Porn Stars

Re: This Tells us Nothing
marlin123 1 Reviews 850 reads

A generic form is called Kamagra, which is widely available over the counter in Europe.  It is also Indian produced without many controls, and so safety has been an issue with it.  It is blue-green and shaped like Viagra.  If that is what some of the Canadian pharmacies are selling (and I don't have any idea if it is or isn't), people should just be aware.  It has the same active ingredients as Viagra but can certainly be suspect concerning dosage or contaminants. Concerning the purely fake Viagra tablets, you're on your own with those.

Posted By: Jesse1975
....yes there are plenty of online pharmacies however most of them are scams. For instance a lot of them sell a generic form of viagra. To my knowledge, there is no such thing....meaning it hasn't been produced in a generic form yet. So again...are there any sites people can recommend?

dysfunktion3986 reads

Just curious how pornstar escorts are with clients who suffer from ED?

DikPman1334 reads

Posted By: dysfunktion
Just curious how pornstar escorts are with clients who suffer from ED?
They are absolutely thrilled. They will be more than understanding and sympathetic. They get paid for work they don't even have to do. Do you really think girls who are mostly in their twenties enjoy having sex with mostly middle aged men?

That's what it's for.  When you meet a PS, you should take it to ensure your best performance.  Also, many adult film stars date older men.  If you follow any of them on twitter, some date and/are married to their co-stars who are in their late 30's and early 40's.  They also date a lot of regular older guys.

jtmoney123451269 reads

How do you obtain Viagra without actually being diagnosed with ED?  i would like to use it so that I can last longer.

Just google it! There are hundreds of websites that sell it really cheap!

jtmoney123451439 reads

is it safe to use recreationally?  i've been wanting to use it so that i can actually take advantage of the hour sessions

Posted By: jtmoney12345
is it safe to use recreationally?  i've been wanting to use it so that i can actually take advantage of the hour sessions.  
Yes, I've had some amazing sessions while taking Viagra.
During my first ever meeting with a porn star, I did not use Viagra and I was overly excited because it was my first time fulfilling my dream of being with a porn star.  Needless to say I did not last 5 minutes before I was cumming all over the place.  After discovering Viagra recreationally, I was able to meet with the same porn star for a second time.  I chose to go for what I called to double threat (not triple).  Not only did i take a 100mg Viagra pill 30 minutes prior to her arrival at my hotel room, but I also jacked off 45 minutes prior to our agreed upon meeting time.  I highly recommend doing this if you're ever going to meet with a porn star.  Not only did I last the ENTIRE hour, but I was able to paint this particular porn star's face with a load so huge that she was quite impressed.  Since then I have met with several porn stars and this is my chosen routine.

Do you or anyone else reading have any website recommendations for purchase?  From what I hear you do not need a prescription but also I hear that most of the online sites are scams.

Any recommendations?

jtmoney123451174 reads

Thanks for the info buddy,
From my experience, just like you everytime i see a PS, i only last 5 mintues.  which to me is a total waste, since you are paying for the hour.  also, my question is after taking viagra, how many times will it allow you to go within the hour.

Posted By: jtmoney12345
Thanks for the info buddy,  
 From my experience, just like you everytime i see a PS, i only last 5 mintues.  which to me is a total waste, since you are paying for the hour.  also, my question is after taking viagra, how many times will it allow you to go within the hour.
For me, I look at it like this.  Since I'm paying for the hour, and I fulfilling a dream, I figure I might as well go all out.  I try to cum as many times as I can with the time that I'm allowed.  I also try to establish this with whomever I have an appointment with.  I let them know I want to get the most bang for my buck (pun intended).  Some women are up for it some aren't, YMMV.  As for the viagra, nearly everytime I used it, I've stayed erect  after I have cum.  Once, I'm able to take a few minutes to regroup, I'm fully erect again to go another round.  

Also, I'm sorry but I do not know of any sites to get Viagra from.  I have a friend who I get them from.  I got a supply of 30 for a good price.  I decided once I run out, I'll probably will be done with this hobby lifestyle, and I won't be using it anymore.

....yes there are plenty of online pharmacies however most of them are scams. For instance a lot of them sell a generic form of viagra. To my knowledge, there is no such thing....meaning it hasn't been produced in a generic form yet. So again...are there any sites people can recommend?

A generic form is called Kamagra, which is widely available over the counter in Europe.  It is also Indian produced without many controls, and so safety has been an issue with it.  It is blue-green and shaped like Viagra.  If that is what some of the Canadian pharmacies are selling (and I don't have any idea if it is or isn't), people should just be aware.  It has the same active ingredients as Viagra but can certainly be suspect concerning dosage or contaminants. Concerning the purely fake Viagra tablets, you're on your own with those.

Posted By: Jesse1975
....yes there are plenty of online pharmacies however most of them are scams. For instance a lot of them sell a generic form of viagra. To my knowledge, there is no such thing....meaning it hasn't been produced in a generic form yet. So again...are there any sites people can recommend?

I would also like to know a TRUSTED website to purchase Viagra.  In all the responses not a single one can answer this simple question.

joecool59900 reads

Lol.....hmmm no one seems to know....smh!

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