn have alligned themselves with some National Escorting Companies.  These companies have "sponsored" tours to most of the major American cities.

These tours, give the average "Joe" the opportunity to visit with well a known Porn Star, in an escort type setting.  This type of activity was a great idea, as not everyone has the opportunity to live in LA, or has the chance to meet a Porn Star at either a video signing, or visit a Gentleman's Club, where his favorite Porn Star might be dancing.

These escort companies have built up a large client base, and the truth be known, the Porn Stars actually have more fun with their fans, than they do staying in LA. making videos.

The "smart" Porn Stars have gone the route of no longer working exclusively with these companies, as these companies charge a premiumn for their service.  Making an encounter with a Porn Star, somewhat expensive.   When a Porn Star escorts on her own, she is able to reduce her rate, to make it more afordable, to more of her fans.

To bring Porn Star Escorting up to a " new level", I along with Fasteddie, have devised a new website. This ground breaking idea is called;  This site , will allow hobbyists to experience the ULTIMATE FANTASY! Whether you are a seasoned hobbyist, or a newbie, this is the opportunity of a lifetime.

This site is a paid site, for $100.00 you can join, and then be placed in a drawing to spend 3 days and nights, in a tropical setting, with all of your expenses paid, with 3 of the legends of Porn.  When I say all of your expenses, this is what I mean.

If you are chosen as one of the 2 lucky winners, you will have your airfare paid, you will stay in a Villa with 7 bedrooms.  There are 3 beaches, there is golf, surfing, snorkeling, sightseeing, and a private pool, on a mountain, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

There will be a private Chef, your preference for food will be provided, all of your alcohol,,,,,, everything is provided for you at this Villa.  This is a chance of a LIFETIME!

By being a member of this site, you will have access to hundreds of never before seen photos.  You will have a private e-mail address for each of the Porn Stars, and you will receive advance notice of all of their upcoming tours, with priority booking.  Plus, you will recieve a $100.00 discount for any future bookings, with all 3 Porn Stars.

In other words, you can't lose.  Where else can you spend $100.00, and have a chance to spend 3 days and nights, with 3 legends of Porn, and have someone pay for it??  Plus, if you are not one of the 2 lucky winners, you get a credit of $300.00,,,, just for losing!!

How much would this cost if you tried to do this yourself?  Well figure between food and travel, the rent on the Villa, and the Chef, you are already talking about $15,000.00  Now add in the Porn Star rates, for 3 days and nights, and you must add approximately another $36,000.00.

So for $100.00, you get a chance at a $50,000.00 weekend of unrelenting pleasure.  Myself, Anna, and Jeanna, are known for their absolute debauchery, their distaste for wearing clothes, and their complete and unrelenting desire to please, and to be pleased.

This adventure will take place Feb.20-23,2004, mark it down on your calendar now, and join now.  There will be a limit of 500 members to this site, don't delay in joining, only to find out you tried to join too late....  THIS IS A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME !!

Lustfully, Kathy Willets, xoxo

-- Modified on 9/25/2003 7:47:49 PM

fasteddie5118122 reads

There's always a cynic...

First of all, Kathy Willets is one of the most respected and honest ladies in this business.  She never hesitiates to tell the truth regardless of the consequences... I've never seen a bad word or an accusation of anything "shady" said about Kathy and/or her business practices on any of these boards, and I'm sure there are many members of TER who will chime in and attest to her integrity...  Kathy would not risk her reputation or even consider being associated with anything that wasn't totally above board.

Anna and Jenna are in this for the fun of it, and have no desire to be involved in the mechanics of the selection process.

As for myself, I couldn't care less who the other guys are... they're not my prime interest - lol.

The selections of the winners will be done in a totally random fashion, and will be preformed and witnessed by disinterested third parties with no ties or associations with any of the participants.  The method of selection and the results will be available to any MEMBER of the website who wishes to see them.

More than likley just can't put up the 100 bones to get into the pool

the odds are surprisingly difficult to fathom .. or so i've heard

Fast Eddie, I was just pointing out that in this ANONYMOUS virtual world we live in here at TER, a 'contest' like this is very open to fraud. Sorry if that offends you - one man's Cynic is another man's Pragmatist.

