Porn Stars

Re:A round of apologies
BlindGuy 7193 reads

Leeanna used to have an ad on with her cell phone number. I spoke to her (she was having brunch with her Mom at the time) and she quoted me a rate of only $$$$ for an hour and $$+ for 30 minutes. I am sure her rate will be much much higher through E2K.

Leeanna had some reviews on TER and they indicated no kissing and French with a translator. I hope Leeanna's level of service increases along with her rates.

to bigusdickus, lloydwright & imemine.  Leeanna is indeed escorting.  You were right, I was wrong.

to FastEddie.  No bait & switch @ E2K.  Leeanna is indeed under contract to them but due to a personal problem (won't let me reveal exact nature) was unable to make her bookings in NYC & Chicago last month.  Memo to colhogan & other Bostonians, Leeanna will be happy to come out here if she's flown in.  Otherwise, we'll never see her on a E2K tour in Beantown.

I've linked to her NEW OFFICIAL under construction website.  Leeanna has 5 new movies coming out shortly.

Since you're a fellow chowd, email me direct (GreenLantern1417& & I'll hook you up with Leeanna's cell # so you can make arrangements to bring her to Boston or to see her if/when she comes back to Providence.

BlindGuy7194 reads

Leeanna used to have an ad on with her cell phone number. I spoke to her (she was having brunch with her Mom at the time) and she quoted me a rate of only $$$$ for an hour and $$+ for 30 minutes. I am sure her rate will be much much higher through E2K.

Leeanna had some reviews on TER and they indicated no kissing and French with a translator. I hope Leeanna's level of service increases along with her rates.

Well, an update to the story.  Guess who was given Leeanna's cell # last night??  Yes, ME!!!   She's in Connecticut now with stops in San Francisco, Wisconsin & South Florida planned in the near future.  Her roadie (aka her Mom) will keep me posted & I'll keep you guys posted here and @ my Yahoo! group (link below).  For those that want me to bestow the mighty digits upon them, email me @ GreenLantern1973& or GreenLantern1417&

MichaelCA, I do have permission to give the number out from her.  Certain individuals (FastEddie for example) already have received it in their email inboxes.

No worries, Greenlantern. Yes, I corresponded with her through email and called her on a cell she supplied, and the numbers BlindGuy reported are accurate. Her restrictions are fine with me (I prefer them), though I'm sure her prices will go up when she joins E2K. I should kick myself for not rearranging my schedule and meeting her when I talked to her last.

What kind of restrictions does she have??

BlindGuy7935 reads

When I spoke to Leeanna she quoted me rates of $$$$ an hour or $$+ for 30 minutes but no kissing, French with a translator and only one cup of coffee. Hopefully, her level of service will increase with her higher rates through E2K.

The cell # in her reviews was disconnected.  The one I have has a PA area code.  If you called the SoCal cell #, it's not working now.  For those that want to meet this hottie, drop me a line (GreenLantern1417& or GreenLantern1973& & I'll supply the number to you privately.

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