Porn Stars

Asian Fan 4289 reads

As you being one some here look up to, you should be suggesting the right thing to a newbie so he doesn't leap the wrong way.

Don't you think?

Asian Fan

rosebud5665 reads

Amid much previous discussion on this board, was it ever disclosed which providers do, in fact provide BBFS. Those that do not wish to post names may e-mail me privately. Thanks in advance for your coorporation.

I tried finding it - what is BBFS?

BBFS = Bare Back Full Service....intercourse without a condom

Jonnie Jones3701 reads


jldick504550 reads

Yes there are providers who will offer BBFS, but this is usually offered to regulars and not something they advertise or that they want everyone to know about.

as always


You must also provide a Couple of Clean tests to show that You dont have anything....

Here we go again, It seems like this gets asked every month, LOL

Yes some providers offer it, but like it was said in another post on this thread, you usually have to be a repeat client. Now that being said, I have been offered it by a provider or two in the first e-mail I got back from them without even asking for it, which is kind of scary don't you think. Yes they would want  a current pcr-dna test, usually within 30 days and would more than likely want a full screen . . .well maybe they would?

All this being said think about what your asking and then ask yourself is it worth it? I guess thats up to you, I'm not trying to steer you in either direction, In no way do I have no right to say you shouldn;t do it, just giving you something to chew on and help you think before you leap.


Asian Fan4290 reads

As you being one some here look up to, you should be suggesting the right thing to a newbie so he doesn't leap the wrong way.

Don't you think?

Asian Fan

I think I made it clear what I was saying AF, but thanks for your $.02


He's a grown man, I'm sure he can make up his mind as to what is right and what is wrong, Look before you leap is the piont I was trying to make.


fasteddie514543 reads

There is another consequence of BBFS that doesn't involve an STD... Getting a girl pregnant.  Just because she's a pornstar doesn't mean it can't happen.  They're human, and just like any other woman can forget to take her pill or misjudge the timing of their periods...

I think about all the guys who won't send a deposit because of how flaky they feel that pornstars are... If you won't trust them enough to send them a deposit, why would you trust them enough to remember to take their birth control pill every day?  Possibly because in the case of money, we think with our heads, and in the case of sex, we think with our dicks.

Just one other factor to consider....

fasteddie514500 reads

While there are some who do offer it, they wouldn't want that fact shared on a public forum, and I doubt any hobbyist who has engaged in it would admit it openly either.  

The ladies also probably wouldn't want the guy they did it with to spread it around even in a PM, or so I'd guess.

Dude, not here, please. Think about how reckless your post is.

Yes it does go on, but I think it should be left between the contracting parties. Not everyone out there is as microbe free as you might think.

also remember that there is a lot of alcohol and drugs flowing within certain groups and this makes the parties more likely to not use protection when they should and then pass on the consequences to you.  I have known 5 providers that have gotten pregnant from a "client."  One of the 5 was a PS.  This is way more common than you think.  Also, a lot of the women in porn are not on the pill believe it or not.

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