And Big Poppa, I have the cash. But good luck to you and anyone else who decides to participate.

To even sniff a pair of panties in this hobby you need a little bit of cash. One of the biggest reasons I would think about signing up is that I would get a discount on three providers that I have no met yet, but want to, so to me it kind of makes sense.

-- Modified on 9/27/2003 1:36:17 AM

Holly Follower6793 reads

You don't need to become member of any site to get a discount, what you need is to use the power of negotation. I've seen Holly several times and even got one date for free "literally" (thanks for the correcting me Kathy) after only taking her out for dinner.

-- Modified on 9/27/2003 8:17:07 PM

pinklips6530 reads

Did you mean that you literally; dictionary : strictly adhering to basic meaning, 2. add emphasis

Or did you mean this:  dictionary:  of literature,2. formally expressed

Since you posted literary,,,,, I guess you read her a book!!!!

Possibly:  "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"


Holly Follower7262 reads

Kathy, I don't know what got into your cerebrum but I was simply stating a fact to Bigpoppa and in no way am I responding to your or Fast Eddie's posts.

Is that the way you respond to those that are in disagreement with your thoughts by trying to ridicule them?

I feel so sorry for you.

-- Modified on 9/28/2003 9:35:21 AM

whoever you are, i just don't get you ... really i don't ... first you post in this thread, which is clearly about the, without (i'm guessing) realizing what it's about -- at least judging based on your comments about Holly

Wake up dude. --- Holly Follower® (9/27/2003 11:13:31 AM) (63 reads)

then half hour later you go an post this accusatory post, labeling Kathy's post as SPAM ???

SPAM. [EOM] --- Holly Follower® (9/27/2003 12:48:38 PM) (102 reads)

now did i miss something? ... or did you?

pinklips7603 reads

This was my original post, announcing a  new website, that guys can join, for the chance of winning a 3 day and night vacation with 3 Porn Stars.

You come on and post about how no one has to join a website, to receive a discount, because your such a great guy, and your such a great guy that you don't even have to pay anything, all you had to do was take the girl to dinner.

Well I think we have all seen posts on that sweet soul, documenting her unfortunate situation, and if you think coming on here, and bragging about taking advantage of her , makes you the man of the year, you are mistaken.

I'll jump down your throat anytime I see something like that.  Your post attached to my post announcing that there was a problem with PayPal, saying it was a spam,  certainly made me notice your handle, for the  very first time.

And for your information, while you might have the ability to  get discounts,( no one will ever know the real truth) I can guarantee you this, you will not ever get a discount from any of the girls who are attached to this website.

Now you want to play the martyr role and accuse me of giving you a hard time, because I don't agree with you?

Your posts have been an attempt to disparage our website.

Now, I want you to tell everyone how you can spend 3 days and nights, in a tropical setting, with 3 Porn Stars, for only $100.00!

-- Modified on 9/28/2003 10:16:53 AM

Holly Follower6649 reads

Kathy, you seem to be frustrated because of my posts, which aren’t intended to discredit your site but to tell Bigpoppa that there are other options besides joining sites. Many people have used this type of marketing strategy in different venues and it does work. One thing I need to ask you now that I’m on that subject, how will you assure those that sign up that indeed they will be getting a discount and what happens when one wise guy signs up with different e-mail accounts? Rates vary from time to time. As I have read in many boards, the ladies that are independent, have different rates depending on the City been visited. I’ve seen this a lot with Ryan Conner and a few others.

You're now saying that I will not get discounts from any of the ladies listed on your site! How will you know if you don’t have my name, and even more, who are you to tell the ladies listed on your site whether to give someone a discount or not? Do you think if I ever get to meet any of you would I say that I’m Holly Follower?

You now want to discredit me by saying that I’ve taken advantage of Holly! I must say that you're wrong. You don’t know what type of relation I’ve built with a lady who has class and is in a rebuilding stage of her life for you to come on this board and publicly try to ridicule me again while attacking her.

I do think you and your friends are spamming this board with your website. I see nothing wrong with the contents and values of it but to use this board to promote your site is class-less. The only reasons why TER hasn't removed it, is because you wisely added their TER logo, a very well thought move.

I truly feel sorry for you Kathy.

-- Modified on 9/29/2003 7:14:20 AM

pinklips6604 reads

I'll try to make this brief.

Why is it that TER is holding your posts for almost 24 hours???

We are not spaming this board, no matter how much you want to try and discredit our/my site.  By posting a link to the site, is no different than say "Sally Porn Star" posting a link to her site,,,,,, nice try.

You want to inform Bigpoppa that there are other ways to get a discount, fine.  Please tell ALL of us, how to get a $300 return , for spending $100.00.

And please tell ALL of us how you can arrange for someone, or yourself, to spend 72 hours, with 3 PS, and have all of you expenses paid, for only $100.00.

As for Ryan Conner's rates, that her business.  As for me, my rate is the same, no matter what city I visit, and the same with Anna.  So I am not telling any of the girls what to do.  As for Jeanna, she really is not touring, she is doing this because of our friendship, and the opportunity it presents to her.

What difference does it make if a girls has a different rate for one city, if the person who wins, lives in a city where a girls's rate is less than say, NYC, you still get the discount, no where does it say that the discount applies to a "set" rate.  Read and comprehend

Of course I do not expect that you would identify yourself, not many people of your charactor do, remember, the web is faceless, and quite a few of you out there just love to change your handle/e-mail addresses daily.

Since I am on the subject of your charactor, you brag about having an encounter, or infer that you did, with Holly, all for the cost of a TV dinner, instead of paying her, ,,her rate.  Great guy.

I think if you go back to my post, I referred to her as a "sweet soul"  I did not mention her name, I have NEVER said on thing bad about any provider.  Nice try.

If you actually take the time to read and comprehend all of the rules an regulations, you'll find that it is explained, in detail, how someone is to sign up, and what they must list, as for e-mails.

And it explains just how someone will receive his discount, take the time to read.

While the process is not perfect, it is designed with the idea( which might be flawed), that someone is not going to abuse the method of having 40 different handles and e-mail adresses.

If a person wants to sign up more than once, with different e-mails, he can do so.

To end this , in a nutshell, try to answer my questions.  And I believe it is quite apparent to everyone, what your intentions are in posting, in the guise of giving Bipoppa advice.

-- Modified on 9/29/2003 11:09:27 AM

Holly Follower6236 reads

Kathy, I can see how hard you are trying to prove the veracity of your site and contest, but no one here has criticized or challenged it. One thing I need to tell you is that Playboy TV, through their weekly programs of Nightcalls and Nightcalls 411 have weekend giveaway weekends at Hedonism in Jamaica FREE several times a year. Pornstars and other Playboy celebrities are present during those all paid weekends, but I will leave it there since my post wasn’t meant to challenge your contest or site but a simple suggestion to Bigpoppa that you obviously felt it could jeopardize your project.

I truly feel sorry for you Kathy. You’ve shown you true colors. Good thing that you can go back and fix your original posts so that the new readers can read a different post to what you originally did regarding Holly, were you attacked her character, when you have no right as you aren’t better than her.

pinklips7463 reads

Thank you humboldt, and I agree with you, he is the type who get's his rocks off being abused, one of those masochists.

And singleton, how true, comparing a "meet and greet" with some Playboys models, and their bodyguards/security people all around.  Sure sounds like a lot of fun to me.

Now to you, Holly Fan, you are the jerk who takes advantage of someone.  For your information, I have NEVER changed any of my posts, I put thought into my posts. I never back down from what I have posted.

The ONLY reason I will modify a post, is after it is up, and I read it again, and find a typo.

You and your accusations can go pound salt, and this is out of character for me, as I always try to come across in a professional manner, even when I disagree with someone, but I not only think you are a jerk, you are a liar.

Once again, I have never, and will never, exploit a provider, nor would I ever attack a girls character.

You are the loser, that felt he needed to come on my post and give advice on how you don't have to pay to see girls, you are the one, who wanted to stroke his ego, by telling everyone on a public board , that you saw Holly, and all you needed to do was buy her a TV dinner.

Don't ever try to twist my words around,,,,,,BITE ME!!!!

Kathy, this "guy" is a Troll. It is entirely possible that he doesn't "hobby" at all. Rather, he may be one of those people who gets his rocks off by making posts to boards like this one simply to get other people upset. It is just another kind of "kink".  If this is the case, then every time you answer "him", you are "providing" for "him" without compensation.

Although I've never had the pleasre of meeting you, I've read your posts on this and other boards, as well as a number of your reviews. Based upon this information, I'm comfortable trusting you (and Fast Eddie) regarding the "Porn Star Weekend". I wish you every success.

Don't allow Trolls to rip you off.

is what's crawled up this guy's butt?

alls i did was ask him how could he label that announcement as SPAM? which he still hasn't answered btw ...  i mean even if the entire contents of her post were in "greek" (as in gobbledygook, not anal!)  and he saw "pinklips" as the poster you would at least think he'd say "oh, pornstar making an announcement" or something ... not just an unknown spammer, etc

and to do it after having seen the announcement half-hour earlier in another thread in which he posted (re: BIGPOPPA) just smells to me of yet another malcontent taking potshots at someone he  doesn't like (the reason we may not know, but that he dislikes Kathy is very clear)

of course, now he's back-pedaling, nit-picking (re: multiple entries) and citing examples of similar "giveaways" (but which frankly have NO hobby equivalency whatsoever!) and dragging other girls into it and god knows what next

me thinks behind that alias most likely lies an old enemy with an axe to grind!


show me an honest business(wo)man and i'll show you someone who's angling to hurt them anyway they can .... especially in this business ... it never fails!


Thanks for advice, but I am aware that there are plenty of options out there. I don't really join sites or use agencys at all anymore.

                                     Big Poppa

jldick509210 reads

OK Big Poppa knows the mantra, always book direct and never ever give a deposit.

as always

I have given a few deposits in the past, not recently, but may if she is a known provider. As far as booking direct, I've found that if you are cool to them, in most cases they will be cool to you, A little sweet talk doesn't hurt either :)

fasteddie519714 reads

This concept came out of a casual conversation that Kathy and I had one evening... As an avid fly fisherman, I was surfing the web looking for rental packages in tropical locations.   During my search, I came across some stunning (and expensive) luxury villas... I happened to mention it to Kathy and observed that it'd be a fantasy come true to be able to spend a vacation in a villa like one of those along with a few gorgeous pornstars... A lightbulb went on over Kathy's head, she said "why not do it?" and so we began brainstorming ideas to make it happen.

Thus was born  It's taken almost a year to put together, finding the perfect location, finding the right combination of PSE's with similar philosophies and attitudes, working out everyone's schedules, etc., but all the elements finally came together and Kathy and I believe we have developed something very unique.

Understand that Kathy, Anna and Jenna could make a hell of a lot more money in a three day period than they're getting for this project.... Check out the average rate for a 24 hour date, multiply it by three days then multiply it again by three pornstars...  But they've all come on board because they see it as something totally unique plus a fun way to spend three days in the tropical sun kicking back, partying and hanging out with their pornstar girlfriends in luxurious suroundings, and getting to know a few lucky fans to an extent that's never been done before.

In addition, they're so enthusiastic about it that they've each agreed to give a $100 discount for any private booking scheduled with a site member, so it's a no-lose situation.  If you book just one of them, you've essentially broken even on the membership fee PLUS you get a chance at the trip.  If you meet all three of them, you've actually saved $200.  It's really a no-brainer!

Details and photos of the villa and the ladies can be seen at - check it out!

Eddie, I've followed the development of this adventure since you and Kathy began dropping "hints" on your sites. I'd like to wish you success, and thank you for doing this.

For the sceptics out there, you've made your points and given everyone a 'heads up'. Now it is time to move on.

I suspect that this Adventure has been/will be a LOT of work for Eddie and Kathy. They will be responsible for all the details, AND making certain that the winners and escorts have a great time. Don't kid yourselves, folks, Eddie and Kathy are going to be working hard.

A few years ago, a friend of mine, a previous 'headliner' on one of the "Boob Cruise" adventures, decided she'd like to start her own "Cruise". She hired the ship, the ladies, made the arrangements, screened the guys, etc and cruised the Caribeean for a week or so.  When I asked her about her experience she said it was one of the most difficult tasks she'd ever undertaken.

So I wish you both the best of luck.

fasteddie517794 reads

I forgot to mention, the one and only, always interesting and beautiful Sinnamon Love has just signed on as an alternate in the event that some unforeseen event prevents Kathy, Anna or Jeanna from attending...

Glad to have you with us, Sinnamon... (Now, I don't want to see you lurking around any of the other lady's houses with rope and duct tape.  Tying up Kathy, Anna or Jeanna to keep them from going will definitely disqualify you! - lol)

Thanks Eddie! I can't wait to play around with the other ladies... I've been wanting to meet Kathy for awhile! I met Anna really briefly at AVN ac ouple of years ago and have always heard the wildest stories about her swing parties! :-D I promise I won't tie up the other ladies... I'm betting on you having such a great response that you'll have to add me anyway just to help out! I was a fluffer in at least 2 of the 5 big World's Biggest Gangbands! (The first with Annabel Chong & the Houston 500)

Oh, and Eddie? I have an entire bag of rope coming with me to Atlantic City... want ot help me wrangle some cute little thing? Are you planning to go to the lingerie auction to benefut the Free Speech Coalition? Last year the dancer I won pulled my skirt up and started grinding on me pussy to pussy in the lap dance room... I certainly can't fall victim to that alone this year!!!


Sin, let me know if you need help replacing these lovelies ... "rope and duct tape" is my cousin Vinnie's specialty!  

I said to myself I am not going join that site, but now I may just have bastard

Three women on my top ten list in one place at one time, wouldn't I be stupid for not doing it?

If we paid some extra could Sinn come along for the ride anyway?

Hmm... I may have a new friend! I love a man that's handy with ropes... Lol! Not that I'm into that sort of thing... ;-)


fasteddie515995 reads

Why Sinnamon, I'm a wrangler from way back!  I'd be happy to protect you from a dancer grinding her pussy on you in the lap dance room... like the Secret Service guarding the President, i'd throw my body in front of that wayward pussy in a minute (to protect you, of course)!

Glad to hear you're bringing the rope... I'll cross it off my list... now all I have to remember is the rubber suit, the Mickey Mouse ears and the Crazy Foam....

I really appreciate that Eddie! We just can't have some strange chick rubbing her bare twat all over me in the middle of a seedy strip club even if it IS all the way in the back in the lap dance room! I mean, I know I don't wear panties with my dresses, but what type of floozy did she think I was??? A girl does have standards you know!

I;m glad you're bringing the crazy foam... I left it in L.A. and was racking my brain trying to figure out where to get it! I asked the concierge at my hotel and she didn't know... Now all we need is water balloons, whipped cream, peanut butter & a plastic inflatable kiddie pool...

I'll bring the chocolate Patron (tequila) and a little pussy.

Did we ever figure out who was bringing the dip? ;-D


Plus don't you think all Sinn would have to do is ask and they'd let her :)

...but is anything ever wrong with someone as hot as Sinn on her knees?

-- Modified on 9/26/2003 12:14:44 AM

You do NOT know just how big the smile on my face got when I read this...!


Hey Sinn, I'm sure it wasn't near as big as the smile you left on my face:)

Deal i know i am signing up i could use a weekend away great job eddie and kathy

col hogan

see their profiles on TER ...  one thing is for sure, the performance of these women is anything but 'average'

Anna Malle 9.75
Kathy Willets 9.52
Jeanna Fine 9.25

for the non-hourly rate:

"72 hour booking with a top rated PSE; $15,000 - $24,000+. Conservatively speaking your looking at a MINIMUM of $20,000 for ONE pornstar" -- FE51


of course, now i'll probably get accused of shilling for  ... no matter ... the fact is, i'm not even registered cuz i'm out of the country that weekend

frankly, the only worry you should have in mind is who the "Third Man" will be

Register Now!